Avenger Preferences/Scenarios

By XXanimeseeker22XX

1.3M 25.7K 2.3K

***I completed this story. Started in 2016, so the grammar throughout will change. For the better? I'm not su... More

How you two know one another
You tell him a secret/bad or sad memory
Your First Dance Together
Your First Kiss
First I love you's
You're sleepy
He gets jealous
He Gets Hurt
You Get Hurt
What he likes about you and What you like about him
You're feeling insecure
You catch/see them in an embarrassing position
He finds out your secret hobby
First Big Fight
Patching Things Up
You both get caught
The Morning After
Something of his you like to wear or have/Something of yours he has
You're Drunk
Who You Hang Out With When They're Busy
Pickup Line Fail
A Private/Relaxing Moment
Facing Fears
Coming to the Rescue
Mission Together
Your Song
You Get Scared/Afraid
You Can't Sleep
He Can't Sleep
You Break a Bone
Your Birthday
When You Both Get Nervous
Seeing You In a Swimsuit
Accidents Happen
Pillow Fight!
Date Night
You're Embarrassed/Pranked
Seeing Old Scars
Operation B.A.B.Y. - Steve's Chapter
Operation B.A.B.Y. - Tony's Chapter
Operation B.A.B.Y. - Bruce's Chapter
Operation B.A.B.Y. - Thor's Chapter
Operation B.A.B.Y. - Loki's Chapter
Operation B.A.B.Y. - Clint's Chapter
Operation B.A.B.Y. - Bucky's Chapter
Operation B.A.B.Y. - Sam's Chapter
Nightmare Gone Bad
Snow Day
Waking Up to You
Waking Up to Him
You Hear Him Talking About You
Stressed Out
Saying Goodbye for a Mission
A Call While Away
Using His Weapon
Training Together
He Needs Reassuring/Comforting
It Was All A Misunderstanding
Thoughts After Meeting for the First Time
Code Word/Phrase
You're Kidnapped
They Come to the Rescue
You Almost Die
Waking Up
Hallmark moment
Side Affects of the Kidnapping
When They Found Out You Sleep with a Stuffed Animal
You Catch Them Staring
His Surprise for You
When They Tease You
What he likes about you and What you like about him
When You Tease Him
He's Drunk
They Accidentally Scare/Intimidate You
His Birthday
Something About Him That Bugs You
Something About You That Bugs Him
Cute Habits
Something You Do That Turns Him On
Something He Does That Turns You On
He Stands Up For You
Happy Halloween
Sensitive Subject
If They Had Met You Homeless
Happy Thanksgiving
Christmas with Steve Rogers - Cookies
Christmas with Tony Stark - Shopping
Christmas with Bruce Banner - Decorating the Tree
Christmas with Thor Odinson - Gift Giving
Christmas with Loki Laufeyson - Caught in the Snow
Christmas with Clint Barton - Ugly Sweater
Christmas with James "Bucky" Barnes - Sick
Christmas With Sam - Hot Cocoa
They Smack Your Butt
When He Realized He Loved You
When You Realized You loved Him
Casual Day Out Together
Stuck Inside Together
Happy Valentines Day
Body Swap
The Baby Talk
The Avenger He's Jealous Of
A What?!
Their Reaction to Your Suicide
Rainy Day
Your Favorite Picture of You Both
His Favorite Secret Moment of You
His Love Letter to You
A Not So Sober Confession
His Favorite Personality Trait of Yours
Your Secret place
Favorite Type of Hug
The Song That Reminds Him of You
The Songs That Remind You of Him
They Give You a Massage
The Song That Sets The Mood
I Promise. . .
Song That Makes Him Upset/Sad
The Type of Boyfriend He Is
How He Knows You're Mad and What He Does to Fix it
What Sex Would Include
What Your Family Would Think of Him
Midnight Dance
Kill It!
It Hurts
Love Quote
Public Display of Affection
The Teams Nicknames For You
Something You've Said That Made Them Feel Better
Soulmate Alternate Universe - Steve's Chapter
Soulmate Alternate Universe - Tony's Chapter
Soulmate Alternate Universe - Bruce's Chapter
Soulmate Alternate Universe - Thor's Chapter
Soulmate Alternate Universe - Loki's Chapter
Soulmate Alternate Universe - Clint's Chapter
Soulmate Alternate Universe - Bucky's Chapter
Soulmate Alternate Universe - Sam's Chapter
Something You do That Takes His Breath Away
You Show Him Up
He's Jealous Of Another Avenger Before The Two Of You Date
His Reaction To Your Cooking
You Watch Him Train
Just For You
Photo-Booth Moments
Late Night Musings
Who Had a Crush On You When You Were Single
They Miss You
Would You Survive Thanos' Snap?
Who You Had A Crush On Before You Started Dating
Defender or Protector?
Panic Attack
If They Were Your Brother
What He Does to Make You Feel Better After a Bad Day
He Hears You Singing
Your Favorite Supernatural Creature
Something He Does That Takes Your Breath Away
As An Old Couple
Shy and Gentle
His Reaction To Your New Haircut/Hair Style
They Find Out You Practice Witchcraft
Alpha/Omega Roles
You Accidentally Text The Wrong Avenger
He Tries To Cook For You
With Your Legs Wrapped Around His Waist...
A Lost Letter From Home
He Sings/Hums to You
You Show Up All Dressed Up
Finding Out You Can Understand/Communicate With Animals
When He's Exhausted After Work
Waking Up in the Hospital
Anniversary Date Location
You are a Soothsayer
What Supernatural Figure Would You Both Be?
He Discovers You Have Superpowers
Worst Nightmare(Nightmare That They Die)
Will You...? - Steve's Chapter
Will You...? - Tony's Chapter
Will You...? - Bruce's Chapter
Will You...? - Thor's Chapter
Will You...? - Loki's Chapter
Will You...? - Clint's Chapter
Will You...? - Bucky's Chapter
Will You...? - Sam's Chapter
First Look (His Reaction to Seeing You In Your Dress)
Walking Down the Aisle
The Vows
The Venue Location and Colors
Wedding Song
First Dance
Honeymoon Destination
Surprises and Decisions
Talking to the Baby Bump
Finding Out the Baby(s) Gender
Pregnancy Symptoms
The Nursery
Meeting Your Baby

