Heights| 3

534 24 7

Roaring, raging rants coming from the room next door makes Taehyung visibly flinch as it snaps him out of his procrastination.

He has school today, despite not wanting to leave home.

'why do I have to go to school?' Taehyung whines to himself mentally.

But logically he knows he has to stay in education until he's at least 21.

He can hear his parents fighting again which makes him cower in fear. There's only so much longer until his father comes banging on his door, wanting to release his stress and anger on his human punching bag.

And Taehyung doesn't want to be around for that!

Quickly he slips himself out of his silk pyjamas and into another lose silk shirt to hid his stomach in.

Apparently silk is better for your skin and considering Taehyung has cholinergic urticaria, it stops him from overheating and feeling itchy.

Next he slips into skinny black jeans that hug him in all the right places. He wants to look good for his first day so he does exactly that.

Adding a belt for good measure, and a pendant around his neck for style, he can't help but feel like he's missing something.

All of a sudden he gasps and rushes over to his cupboard. He adds a silver dangling earring to complete his look.

As much as he doesn't want to stand out, his bright blond hair and ethereal looks couldn't ever blend him into the background.

Quickly he brushes his teeth in his connected bathroom

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Quickly he brushes his teeth in his connected bathroom. He's too scared to leave the comfort of his own room as his parents still haven't finished yelling at eachother.

His bathroom just contains a small toilet, a sink and a cabinet stored with various pills, blades and lactaives.

Ideally he would want a shower this morning but he doesn't have one in his bathroom. Although, he luckily had one last night so he won't smell.

On other days he would risk leaving his room but on the first day of school he wants to make a good impression and he highly doubts he would do that if he came to school covered in his own blood, sweat and tears.

He slides on some black converse high tops. He got these shoes as a gift from his grandmother before she passed away.

They're a little scuffed but apart from that they're kept in brilliant condition considering his circumstances. They're his prized possession.

He takes one last glance at himself in the mirror before ruffling his hair and moving over to his window.

Outside he can see a massive tree with a branch that could hopefully support his weight. If he lowers himself down from the window sill and kicks off of the wall, he would be able to spin and cat grab it ensuring that he doesn't fall.

See Taehyung might be pretty weak and have hardly any stamina, but one thing he isn't is stupid.

He grabs a back pack that contains; all of his books that he will need, healthy food, water, a hoodie, earphones and his phone

Going along with his plan, Taehyung first throws his backpack out of the window as padding incase he falls.

His fear of heights makes the ground look really far away, almost giving him a vertigo feeling. Nausea starts kicking in, but it's either that or being beaten to pulp.

He knows which one he would prefer.

Looking down at the gravel pavement below, he realises just how risky this could be if he falls. There are some spikey rocks below that are sure to lacerate his skin if he lands on them.

Taking a deep breath in, Taehyung pivots around keeping his palms firmly latched onto the edge of the window sill. Then gently he shuffles backwards, shifting his weight onto his finger tips that are turning white from the force.

'damn I really need to lose more weight' Taehyung grimaces to himself in his thoughts.

When he's finally just hanging from his hands, he presses the balls of his feet against the crumbling brick wall.

A few times his feet slip, but when he finally manages to grip on, his bounces himself up and down a few times making sure that he's not going to fall.

Anyone who would be watching would think that he's attempting to twerk or something. But Taehyung doesn't have time to care about other people's thoughts.

Harshly Taehyung kicks away from the wall and spins around in mid air. His fingers grip against the rough bark of the tree branch, digging into his tender skin.

A small whimper of pain emits from his mouth, but ultimately he's ok and left undamaged.

However, now that he's hanging from the tree, he has found a flaw in his plan.

'what do I do now?'

He takes a deep breath in and susses out his options.

There's no way he will be able to pull himself up onto the branch. He simply doesn't have the arm strength.

If he drops down, there would have been no point in even jumping across into the tree as there are still sharp rocks below.

There's only one option left, he will have to move along the branch with his arms like you do on the monkey bars.

A groan escapes his lips as he rolls his eyes before powering along.

There are a few slips along the way that cut his delicate hands, but eventually he gets to the end of the branch.

Down below the sharp rocks have ended meaning that he can jump.

He turns around one of his hands so that they are both on the same side of the branch, then he lifts up his feet swinging them forward.

Momentum is created and soon Taehyung let's go of the branch. His fear of heights makes the ground seem further away than it is.

But as soon as his feet his the ground, relief showers over him.

Now he can finally go to school!

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