Introductions| 11

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Jimin and Taehyung walk quickly into their already busy classroom.

All eyes are averted to the pretty blond male who stand out in the vast jet black haired sea of students.

Their eyes scrutinise Taehyung's appearance and every flaw, taking in every single detail of his body and face. As if he's art and they are the picky artists.

Some have bright smiles on their faces but a few girls, with sleek black hair styled symmetrically into buns, scowl. They sit on the laps of their fuck buddy boyfriends, already ripping Taehyung's flawless face and curvy body into shreds mentally.

Yes, he's got a very femanine body. And yes, he's far more pretty than they are. Inside and out. So there's a lot of jealousy that Taehyung's blissfully unaware of.

His anxiety doesn't allow him to take in the details of his classmates. He sees them all as a blur.

A blur of black hairs that all merge into one, making them look like a distorted raven monster. They look dangerous to Taehyung and the said male feels like he's well out of his comfort zone and is drowning in the lime light.

As for Jimin, he notices the snarky glares the slut squad throw Taehyung, and he throws one right back at them.

But as soon as they notice him looking at them, they smirk. For ages they have been trying to get into his pants and don't seem to get the message that he's gay.

Jimin grabs Taehyung's wrist to attempt to drag him to his seat, but when he feels the younger violently flinch, he quickly let's go of him.

Clearly he doesn't like being touched.

"Sorry" Taehyung mumbles sheepishly.

He follows Jimin to a desk at the back of the classroom. Taehyung choses the seat next to the window and Jimin sits besides him. At least he will be able to zone out if the lesson and look out of the window. That's always a perk.

A few minutes after they settle down in their seats, a short female teacher walks into the room. Her black hair is slicked back into a tight pony tale causing the small wrinkles on her face to be stretched out, giving her an almost youthful look.

Her slim, cat like eyes scan the class, like a predator looking for her prey. She prowls round to her desk, her high black heels click on the tiled floor as she moves and her tight black dress hugs her visibly curvy body.

Once her eyes land on the blond haired male at the back, her painted red thin lips curve up into a snarling smirk. Almost a smile, just without the compassion or joy in her eyes.

"You must be the new student" She says in a sweet but sinister voice. "Please do introduce yourself"

Internally Taehyung scoffs and rolls his eyes, but he knows he will have to get used to introducing himself today. This won't be the only class he will have to do it in.

Huffing, he stands up. His chair scrapes back against the floor and in the silence it creates an irritating noise; like nails on a chalkboard. He looks straight ahead at the teacher and makes eye contact for a spilt second before adverting it and looking towards the door that he longs to go through and leave.

"Hi I'm Kim Taehyung. I'm 17 and I'm from Daegu" He says and bows at the end.

Quickly he sits back down, not waiting for permission or any questions.

"Stand back up Taehyung. I'm sure the class have some questions for you" the teacher says.

Taehyung groans out loud earning snickers from those who heard his obvious discomfort and anger.

"what do you want to know about him then? Hands up" the teacher instructs.

Nearly all the class have their hands up.

'this is going to be a fun lesson' Taehyung thinks to himself sarcastically. 'I wonder if she's purposely torturing me. Probably. She does look like a witch'

"let's start from the front and work our way back. Baekhyun you start first"

"alright. Taehyung why did you move to Seoul from Daegu?"

Taehyung wants to grimice from the question. His honest answer would be to admit that his father is running away from drug dealers and his whole life is falling apart but that might seem to detailed and reveal his secrets.

"Parents" Taehyung simply answers.

He goes through a bunch of other questions ranging from his favourite; colour, food, idol and if he preferred cats or dogs.

The last question, however, strikes a nerve.

"Are you gay?" A guy he now knows as Yugeom asks.

Quickly the teacher intervenes.

"Of course he's not. Don't say something as horrid as that. We all know that being gay is a sin!" She snaps angrily.

"Let Taehyung answer it" Yugeom urges. "Taehyung, are you gay?"

Inside Taehyung is shitting himself but he's used to acting and he's used to pretending to be what he isn't. He does it on a daily basis so why wouldn't he now?

He swallows harshly before answering.

"no. Certainly not" he lies with a straight face, showing no emotion.

His facade doesn't crack at all under the invasive question. Instead it just gets stronger as the lies build up one by one.

"May I sit down now?" Taehyung asks hautily.

Not waiting for a reply, Taehyung sits down abruptly.

He doesn't fail to hear the gossip and whispers about him, scrutinising his every move and look.

He responds to them in his head.

"at least he isn't gay meaning I have a chance"

'bitch you look like a fish when you pout. You've got no chance'

"he's hot"

'bitch you're delusional. No need to tell me that'

"I wish he was taller"

'and I wish you would shut the fuck up. I guess we're both haven't got what we want'

He looks across at Jimin who now has a glum look adorned on his face.

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