Speechless| 44

229 13 6

Normally Taehyung copes through self harm. Other times its through his eating disorder in making himself sick.

But today he can't use pain to fix his problems as he's already in enough agony as it is.

He's thankful that his father has gone away for the month as his body has time to recover, but he dreads the beating he shall receive next as it's going to be awful.

His father never goes away, never leaves the house, especially not for this long. So Taehyung's confused.

'whats going on?' Taehyung ponders.

He walks out the front door, taking small, slow shuffles to get to school.

Every step he takes feels like a marathon.

"TAEHYUNG!" Jimin's voice calls from a car nearby.

Taehyung looks up through bloodshot, hazy eyes. Jimin looks way too happy for a school morning. Way too happy.

"Do you want a lift?" He asks as his car gets closer. "I passed my driver's test" he flexes.

'i can see that' Taehyung mentally eye rolls.

Taehyung goes to respond to say yes, but ends up coughing and spluttering on his words. Clearly his voice is still fucked!

Jimin's eyes reflect worry and sympathy. His body swarms with pity and if he's being entirely honest, he doesn't know why. It's as if his subconscious knows what's going on with Taehyung but his body can't quite make him consciously aware of it.

Jimin notices the bruises and the deep red gash on Taehyung's cheek. He's beyond concerned for Taehyung.

"Hey it's alright. Hop in" he says gently.

Taehyung shuffles towards the passenger door and slowly heaves himself up and into the car. Jimin has a jeep so it's pretty high up and difficult to get into.

Due to the difficulty of getting in, Taehyung cries out in pain. Jimin hauls him up by the shoulders to take the strain off of Taehyung. But it makes him cry more.

"Oh gosh I'm so sorry Taehyung"

Taehyung, who's now settled in his seat, looks across at Jimin with deep sad eyes. Then he gives him an even sadder smile as a way of thanks.

Jimin grins back but it's a sad smile.

Both boys fake smile, neither one is convincing.

"Are....." Jimin trails off.

Then he takes Taehyung's hands gently in his own and looks his friend dead in the eyes.

"Taehyung are you okay? In all honesty are you okay?"

Taehyung hesitates but nods his head. Jimin doesn't by it for a second.

His sparkling blue puppy eyes don't quite work on Jimin this time. He's seen too much and knows too much. Or too little.

"Taehyungie please" Jimin cries. "I know you're not ok"

Taehyung sighs. His eyes fill up with warm salty tears and his lip starts quivering. He's wanted to cry for so long.

He's needed to break down for a while. To be vulnerable.

It's so difficult being strong all the time as when he isn't, he feels weak. Unbelievably weak.

Taehyung opens and closes his mouth a few times. Even if he could speak, he wouldn't know where to begin. It's all too much.

Jimin takes a deep breath and blinks away the tears that threaten to spill. He doesn't want to cry.

He then puts back on a fake smile and gently pat's Taehyung's leg as to not scare him.

"It's ok" he whispers. "It's ok Taehyungie"

Jimin sighs and then starts the car. They dive in a silence to school, each of them trying to read each others minds.

It isn't awkward. But equally it isn't not awkward.

Eventually they arrive at school. Taehyung nods at Jimin as a way of thanks and hops out of his car.

All of a sudden, his legs buckle beneath him as the world starts spinning round. Words of onlookers merge together like several paints being mixed on a canvas.

Dark spots swarm in his vision as his eyes are weighed down by a vice. His head feels remarkably light, as if it's about to fly away.

The contrast of feeling heavy and feeling light seeps into one and Taehyung's left unaware of how he actually feels.

His body scapes along the gravel coating of the school car park, however the burning sensation of blood spilling from several cuts in his skin doesn't quite register.

His preexisting injuries only get worse, but once again, Taehyung's currently unaware of them.

"T-taehyung" he hears an all too familiar voice whisper near his ear.

He can't make out any other words as his body drifts in and out of consciousness.

"Jungkook" is another word he makes out before his body plummets into darkness.




Taehyung's eyes flutter open. A few times he squints, his eyes open and closing. His vision is blurry and his head is heavy.

"Oh gosh Taehyung" he hears a familiar voice murmur.

As his vision clears, he sees a raven mop of curly hair attached to a tanned boy. He's able to identify the person as Jungkook.

"J-u" Taehyung tries to speak but his voice cracks and breaks under the strain of previous events.

"Hey, hey it's ok Taehyungie" another voice chimes in.

Taehyung smiles up across at Jimin.

He starts to feel the pain of hitting the floor which makes him squirm and cry.

But soon after he feels a cold hand on his warm forehead. It soothes him.

'im tired' Taehyung thinks as his breathing becomes weaker.

"It's ok Tae" Jungkook whispers as he pulls Taehyung up onto his lap. "You can go to sleep now"

Taehyung groans out a response but is unable to make any words. Jungkook's hand caresses his cheek making him glow and smile in appreciation. It makes him feel safe and comforted.

"He can't stay here on your lap" Jimin says quietly.

He can almost feel Jungkook roll his eyes. It makes him want to laugh, but he's just too exhausted.

Taehyung rests his head on Jungkook's chest, drifting off to sleep listening to his heartbeat.

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