Scars| 36

274 13 10

The day goes pretty smoothly for Taehyung. Jimin and Yoongi try to talk to him, but they don't get much of a response.

Namjoon also questions the bruises that are on Taehyung's face, or at least he tries to, as he never receives an answer. Nobody ever gets a response out of the quiet boy.

Even Jungkook tried to engage in conversation but Taehyung's lost his voice from crying and screaming so much from the beatings his father gave him last night.

He knows that it's not good to speak when he gets a beating like that, even though his voice is usually nothing more than a whisper anyway.

The next few months continue the same, Taehyung avoids as much conversation as he can, he gets beaten by his father most evenings and when it all becomes too much, he cuts his wrists to relieve the pain.

However, his days change from today.

Taehyung walks to his art class slowly, last night he got the worst beating he's had in a while. His father's escort shouted at his father yesterday and he hit her. Sometimes Taehyung wishes that he didn't have such a pure conscience and wasn't such a nice guy, however, he is; which is why he stormed into the room and protected the young girl who couldn't be much older than he is. And my god was his father not impressed

That's why he is in so much pain today.

As selfish as it sounds, sometimes he wishes that the escorts didn't argue back. That way it would save him a beating or two.

But when they do argue back, Taehyung knows he can't allow anyone else to ensure what he has to.

So he saves them.

Ever since that one day where he forgot to bring his hoodie to school (that has more holes in it than it should), Taehyung's made sure to wear it everyday. He doesn't want to raise suspicion as to why he has so many bruises all of the time.

So as per usual he hides them.

And nobody's got a clue. Or at least most of the time they've got no idea. When people do notice, they pretend not to, as that's easier than asking what's wrong. And dealing with the issue is hard work, although it's not as though Taehyung's actually going to tell them what's wrong.

The corridor down to his art class is eerily quiet. It makes Taehyung's pale skin crawl. He doesn't like the silence. To him, it's like the calm before the storm.

Taehyung thinks of a song in his head to entertain himself. He doesn't need earphones as he's trained himself into being able to hear the music in his ears without using headphones. It's useful for situations like this as it keeps his anxiety lower.

Taehyung's late to class so he slowly and quietly opens the door, however everyone's attention is drawn to him.

"Any reason why you're late Taehyung?" The teacher asks.

Taehyung opens his mouth to respond but ends up coughing in pain as his throat is so sore. His voice is scratchy and painful when he is able to talk.

"S-sorry" he croaks out.

The teacher rolls her eyes but tells Taehyung to go to his seat. She can't be doing with him today, plus part of her can tell something is wrong, but that's above her pay grade.

Taehyung goes over to his seat at the back of the class with a slight limp. He tries not to make it obvious but his ankle is killing him.

He sits down next to Jungkook.

His trousers are so tight that it rubs against the fresh selfharm scars that litter his thighs. It makes him hiss in pain. It's likely that his jeans have caused his cuts to reopen so it's lucky that they're black.

Although it's not as though he's got any jeans other than black, and he's barely got any of them as it is.

Jungkook notices Taehyung's discomfort but he doesn't say a word about it, he knows Taehyung won't want to talk about it.

"Hi" Jungkook says anyway, knowing that he won't be responded to.

It frustrates him that Taehyung won't talk to him, but he knows it's none of his business if he wants to talk or not. He just hopes that one day he can have a proper conversation with him, but he doubts that'll ever happen.

He carries on with his art drawing, repeating and rubbing out the same line over and over again, never being able to perfect it.

"Come on" he mutters angrily.

Angrily he slams down his pencil, breaking it in the process.

"FUCKS SAKE!" Jungkook shouts angrily. Everything is frustrating him.

But quickly he calms down when seeing how petrified Taehyung is when he flinches and his fingers claw at his wrist out of anxiety.

"Shit I'm sorry Taehyung" Jungkook apologizes putting his hand out gently towards Taehyung.

His eyes soften when he sees Taehyung flinch away slightly. He feels so guilty.

But his eyes widen again when he sees small drops of blood fall from little crescents on his wrist. 

"Taehyung let me help you" Jungkook says gently whilst nodding towards Taehyung's wrist.

Reluctantly Taehyung inches back towards Jungkook, something about Jungkook makes Taehyung want to trust him.

"Sorry Yoongi said that you got scared by loud noises"

"You guys talk about me?" Taehyung croaks out.

Shocked that Taehyung's speaking to him, Jungkook carries on the conversation.

"Not much. He just told me a few things about you"

"It's none of your business if I'm scared" Taehyung snaps.

Jungkook sighs but gently takes Taehyung's wrist in his own.

He draws up Taehyung's sleeve on his peculiarly skinny wrist. He hadn't noticed quite how skinny Taehyung is.

His eyes widen at the scars embedded along Taehyung's wrist, stretching up to where his hoodie is all bunched up.

Some are new, most are old; but all convey the story of his pain.

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