Sexual Tension| 38

286 13 16

Jungkook and Taehyung sit on the floor next to the massive willow tree, leaving not much space In-between eachother.

It's currently lunchtime so both of the boys sit here to have some privacy.

"Can we talk about it?" Jungkook asks with a serious tone whilst looking deeply into Taehyung's eyes.

"About what?" Taehyung asks, but they both know what about.

Gently Jungkook rolls up the sleeve of Taehyung's hoodie. He shows all the painful cuts that Taehyung's been inflicting upon himself for so many years.

"I presume you've got some on your thighs as well"

Taehyung remains silent.

"When did it start?" Jungkook asks.

"Can't remember" Taehyung lies.

He looks across at Jungkook when hearing him sigh. It makes Taehyung feel guilty.

"When I was 8" Taehyung admits. "I put my finger in a blender to see if it would hurt. And then I found that I got a taste for causing pain to myself that I can control. It was a coping mechanism for when I couldn't take the pain anymore"

Jungkook's shocked by how much Taehyung opened up. He didn't think he would say a word.

"I'm sorry to hear that Taehyung"

"Call me Tae"

Jungkook's heart flutters. It's a sensation he's not used to but it makes him feel all warm and fuzzy inside.

"Alright Tae"

A boxy grin shines on Taehyung's face. Jungkook could look at it for hours and not get bored.

"When did you start?" Taehyung asks Jungkook.

"When I was 14" he confesses. "My parents were going through a divorce and it was really messy. My siblings all relied on me to basically parent them and sometimes I couldn't take the stress b-but then-"

Jungkook can't quite finish what he's saying. Warm tears rise up into his eyes like a damn about to collapse. A lump forms in his throat, restricting his breath.

He swallows the saddening emotions from rising to the surface and coughs away the lump in his throat.

Taehyung grabs his hand and holds it tightly to comfort Jungkook. The latter really appreciates the support.

"B-but little sister-" a tear leaves Jungkook's eye. "S-she got cancer"

"Oh gosh"

Taehyung wipes away the small droplets of water that leave Jungkook's eyes.

Once again Jungkook coughs as he composes himself.

"She passed away later on that year in the spring" Jungkook rushes out the sentence.

"I'm so sorry" Taehyung says sweetly. "If she was anything like you then I'm sure she was amazing. And I'm sure she's proud of you"

Jungkook chuckles sadly.

"Yeah she was pretty incredible"

He wipes his own eyes and looks towards Taehyung.

"Sorry about that" he smiles. "But I just feel so comfortable around you. Literally nobody else knows about that. Not even Jimin"

It makes Taehyung smile.

"Thank you for telling me"

Gently Jungkook pulls Taehyung in for a hug. It's a gentle loving hug that gives both the males the strength to carry on.

Slowly Taehyung pulls back a little, but not all the way. Their faces are just a few inches away.

Jungkook can feel Taehyung's hot breath fanning his skin. He looks down slightly towards Taehyung's bright blue eyes. And Taehyung looks up at Jungkook's deep, dark, black eyes that are enticing him.

Both boys look into eachothers eyes, both searching for clarification for what they both long to do.

Gently Jungkook's hand caresses Taehyung's pink flushed cheek before cupping it slightly.

Taehyung opens his mouth to say something but ends up closing it again. He doesn't know what to say, and he doubts there are any words he can say.

Then, as if in slow motion, he sees Jungkook's face move closer. His own face being drawn in as well, like magnets.

His lashes flutter shut, the closer Jungkook's lips get to his own.

'i want him to kiss me' Taehyung thinks to himself, tummy full of butterflies.

Jungkook's lips hover over his own, teasing Taehyung.

And then they're pressed together.

Their lips mould together like clay, both fitting together as if they're pieces of a jigsaw puzzle finally slotting together.

Jungkook's lips are warm and gentle, treating Taehyung with the up most care.

Jungkook's hands slide to Taehyung's hips, pulling his paper weight body on top of his own so that Taehyung's straddling him.

If Jungkook wasn't so lost in Taehyung's lips, he would be concerned at the weight of Taehyung.

But nothing can distract him from capturing his plump red lips in his own.

Taehyung's hand reaches for the back of Jungkook's neck whilst the other gently lays on his shoulder for balance.

Jungkook's hands move under Taehyung's top to hold his waist, creating heat from the skin on skin contact.

Both males eventually have to draw back to catch breath. Neither of them wanted it to stop, to go back to reality, for the high of the kiss to ware off. But they have to breath; sadly.

'if this is what living feels like then I don't ever want to die' Taehyung thinks to himself.

Jungkook pulls Taehyung in for more, he captures Taehyung's lips once again and runs one hand through his hair. His other hand cheekily grabs Taehyung's plump ass, giving it a tight squeeze. It makes Taehyung gasp, allowing him to slip his tongue into Taehyung's mouth.

Slowly Taehyung grinds against Jungkook's crotch making the elder groan a little and pull back from the kiss.

"Baby boy" Jungkook growls. "Don't make me hard otherwise you're going to have to fix it"

His deep and alluring voice sends shivers down Taehyung's back. He feels a little chilly from his dark and seductive tone.

"Please kiss me" Taehyung whines, desperate to feel Jungkook's lips on his own once again.

A soft smirk appears on jungkook's lips as he gently kisses Taehyung's jaw. He leaves no marks, just slightly wet kisses.

He knows Taehyung's gentle, and he plans on treating him like royalty.

"I'll never hurt you baby boy" Jungkook promises.

Weightless| Vkook 💜Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon