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Warm, dappled, spherical light kisses Taehyung's tanned skin, waking him up like a prince from slumber.

His throat is soar and his eyes are droopy and red.

His whole body aches from sleeping on the rickety bench all night, and he's sure he will need a serious massage after this.

Isolated and alone, Taehyung attempts to navigate his way around the unknown area. His phone sits uncharged and slightly crushed in his pocket.

Taehyung has no idea how he found this area and this bench.

Once he got the news that his mother was dead, he just sprinted away. Far far away.

Not giving a damn about curfew or how many beatings he's going to get. Although deep inside he's shaking in his boots.

Currently he's numb, he feels paralyzed.

Glistening onxy orbs convey the emotions of the after effect of tears. Having to witness an event so utterly uncanny, his face contorts into a range of emotions ranging from sadness to fear.

Not an ounce of happiness is detected inside of him, although he probably should feel happy that the lady that ruined his life is now dead.

But he's too caught up in the brainwashing deceptions.

'she loved me' he reminds himself of the lie that he created 'she just had a funny way of showing it'

Deep inside he knows these are just lies, illusions of a better life to make himself feel better.

But not once would he ever admit that. He's in too deep.

And from beyond this world she still controls him, like a puppet on a string.

He's still held captive. Afraid and alone.

Taehyung stumbles down the gravel pathway on the hill. His feet grind against the stones making a scraping sound.

Every now and again he slips from the instability of the ground that he stands on. His feet skid and slide as though he's on ice.

One of his feet steps on a pot hole leaving the other to slide against the gravel alone. His legs tangle together like wet spaghetti and he's thrown off balance to the ground.

Squeezing his eyes tightly, Taehyung's body braces for impact.

Groaning out in pain, Taehyung opens his eyes to feel a hot and sticky fluid on his cheek, knees and palms of his hands.

He ended up face planting very ungracefully causing the gravel to slice into his skin like a knife into butter.

Drawing his knees up to his chest, Taehyung tries to keep all his overflowing emotions bottled up but is seemingly unsuccessful.

Warm salty tears cascade down his burning red cheeks as he cradles his sore knees in his arms.

"Mum I wish you were here" Taehyung whispers through soft hiccups. "You could yell at me all you want. Even hit me if it made you feel happy. You could do anything to me, I just really need you back here. Why won't you come back?"

Sobs racket through his chest as his throat tightens from the pressure of heartache and pain.

Breathing becomes laboured and more sporadic as his heart beats faster and faster to accustom to this change in his body.

"MUM!" Taehyung screams out into the open air, despite hardly being able to breath. "MUM COME BACK!"

But just as suspected, she never returns...

Around 10 minutes later, Taehyung's able to fully pull himself together. He just needed a good cry, a good scream.

He just needed to let go.

Let go of everything.

But here comes the difficult task, navigating his way back.

But back where? School? Home?

His heavy legs haul his body up from the ground. Some how he feels 100lbs heavier than usual. He's just so exhausted.

Letting out a stifled yawn of fatigue, Taehyung slaps his cheeks a little bit to draw life back into his body.

However, he lost all the life in him years ago.

'i might as well head back to school' Taehyung thinks to himself 'it has probably started already'

He looks down at his dirty ripped clothes that are covered with blood.

'on second thought, maybe not. I can skip a few lessons. No harm done.....right?'

Taehyung can't help but over analyze all his options. And by all his options, I mean three.

1) go to school how he is and have loads of awful questions asked and have to lie to them. He'd probably be sent back home humiliated.

2) go to school later looking a little better but having loads of awkward questions asked and have to lie.

3) skip school for the day but have loads of questions asked and have to lie.

None of his options are looking particularly good.

Obviously option one is out of the question, and Taehyung doesn't like the idea of staying home any longer than necessary.

That leaves him with only option 2 to chose.


Taehyung knows it's pretty risky. If his father catches him, he's dead.


But it's the best option he's got.

The walk home is long and drawn out. Taehyung passes that many cafè's and shops that he loses count of how many there are.

He's not from this part of Seoul. He's from the run down part that everyone helplessly avoids.

He's one of those people.

Those people who mean nothing to the city and just drag it down, throwing dirt upon the name.

Taehyung's like dirt. You just want it to go away.

'i should go away. Just like mom did'

A pang of pain shoots into Taehyung's chest.

'just like mom did' Taehyung repeats in his head.

That's right, she's gone.

But can he even call her mom anymore? What right does he have to call her that name?

Taehyung pauses for a moment and gasps for breath. The reality of the situation is far to grim for him to handle.

Before he knows it, he's falling to his knees by a bush, throwing up blood and bile.

And meer seconds later, he falls unconscious on the sidewalk.

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