It's You| 55

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Jimin sits down on Jungkook's coach along with Hoseok and Yoongi.

Namjoon had to go home because he didn't want to miss his curfew like the good class president he is.

But Jimin agreed to sleep round at Jungkook's and so did Hoseok. As for Yoongi, well he does what he wants as he doesn't live with his parents anymore.

He lives alone.

Jimin's parents suspect something's going on with Yoongi and fully support their son with the one that he loves and Hoseok's parents recon there's something going on with Jimin but despite not loving the fact that their son is gay, they love him no matter what.

However, what none of their parents know is that they're in a three way polyamorous relationship. And my god would that be a shock enough to kill them all off.

"So" Jimin starts off the conversation whilst Yoongi and Hoseok go to the shops to get drinks. "What happened with Taehyung?"

Jungkook fills Jimin in on everything that happened. He even tells him about the selfharm which Jimin is shocked by.

"Jimin I know I shouldn't tell you about his harming but I need to tell someone. I just don't know what to do to help him. Everytime his hoodie sleeve rolls up even the slightest I look at his scars and it just hurts me. It hurts me more than it should. And then to see him hiding some awful ones from me and then getting me to stitch them up for him- Jimin I can't do it anymore" Jungkook cries.

Tears roll down his face as Jimin brings the raven haired male into his embrace.

"Hey kook it's okay, let it all out"

Jungkook sniffles and looks up at Jimin with broken eyes.

"I scared him" he whispers. "I made him petrified of me, he probably hates me now. I promised him I wouldn't ever scare him"

Jimin shakes his head, acting like the mature older brother figure that Jungkook needs.

"He might be a little scared right now but you guys will be good again. He won't hate you. Kook I've seen the way you two look at eachother. The feelings mutual between you both"

Jungkook gives Jimin a weak smile and dries his eyes.

"You're probably right" Jungkook eventually says. "It just hurts that he wanted Jin and not me as I've always been the only one who can calm him down"

"Yeah but Jin radiates mother figure, and how often do you hear Taehyung talking about his mum? She's always out of town or on a business trip. I don't think she has much time for her son. Jin could calm any of us down really quickly and I barely know the guy"

Jungkook nods.

"Yeah that is true"

"Them two are quite close anyways"

Jungkook smiles a little.

"It's nice that Taehyung's got someone that he's close with. Oh that reminds me, where's that girl he was with?"

"Taehyung sent Areum packing"

"What? Why?"

Jimin considers telling Jungkook to ask Taehyung, but he doubts the blonde will share anything. And due to operation JJK17 Jungkook needs to know.

"She hit Yoongi really badly"

"Why did she do that?"

"The reason why isn't important" Jimin responds not wanting to tell him about his plan to get Taehyung and him together. "I just don't think that she likes that Taehyung's gay either"

"But he's not, I saw him kiss her with my own eyes"

"Well we all stayed a little longer once you'd run away, and he pushed her away saying that he couldn't do it because he's gay and he's in love with you Jungkook"

The said male scoffs, not believing that Taehyung ever said that he loves him.

"Taehyung doesn't love me"

"He does kook. He's even said it himself. I think he's just scared as you're close to him and he never lets anyone close to him"

Jungkook thinks about this inquisitively, asking Jimin loads of questions, treating the elder as some sort of therapist.

Until one last important question's left.

"What do I do now hyung?"

"Support him. Let him know that you're there for him and apologize for scaring him. Protect him as much as possible and most of all make him feel loved by you. You don't need to do anything excentric or take him on dates, just allow him to rely on you. At the end of the day kook, it's you he's in love with and it's you who can save him!"

'what if I'm not the one?' Jungkook wonders 'what will I do then? I guess I'll have to just move on if it comes to that'

But Jungkook doubts he'll ever be able to 'just move on'. He's too in love with Taehyung to ever be able to do that.

"Thanks Jimin. I don't know what I'd do without you"

"Shrivel up and die?" The elder teases. "Yeah good job you've got me"


"Completely correct. Jungkook I know everything" Jimin says contentiously.

"Really?" Jungkook mocks with a smirk on his face.

He grabs a pillow and quickly whacks Jimin round the face with it, laughing hard afterwards.

"Oh yea?" He taunts through his laughter. "did you see that coming?"

Jimin joking grimaces his teeth before smirking right back at Jungkook with a burning fire in his eyes.

"Oh you have no idea what you've started Jungkook"

Jimin grabs his pillow and goes to hit Jungkook round the head as well, but the younger dodges his attack and counters back with his own where Jimin has left his stomach all open for impact.

"THATS IT!" Jimin shouts. "YOU'RE DEAD"

Jungkook sprints away from Jimin, but doesn't make it far as the shorter male tackles him onto the carpet and tickles him.

Jungkook's mother comes in to see all the chaos the boys have created.

"NOOOO MUM HELP MEEEE" Jungkook shouts.

But she just shakes her head with a big smile on her face.

"You boys have fun!"

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