You Think You're Losing Them

8.5K 156 6
By XXanimeseeker22XX

Steve Rogers

     It was strange, one week he was so loving and sweet to you and this week he had never felt more distant. He was not the type to keep secrets from you, not the type to be so hush-hush about anything and even if it was for you he would eventually crack and tell you. Something was clearly up and you wanted to know what that was, even if it meant going about it behind his back. You were sitting on the couch, waiting for Steve to get home but by the time he had you were long asleep. He stopped coming home at regular times, stopped telling you where he was going and all but stopped talking to you in general and it was rather heartbreaking. You love him, love him with all of your heart and it was a hard pill to swallow to think that he was slipping away from you and there was nothing you could do. You decided that when you managed to corner him next you were going to confront him and ask him why he was acting like this. You stuck by that promise to yourself because when morning came you were waiting at the door for him to try and sneak out again. "Steven Grant Rogers, what on earth are you doing sneaking around like this? Have you even thought about me? I mean I have been waiting up for you every night but you never show until after I fall asleep and then sneak away before I wake up." You placed your hands on his arms and he didn't move but he smiled, oh it wan't fair, "I promise you that I still love you but I can't tell you where I'm going or what I've been doing but believe me, you will know soon, alright?" You failed to see how that was suppose to help but you couldn't deny that smile, you felt helpless as you watched him leave.

Tony Stark

      You were just as busy as he was and it was clearly taking its toll on the relationship. You never knew what he was up to down in that shop but it wasn't the same for him because he could ask Jarvis what you were up to. It was almost like being under constant watch but not able to see what the other person is doing. You love Tony but this is getting ridiculous, you were bound and determined to know what had his mind occupied all hours of the day. You weren't necessarily worried about it being another person but more worried that it was something you did that pushed him away. You tried very hard to make sure to spend as much time with him as possible but sometimes you just couldn't. You waited by the door to his workshop for him to peek his head out and see what you wanted, it wasn't like you hadn't done this a million times before but it felt so different today. Today felt like this could be the last time, it felt like you were losing him and you could feel the knot building in your throat. "What can I do for ya, Sweet Cheeks?" he surely wasn't acting much different than usual "Tony," you voice was small and sounded about as nervous as you felt "What have you been doing down here? I mean you're here all of the time and I've hardly seen you lately. . ." you whispered. He stepped out of the shop shutting the door behind him before he held you at arms length. "I love you, I just, can't tell you what's been keeping me busy and besides you don't need to worry because I'll be up tonight and we can spend some time together then. Sound good?" you nodded but you sure didn't feel better about the feeling in your chest as you watched him shut the door leaving you alone with your thoughts.

Bruce Banner

       It was hard for Bruce to show affection without the nervousness and this week he'd been more distant than every before. You hadn't noticed at first thinking it was just work again but the more you noticed it the more insecure you felt. You certainly weren't perfect but you felt perfect around him but now, as you watched him from the corner of your eyes you never felt more insecure. You had convinced yourself that he was going to leave, again, because of the other guy he had to deal with and to be honest that would come as a relief from the panic and pain because then you know it wasn't your insecurities that ran him off. It would be the first time you felt this way but it certainly never got easier and each time you felt like he was slipping away from you, it only seemed to hurt more. There wasn't a part of your life that you didn't see him in, he was your here and now, he was all you saw when you thought about the future so you were scared to loose him. Your heart had, had enough and made you stand to confront him. You didn't know what you were going to say or even how to say it but you walked over to him anyways. "Br-Bruce, can I talk to you a minute?" he nodded and followed you without a word otherwise towards the spare room across the hall. Once in there you crossed your arms and looked away from him, unable to keep eye contact "I, I don't know why you've been so distant lately but I love you and if you're going to leave you can I won't stop you" you felt his hands on your shoulders making you look up. "I'm not leaving, lord knows I should because I'm nothing but a danger to everyone here, but I'm not. I love you, I do but I can't tell you why I've been so distant and quiet lately. Do you trust me?" you nodded without hesitation. "Then trust me when I tell you I love you and I'm not leaving you" he gave you a sweet smile before leaving the room, before leaving you standing there alone with tears streaming silently down your face.

Thor Odinson

       Thor never told you when he needed space he always just up and left but you understood that and never really questioned this because you trusted him. You never felt the need to question these sudden disappearances before but now you weren't so sure. It started with just a few times, now he's gone most of the day and only comes around late at night to stay until morning. You love him but you weren't going to be someone he just bounced back and forth from and so you decided it was best to confront him the next time you saw him. You missed him you really did, missed the long talks about everything and anything, you missed the way he smiled and how happy he made you but you didn't have that now. You sat on the bed and when the time came where you were normally asleep he showed up and you stood abruptly, "Thor, where have you been? I wait for you day and night but I never get to see you anymore, if you do not wish to see me then say so because I cannot stand this pain" you place your hand over your chest nearly in tears already. "I love you, love you with all of my being but I cannot stand by and be the one you just sleep next to anymore. Please if you are going to leave, just leave but do not pull me along and drag my heart through the thorns of heartache any longer." tears were steadily running down your face. "Maiden, whatever has you so worried you needn't be. I love you with everything in my very being and I would never do that to you but I cannot tell you what has my nights and days so occupied. Trust me?" he offer you a hand but you couldn't take it "I trust you. . .just don't take too long" you whispered before getting to sleep looking away from him because you were unable to face him right now.

Loki Laufeyson

       Loki could the nicest man in the world and then suddenly flip-flop and become one of the coldest, you were used to it by now. Now that didn't mean you liked when he acted like this it only means you were used to the sudden change. You sat calmly reading a book, well there was a book in your hands but you were certainly not reading it. Your mind was occupied with other things, like why Loki was all but refusing to talk to you or even grace you with his company and to be honest it was worrying. You finally gave up on the book you had open and tossed it aside, less worried about the book's condition in the end and more worried about losing the man you'd fallen hopelessly in love with. You knew he liked his time alone and you did as well but sometimes you needed him around, you love his company most of the time so this was like torture. You searched most of the castle for him but couldn't find him so you reluctantly went to his mother. It wasn't like you didn't like her it was just she seemed to know everything about you from just the looks you'd give her. Other than that she was probably the nicest person you'd ever met. You found her doing what you had been trying to do, reading. "Lady Frigga, have you seen Loki around?" she gave you that same smile she gave you when she was about to tell you everything you needed to hear but didn't really want to. "I am afraid my son has told me not to tell you where he is, but, he did give me this to give to you if you so happen to request his presence at any point" she handed you and note and you thanked her before slowly heading back towards your room. "Loki, I swear to Odin. . ." you cursed under your breath as you sat on the window's ledge to read the letter. "Love, I know you need me to be with you but I cannot be and so I hope you will understand that I will be returning soon. Be patient. I love you and there is no need to worry. ~Your King" You smirked at the signature but his words did not make anything easier and it certainly only made you more curious as to what he was up to.

Clint Barton

         Clint will always be close to Natasha and you had come to understand this because it would really only make you a hypocrite to say anything to him. You normally spend most of your time with him but lately the closeness you felt was fading and it started to scare you, started to make you doubt everything you have with him. You sat, very alone, in the only place you felt wanted and comfortable. The nest, which was a place where you and Clint spent days off to make fun of Tony or tease everyone else. You were in tears watching the two below, you were very aware that they probably could see you but you weren't in any condition to confront either of them. You tried to keep those tears in by thinking about anything else but, as luck would have it, you felt them start rolling down your cheeks. You watched as he hugged her, watched as he tore your heart from you. You were one hundred percent sure you were losing him to her, she was very pretty and very smart, trained with him all of the time and well you assumed she's probably a better match for him. You watched him climb up and sit next to you, "you don't have to pretend to care about me Clint, I saw you two" he sighed and rested against the rails like you had been doing. "She's only helping me with something, don't worry, Little Bird, I love you and you only. She's a good friend but she's got someone already and I wouldn't just leave you for her, alright?" he smiled but you couldn't, you nodded though. You couldn't ignore the feeling creeping up into your mind making you doubt him, but for now you set those feelings aside.

James "Bucky" Barnes

        Bucky, back in the forties, was a man who talked often and smiled about as much. He was a friendly and open man without a care in the world it seemed. Bucky now was a very quiet and reserved man and he had the right to be with how much he had been put through. You had seen both sides and even though you miss the way he was you certainly adore him even now. You had noticed how often he was starting to come in later, sneaking out more often in the morning and even lying to you about where he was going. It was the recipe for disaster, these sort of warning signs never usually end well and you had been through more of this than you'd want to admit to. You hated the feeling of losing someone that means so much to you but Bucky was your world, he is your future and your past. You ran your hands through your hair, pacing anxiously in the bedroom waiting for the soldier to get back. Lord know when that would have been any other day but today, you knew he'd be home about midnight. He had told Steve he was going to be and you heard that so you were waiting, you were going to either tell him off or completely break down, you weren't sure yet. Sure you were mad but you were equally upset that he was doing anything of the sort to you after knowing how much you had to deal with in the past and even going so far as to throw away what you had been doing to take him back in when he was 'lost' and needed the help. In the middle of debating the door opened to reveal a very tired looking man, which you would have thrown yourself at if it had been any other day. "Bucky, I sure hope you have a damn good excuse for coming home so late and ignoring every call I made to get a hold of you!" you snapped crossing your arms "I love you, you, you. . .you idiot, why would you do this to me? I have been here through some of the hardest times and you treat me like this?" The soldier was left speechless and for a long time he didn't do or say anything. "Are you going to just stare all night?" you were crying, staring hard at the floor forcing the words out through clenched teeth. You wanted so badly to push away from his tight embrace but you found yourself leaning into it "I love you" he repeated those words a few times as he held you. "Trust me, I would never do anything like that to you but I can't tell you where I've been or what I've been doing but I promise you I would not do something like that to you." You couldn't look him in the eyes but you nodded believing him, even if only temporarily.

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