Run| 33

285 11 3

The final bell of school rings loud. It drills into the ears of those who hear it and it snaps Taehyung awake from slumber in the toilet stall.

Luckily it's fairly clean in there, although would have stayed even if it wasn't. He's had to deal with worse before.

His neck is stiff from leaning against the bathroom door and his limbs are sore from being pulled up against his chest.

He lets out a groan of pain and a yawn. The lack of sleep that he gets is really taking a toll on him.

Slowly he stands up. His limbs click and pop as he stretches them out.

He moves his head side to side, feeling a satisfying click as he does so.

All of a sudden a wave of dizziness washes over him. No longer can he fully see. Black dots dance in his vision and his breath feels strained.

Using the wall to take his weight, Taehyung crouches down again and sits on the ball of his feet. His head burries into his knees, waiting for this sensation to pass.

And then it does.

Just as quickly as it came on, it washes away and Taehyung's able to stand up again without any issues.

He unlocks the door with a small click and peaks his head through the gap to make sure that nobody else is there to see him.

Once he's satisfied, he sneaks out the door with his bag on his back. He doesn't want anyone to know he was there.

Going over to the sink, he cups his hands underneath the cool tap and brings the water up to his lips. He swishes the water round his mouth as if it was mouth wash and then spits it out. He does this a fair few times in order to remove the bitter taste of stomach acid that coats his mouth.

Once he feels a tiny bit better, Taehyung dries his mouth by wiping it with his sleeve and leaves the bathroom.

Despite feeling a little bit better, he still feels disgusting. It's gross throwing up and he knows it. He knows that his teeth are no longer paper white and are now extremely sensitive. He knows that his heart no longer beats correctly and every one in a while it stops for a few seconds, which scares him shitless every time.

He knows that he's no longer the same. The bubbily, charismatic, optimistic Taehyung he used to be. Now he's cold, rude, pessimistic and an annoyance to be around.

He knows that he's unworthy of love, of anything.

And yet he carries this burden on his shoulders as expected of him and puts on a mask of happiness that not even the dumbest of people buy for a second.

Despite people knowing that somethings obviously wrong with Taehyung, they never say a word.


And so he carries on with his miserable life of abuse and sickness, never being to break the cycle. Never feeling worthy of anything more.

Taehyung snaps out of his thoughts knowing that he can't afford to be late home. Considering that he never even went home last night, he can't afford to add any more kicks onto the list.

'i don't even know if I'm going to survive the amount I'm going to be beaten anyway. I can't aggravate him even further' Taehyung thinks to himself sadly.

He walks as quickly as possible out of the bathroom and through the school corridors. He decides to go to the back end of the school and exit out that way as he knows he'll run into people that he doesn't want to see if he goes out the front exit.

Taehyung sprints round corners, ducking and weaving through crowds of friends that he's yet to know the names of.

However, it doesn't go quite to plan.

Taehyung slams hard into a mans stone like chest and clutters to the floor painfully. The hand of the person clearly tries to grab Taehyung to avoid him from falling, but fails miserably.

"Sorry I didn't see y-" the voice that sounds awfully familiar to Taehyung cuts himself off. "Oh shoot Taehyung I'm so sorry"

Taehyung looks up with his aqua blue doe eyes so see Namjoon standing above him looking very nervous.

'did I break him?' Namjoon wonders to himself 'crap I probably snapped his tiny body'

"Do you need some help up?" Namjoon asks holding out his large hand to Taehyung.

Taehyung shoves Namjoon's hand away and rolls his eyes.

"You'll probably damage me more than you already have" Taehyung mutters under his breath.

He hauls himself to his feet and wipes the imaginary dust from off of his ass. Taehyung wouldn't ever admit it, but it really did hurt.

"You were the one who ran into me" Namjoon says with a frown.

"Then why did you apologize?"

"Because it's polite"

"Well then I'm just going to have to be a rude boy then like Rihanna says"

"You listen to Rihanna?" Namjoon asks with a glimmer of joy in his eyes.

"No" Taehyung deadpans "I'm just not uncultured"


There's an awkward atmosphere in the air between the two boys. Deep down inside Taehyung feels awful about being so rude, but in the end he knows it's what's best.

'he can't like me' Taehyung thinks so himself 'not as if there's anything for him to like anyway'

"I need to go" Taehyung says all of a sudden.

"But I need to ask you someth-"

"Bye" Taehyung says quickly before rushing away.

'i think he's starting to warm up to me' Namjoon thinks 'i mean he even said bye'

Due to Namjoon delaying him, Taehyung is now slightly behind on schedule. To try and make up for this lost time, Taehyung sprints as fast as he possibly can to get and get home.

"I'm so dead" Taehyung mutters under his heavy breath.

But eventually he does get home on time. And he's petrified


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