Bruises| 17

338 17 4

Just like that night, Taehyung had a very quick shower, hoping to get away from his fears as quick as possible.

He's greatful for the fact that his father never actually touched him inappropriately when he stripped for him, but it never stopped the dirty feeling from fading.

At one point he was scared that his father was going to castrate him.

He remembers exactly what his father's words were;

"You look just like your mother when she used to satisfy me"

"I would have fucked you senseless by now if you didn't have a dick"

"Your mother is right, you seriously need to lose weight. Pig"

"I can't believe someone as disgusting as you is my son"

These words fuel the depths of his insecurities and he swears he hears these words on repeat during the nighttime.

He kind of has to be thankful that he isn't a girl otherwise he would've had nothing left in him to give.

All his firsts have gone other than his virginity. That's really all he has left. All he has left worth fighting for.

However he wonders if he will ever actually give up his virginity. It's not as though hi father will give up beating him any time soon and he's definitely not showing anyone the bruises.

Besides, if his father did stop beating him, he still has all the battle scars on his body. And his trust issues wouldn't ever allow anyone close to him.

He flinches at the slightest of touches so how would he ever be able to be intimate with anyone.

Maybe pleasure isn't meant for everyone, especially those who are broken.

'i guess I'm just a sinner'

When he's out of the shower, he wraps a warm fluffy towel around his whole body to keep modest.

Plus if his father is awake, he doesn't want to have his body on display.

Gently and quietly, Taehyung creeks open the bathroom door and peeks his head through the gap. The only thing that's keeping his body shielded is the rickety door that could be broken down in one kick.

Cautiously, Taehyung looks around. He narrows his eyes and scrutinizes every little object that his eyes can see.

Luckily his father is not in sight.

'the coast is clear' Taehyung thinks to himself like a little kid would when they're playing a spy game.

When he would younger, he felt safe and secure in his family. Yes they did have a few arguments here and there, but ultimately they were all happy.

That's he reason why Taehyung thinks about childish things and re-enacts his old games because that was the time when he was happiest.

And he's not happy now.

His soft feet pad against the wooden hallway floor as he makes a run to his room.

His flat feet amplify the slapping sound and he fears he shall wake up his father.

Although from past experiences, he knows that when his father is asleep, he is asleep. There is no waking up his intoxicated body.

And he couldn't be more greatful.

He manages to make it into his room without any of the floor boards creaking. After that, he closes his door gently and changes out of his towel into fresh underwear and clothes.

He looks into his mirror to see his body that's littered with scars, cuts and bruises. He used to be such a good looking kid, but now he just looks broken. Abused.

Quickly he slips his legs into skinny black jeans. They have no rips in them as Taehyung can't afford for any of the bruises to show.

Then he puts on a beige hoodie that's oversized. This means that his clothing won't rub against the bruises or stick to the fresh cuts.

He moves over to his bathroom and turns on the little light. A yellow hue lights up the bathroom and every few seconds, the light flickers.

He looks at himself in the mirror before taking out his makeup bag. He places it on the basin and gets to work in counseling his bruises.

One of his eyes has turned black so he has to be extra careful in covering that up or it could become obvious.

Luckily his face isn't too damaged. However the rest of his body isn't the same.

He's lucky if he hasn't cracked a rib he was kicked that hard. He moves around with a slight limp as his leg absolutely kills. When he was thrown to the floor, his right leg and arm took the fall.

Taehyung is ambidextrous so writing won't be an issue.

He sprays lavender and jasmine scented body spray before brushing his hair and putting on his white coloured mask.

He grabs a small handbag with a strap to put his phone in and extra makeup he might need.

Then he looks at his outfit in the mirror making sure his bruises are covered completely.

Then he looks at his outfit in the mirror making sure his bruises are covered completely

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Wearing masks is a pretty common thing to do in Korea so nobody will question him. Yes he doesn't want to get any airborne illnesses, but it also helps cover his split lip and bruised on his chin.

He has used makeup to cover it up, but he fears that the makeup might come off. So just to be on the safe side, he is using a mask.

Also, he's insecure about how low his baggy hoodie is going. It reveals his prominent collar bones and his Adams apple.

As much as he looks cute in this outfit, he's just using it as a disguise for his bruises.

This morning Taehyung decides to use the stairs and not the window. Both of his parents are fast asleep. Taehyung bets they are both exhausted, one from crying the whole night, and the other for fucking a prostitute.

There are perks of blacking out, everything is quiet.

Taehyung dashes down the stairs and through the front door.

Now all he has to do is kill time before school.

Weightless| Vkook 💜Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora