Promise| 68

211 11 4

Taehyung and Jungkook walk through the hallway to get to the other side of the house upstairs.

Then Jungkook opens the door to his room that's seemingly black. Taehyung likes the colour choice.

"Welcome to my room" Jungkook introduces it.

Taehyung had to admit, out of all the rooms that he's seen in Jungkook's house, this room is his favourite

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Taehyung had to admit, out of all the rooms that he's seen in Jungkook's house, this room is his favourite.

Unlike the other rooms, this one isn't too big, however, it makes good use of the space.

Taehyung loves how bright it is in the room despite the bold, dark colours. And he loves that Jungkook continues the theme of plants in his room that is carried across the rest of the house.

Taehyung feels safe and happy in this room. He loves it.

"W-wow Kookie....this's amazing" Taehyung finally manages to stammer out.

"Thanks babe"

Jungkook closes the door to his room, despite his father telling him not to, and pulls Taehyung towards him by his hand.

"What do you want to do?" Jungkook asks with a flirtatious gaze. "We've got plenty of time to kill"

Taehyung innocently looks up at Jungkook, placing his hand on Jungkook's muscular chest.

"What do you have in mind?"

Jungkook pecks Taehyung on the lips before the smaller male pulls him in for more.

Jungkook's hands grip Taehyung's waste, making sure to keep in a respectable position. He doesn't want to do anything that Taehyung doesn't want to.

He knows that Taehyung isn't ready for sex yet, or anything along the lines of that. And that's ok. Jungkook doesn't mind. He's willing to go slow with Taehyung. He's worth that.

Jungkook's hands creep up Taehyung's hoodie, making Taehyung's skin tingle from the contact. His fingers rub against the small of his back, teasing Taehyung a little.

One of Taehyung's hands goes to the back of Jungkook's neck, playing with his hair. It tickles slightly making Jungkook smile into the kiss. Taehyung's other hand stays on Jungkook's chest, keeping himself from falling over due to being on tippy toes.

Jungkook is a considerable amount taller than Taehyung so even with Jungkook crouching down, Taehyung still has to go on his tip toes.

Eventually Taehyung's claves can't take anymore and he has to break away from the kiss.

Both males are left panting a little. Both have desires that they wish to delve further into, but both know that now isn't the time.

This still doesn't stop Jungkook from wanting to take another step with Taehyung and continue on kissing him.

So that's what he does.

Jungkook kisses Taehyung, teasing the younger male, before pulling away again. Taehyung looks up at him in confusion as Jungkook starts walking backwards towards the bed.

He sits down on the edge of the bed and pulls Taehyung forward so that he's straddling his lap. It catches Taehyung off guard and makes him flush a little red.

"Is this alright baby?" Jungkook questions.

Taehyung nods.


"Let me know if you want to stop okay" Jungkook says this to make sure that Taehyung's comfortable, not wanting to push any boundaries.

Jungkook starts kissing Taehyung's neck, starting with open mouth kisses before he starts to remove Taehyung's hoodie.

He looks for permission in the blonde males eyes and once he finds it, he completely removes Taehyung's hoodie.

Taehyung still wears a t-shirt underneath, however, it's a very baggy top that reveals a lot of his honey skin that Jungkook craves.

Jungkook notices the scars on Taehyung's arms (as it's a short sleeved top) and sees the bruises that litter his skin. It makes him feel sad that Taehyung had to go through something like this.

"Can I take off your top?" Jungkook asks.

Taehyung notices the shift in mood and starts to feel a little uncomfortable. He knows how bruised and scarred his skin is underneath his clothing.

"I-i...." Taehyung doesn't know what to say.

"I just want to have a look" Jungkook says. "I want to know how badly you've been hurt"

Taehyung sighs but slowly removes his own top.

Jungkook's eyes widen and he can't help but let a little gasp leave his lips.

There before his eyes are the darkest, nastiest bruises he's ever seen in his life. Some are purple, most are black.

There are the occasional green and yellow bruises from months ago that are almost healed.

"Baby this is awful" Jungkook mumbles.

Cuts and lacerations line Taehyung's skin, as if someone's been drawing tally's wrong on his skin.

He also notices Taehyung's ribcage sticking out abnormally far. It makes him feel sick with worry.

"I know" Taehyung whispers. "I'm ugly"

"No no baby" Jungkook coos. "No you're not. You're beautiful and handsome and loving and smart and a perfect human being"

'and I love you'

Taehyung gives Jungkook a sad smile.

"Thank you Kookie. You're all of those things and more you mean the world to me"

Jungkook chuckles appreciatively.

"Now can you turn around please, I want to see what your back looks like"

Taehyung reluctantly slides off of Jungkook's lap and stands up before turning around. He can hear Jungkook standing up at well before feeling something warm on the painful bruise by his neck.

His lips. Taehyung feels Jungkook work his way down his back, kissing each one of his bruises tenderly. His heart flutters at this loving act.

Jungkook then turns Taehyung around and kisses his bruises from his cheek to his belly button, making Taehyung giggle from the ticklish feeling.

"All better?"

"All better" Taehyung confirms.

Jungkook pulls Taehyung into his arms and climbs into bed with him, keeping the fragile boy close to his chest.

"I promise never to hurt you Taehyung. Whoever is doing this to you, I promise never to be like them"

"I know Kookie. I trust you"

"And when you're ready to tell me who's doing this to you, I'll be here to listen and I'll make sure they never hurt you again"

"Do you promise?"

"I promise"

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