Chronic Urticaria| 22

286 19 1

His skin feels on fire, as if someone had placed hot metal against his body.

The sensation of warmth climbing up his skin reminds him of small little bugs getting to work.

Goosebumps show up on his skin despite the heat that's radiating off of him.

He feels embarrassed.

He feels angry.

He feels upset.

And yet he feels nothing at all.

The corridor he walks down is stifling hot which isn't helping him cool down.

Cold sweat drips down his forehead, almost instantly heating up.

His cheeks are red and his breath is laboured. For a few moments his vision turns doubled from overheating, but quickly it returns to normal.

"Fuck" he curses once he realises what's going on.

His whole skin feels itchy, as though he's being attacked by a swarm of bees and insects.

He has no idea where he's walking to, but he knows he's got to get away.

Walking precariously down the hallway, he can hardly move in a straight line. With no destination in mind, his feet just lead him wherever they can get him to.

But after a while, his efforts appear feeble. His knees shake before buckling underneath him and he collapses to the floor whilst his eyes roll to the back of his skull.

His head hits the wall dangerously but he doesn't feel a thing. He was well and truly unconscious before he even made it to the ground.

No more than a second or two, he regains consciousness.

The first thing he notices are two mops of black hair and two worried faces.

Quickly he distinguishes the faces as no other than Jimin and Hoseok. They both seem petrified with worry and concern.

He absolutely detests the look that they are giving him.


And he doesn't want their pity. Not one but of it.

He groans as he sits up, feeling a sharp pain in his neck.

"Don't sit up" Jimin squeals with worry. "You hit your head badly"

But Taehyung's already sitting.

"What happened?" He croaks out, instantly grimacing at how strained his voice sounds.

"You blacked out and fell backwards hitting your head in the process" Hoseok says.


Taehyung feels an itchy feeling in his arm and groans as he forces himself not to succumb to the feeling.

"Do you need anything?" Jimin asks.

"Could you grab my tablets in my bag?" Taehyung asks.

Hoseok instantly routes through his bag but ends up finding several different packets of tablets.

Some look like they would've been bought online and others look like they are prescribed.

"What ones do you need?" Hoseok asks.

"My Cetirizine Hydrochloride tablets please" Taehyung tell him.

"That was a mouthful" Jimin says with a small chuckle.

Hoseok gives him the packet of tablets and Jimin hands him a bottle of water that he was holding before Taehyung blacked out.

Taehyung takes a tablet and pops it into his mouth before chugging down quite a bit of water.

He takes a sigh of relief when he starts to feel a little cooler.

"Thank you" Taehyung says as he hands back the water to Jimin and puts his tablets away in his bag.

"What happened then?" Hoseok asks as he plops himself on the floor next to Taehyung.

Jimin sits on Taehyung's other side.

"I had a panic attack and then that triggered my Chronic urticaria causing me to black out" Taehyung says as if it happens everyday.

Which it basically does.

"Oh. What caused you to have a panic attack?" Jimin asks gently.

Taehyung snorts at the question and scoffs a little bit.

"I saw my asshole ex boyfriend" he says with a roll of his eyes. "I punched him though"

Jimin sniggers.

"Probably deserved it"

"Oh he did!" Taehyung confirms. "He just aired me for a month before sending me a cold text telling me we were over when I thought he was dead. Then he had the audacity today to tell me that he left me a note. Fucking liar"

"He sounds like an ass" Hoseok says.

"He is"

"So who is it?" Jimin asks.

Sensing Taehyung's hesitance to speak, Hoseok decides to persuade him.

"We are going to find out the gossip anyway so you might as well tell us"

Taehyung sighs.

"Fine. It's Yoongi"

They both gasp.

"Min Yoongi? As in super cold, gummy smile, lovely person but always judged Min Yoongi?" Jimin clarifies.

" there a problem?"

"He's our boyfriend" Hoseok says after a while. "He's the third one we wanted you to meet"

"Oh crap. When he told me he thought threesomes were hot, I didn't think he would actually get into one" Taehyung voices thoughts.

"That explains alot as to why he never came and ate with us whilst you were there" Jimin says.

"He was fucking avoiding me when he's the one in the wrong" Taehyung snaps angrily.

Hoseok reaches across Taehyung and flicks Jimin in the head for telling Taehyung that.

It wasn't why he needed to hear.

"Yoongi is a good guy. I'm sure there was some sort of misunderstanding" Hoseok tries to diffuse the situation.

"Yeah right" Taehyung says sarcastically. "He's just scared that I'm going to reveal how much of an asshole he is. Oh wait, he did that himself"

"I'm glad you punched him" Jimin mumbles. "Yah Hyung!" He yells when Hoseok hits him round the back of the head.

Taehyung flinches at the contact as it brings back bad memories.

Then all of a sudden he gasps.

'i hit Yoongi'

'im like my father'

'im evil'

'i shouldn't be alive right now'

'i deserve to be hit'

'why didn't he fight back?'

'why don't I ever fight back'

'im becoming my father'

"I-i need to go" Taehyung stutters through the couple's argument.

"Let us help you"

Hoseok goes to grab his arm but Taehyung flinches violently.

"I-i need to go" he repeats.

Jimin and Hoseok try to stop him but it's to no avail.

He's gone!

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