Answers| 30

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Silently Taehyung's feet pad against the cold marble floor as he rushes up the steps to get to his class.

Despite hardly knowing the school nor his time table, Taehyung is able to effortlessly guide himself to class.

He might have missed half the lesson, if not more, but that doesn't stop him.

Once he reaches the third floor, he rests one hand against the wall and hunches over slightly to regain a natural breathing tempo.

'damn I really am unfit' Taehyung thinks to himself. 'i need to work out more, plus I've got a pouch of fat building on my tummy'

He makes a mental note to skip all food for the day and go for a run later. Well that's if he can walk after his beating and the chances are that he won't.

What he fails to realise is that he's acting unfit because he's so food deprived that he's getting weaker and his body can no longer support him in the same way.

Standing upright again, he has to wait a few seconds for his head to stop spinning and for his vision to return to normal. It's like the feeling when you stand up too quickly, however Taehyung gets this feeling a lot more than he would like to admit.

He walks gently down the never ending hallway. His legs feel like jelly, practically screaming at him to sit down. It feels as though he's run a marathon and if he doesn't sit down shortly he's bound to collapse.

Despite the warning signs, Taehyung continues past the pain. He's used to ignoring all the red flags that his body sends him. That's how he got where he is now, on the brink of his body shutting down. And if that doesn't kill him, suicide certainly will.

He's dancing along the line between life and death. Fearful something might tip him over the edge.

Taehyung's always thought dancers were beautiful. What he doesn't realize is he's the prettiest dancer of them all.

He haults outside of his class room door and allows himself to draw in a breath of anxiety. He's almost shaking in fear.

One breath in.

One breath out.


And out.


And out.

He repeats this sequence many times until his heartbeat is only just a little faster than a regular speed.

And then he knocks on the door. His bony knuckles clash against the solid wood.

Taehyung only sees disappointment when looking at his hands.

'They're chubby and fat' he thinks not noticing that they are unhealthily skinny.

"Come in" he hears his teachers shout and it snaps him from his toxic thoughts.

His trembling hand pushes down the handle and the door creeks when he opens it.

"H-hi miss" Taehyung stammers mentally cursing himself for being so weak. "Sorry I'm late"

"Just get in and be quite"


"Kids these days" she mutters.

She rolls her eyes and goes back to typing on a keyboard.

"Oh it looks as though I've already registered you as present" she says. "I didn't even realize you weren't here so that means you were here the whole time and I don't have to bother with you" she says harshly.

It hits Taehyung quite hard that she didn't even notice that he wasn't in the room but instead of vocalising his feelings, he choses to bow as a thanks and sit in the only spare seat in the room.

Next to Yoongi.


'fuck I'd forgotten about him'

Taehyung quietly sits down next to Yoongi. He doesn't know what to say. He doesn't want to even speak to him.

"Can we talk?" Yoongi asks.

Taehyung doesn't hear him though.



"Didn't you hear me?" Yoongi asks in concern.

"Oh you were talking to me?"


Taehyung coughs awkwardly and then scratches the back of his neck.

"Sorry I didn't realize. I've been taught not to assume you're being spoken to unless you're addressed by your name" he says.

"Who taught you that? It's stupid"

"Does it matter?"

"Fair enough sorry Taehyung"

The conversation feels very awkward and forced. Neither male quite knows what to say to the other. Both have so many words they want to say but neither of them say a word.

One because he's scared of saying the wrong thing and being hit.

The other because he doesn't know what to say.

So they both stay quiet and let the silence drown them as it's easier to face up to than the reality of things.

Eventually though Yoongi can't take the silence any longer.

"I think I figured out what happened all those years ago" Yoongi says gently to Taehyung as to not trigger any anger. "Why you didn't get my note. Why you got that text"

Taehyung turns to his old lover with a blank expression. He always had been easy to read but when he shuts down Yoongi hasn't got a clue what he's thinking.

And he hasn't the foggiest now.

"My father" Yoongi continues once he realises there's no response there for him.

"Go on" Taehyung urges him, finally giving a reaction.

"He's always been homophobic, but you already knew that. He's the reason why I left Daegu. I left without planning anything, I just walked away. All I did was write you a note and I left it in the photo frame of us"

Taehyung's brow creases at this but as it sinks in he nods for Yoongi to continue.

"Tae- sorry Taehyung I couldn't take it anymore. The slurrs. The disrespect. The hatred. The suicidal feelings"

Taehyung understands him, it doesn't make it right but if he had the choice to leave, he would be taking it in a heart beat.

"I had no choice I'm sorry. I'm assuming my father threw away the photo I left for you. God I should've done so many things differently. I'm so sorry. Please don't hate me"

"Are you happy?"


"Then I couldn't ever hate you"

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