Broken| 34

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Standing there on the doorstep wearing his heavy boots, leather jacket and way too tight jeans is Taehyung's father.

But what's worse is that he's smiling. Laughing even.

"Look who came back" he says with a cruel, haughty laugh. "I knew you wouldn't be gone long"

"I-im sorry father" Taehyung says whilst slowly shuffling forward "m-mom died last night"

His father rolls his eyes.

"You think I didn't know?" He scoffs. "The fucking police came round and told me what you did you little wretch"

"W-what I did?" Taehyung asks.

His father grabs Taehyung by the scruff of his neck, throwing Taehyung indoors and slamming the door behind them.

From his position on the floor, Taehyung looks up at his father's broad, looming figure as he stands above him through glossy eyes. It reminds him of how Namjoon was standing when he knocked him over earlier, although Taehyung doesn't remember being scared before. However, now he's petrified.

"You killed her" Taehyung's father says in a cold monotonous voice. "you killed her"

"W-what no i-it wasn't me....father I swear" Taehyung cries. "She killed herself, father-"


Small tears roll down from Taehyung's eyes. He hates being shouted at.

"I DON'T WANT TO BE RELATED TO A PATHETIC PIECE OF SHIT LIKE YOU" he yells, spit flying everywhere.


Taehyung's cut off by his fathers heavy boots striking him straight in the stomach. It winds him and causes agony to seer through his body.

Taehyung cries out loud, the pain is unbearable.

"Shut it!" His father snaps, striking him once again but this time further up his stomach, right by his ribs.

"I-im sorry" Taehyung cries. "But I didn't kill her. It was suicide"

Once again Taehyung is hit, however his father doesn't give him chance to regroup himself. He's striked over and over again countless times; each more painful than the last.

"You did this Taehyung. You're the reason why she's dead. Why didn't you die? I actually loved her but I'm left with her little piece of shit. You'll pay for this Taehyung. I'm going to kill you" Taehyung's father repeats over and over again.

"Dad" Taehyung cries.

"Call me sir. I'm no longer your father"

Taehyung curls himself up into a little ball as the kicks keep on coming. Several hit him in the face, and he feels a hot warm liquid escape from his nose.

His whole body is pained in black and blue, just like how an artist would get angry and scribble all over their work, destroying their creation.

He's then picked up and slammed against the wall by his neck. Dark spots form in his vision as he desperately scrabbles at thin air, desperate to be able to breath.

Punch after punch is landed on his sunken in stomach before his father starts to punch his face.

Taehyung screams out in pain wishing for someone to help him. Someone to save him.

But nobody comes.

He's all alone to be beaten to pulp, not even knowing if he will survive to see another day.

Once again Taehyung's thrown to the floor. He gasps for breath, he draws it in desperate to live.

He's completely unaware of the blood that seeps from the back of his head from hitting it on the edge of the skirting board.

He's unaware of the precise areas of his body that are injured because it all hurts. Everything in his body is burning in agony.

He feels as though he's being burnt from the inside out, he's just waiting for his skin to fall off now.

"I HATE YOU" his father yells damaging his sons already fragile mental state.

Despite the injuries to his body, the cruel words that spill from his father's intoxicated lips cut deeper than any of his wounds.

"I'm sorry" Taehyung whispers as he lifts up his half lidded eyes.

His father's boot stomps down on his face knocking Taehyung out cold.

Warm blood trickles from his head and from several wounds on his body. He wants to die. He can't take the abuse.

His body is failing him.

He's failing on himself.

His father grabs Taehyung's unconscious body and throws him out into the garden.

Taehyung's body is scraped and cut against the cold pavement as more brusies are formed.

Slamming the door behind him, Taehyung's father leaves his son all alone out in the cold of the garden, not knowing if his son will make it through the night; not caring if he survives.

Small droplets of rain fall from the sky, coating Taehyung's blood stained top.

The water droplets sliver down his pale skin, caressing it with cold warmth. The tender feeling of the rain creates a presence of love, something that he's been void of for such a long time.

But just like love he's become accustomed to, it's toxic. It fills his body with warmth just to spread the coldness within him.

Goosebumps blanket his shivering body as his mind fights to regain consciousness.

Eventually Taehyung does stirr awake again.

Groaning out in pain, he forces his body to roll him onto his back and he looks up at the darkening sky. Clouds of greys and whites swarm above his head and he watches as they release little puddles of rain from the sky.

But these puddles quickly turn into rivers and these rivers quickly turn into lakes and then into oceans.

Taehyung's fragile body is completely saturated and his clothes hug his body's frame tightly.

He hadn't ever seen his body like this before, protruding like armour beneath his skins surface. It makes him feel sick.

It makes him feel skinny. Unhealthily skinny.

'is that really what I look like?' Taehyung wonders to himself, his mind intoxicated from the excruciating pain. 'is that really me?'

But however much he tries to deny it, he knows the truth.

He knows he's broken.


A/n: don't get me wrong, I'm loving writing this book. But when I see how much further I have to go until I'm finished it's draining. Life is shit and I'm struggling writing the book and ending it. I can't believe I've been writing this for over a year. Hope it's worth it :)

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