Shower| 16

340 17 8

When Taehyung's eyes finally peel open, he's laying on the hardwood floor covered in his own blood, sweat and tears.

He groans out in pain and ruffles his fluffy blond hair in an attempt to soothe himself.

Crying out in pain, Taehyung manages to force his core muscles into lifting his upper body off of the floor.

Then he just sits there, on the blood stained floor surrounded by glass fragments carrying the lingering scent of alcohol.

'i can't believe I cried yesterday. I'm such a baby' Taehyung thinks angrily to himself.

In frustration, Taehyung grabs one of the largest shards of glass, that's near him, and throws it at the bug infested wall. He watches as the glass splinters away from the force of the impact, raining down onto the hardwood floor.

The sound is harsh, but almost soothing and gentle. It looks like glitter as it sparkles in the morning light.

Realising that the house is lit up with light, Taehyung turns his attention away from the broken glass and cranes his neck to the side, and moves his body round to get a look at the window.

This brings excruciating pain, but Taehyung has dealt with worse beatings.

'it can't be past 5am in the morning but definitely is later than 2am' Taehyung thinks to himself as he analysis's the sun and where it's at in the sky.

Despite the pain, Taehyung puts his palms on the floor (not even noticing when glass pierces his delicate skin) and pushes himself up onto shaky feet.

He bites down onto his lip making it bleed in the process. He can't be loud or he will get another beating and it will be worse.

His long slender fingers wrap around the banister and his muscles flex to pull himself up onto the first step.

'one down, 21 more to go'

Taehyung counts the stairs everytime he walks up them. It's something calm to do and it passes the time when he's suffering from the after affects of being beaten up.

His knees shake angrily from his heavy weight and his arm muscles are going numb from having to haul up his dead weight body.

His thigh muscles feel weak and the rest of his body feels sore and bruised.

When he makes it up to the top of the stairs, he wipes his sweaty forehead and advances towards the bathroom.

As soon as he makes it inside, he locks the door behind himself out of habit.

Then he strips out of his blood stained clothes and looks at his small body in the floor to length mirror.

Purple, black and green bruises blend together across his bony torso. The colours mix in with the red blood that leaks from several reopened cuts on his body. The studs of his father's boots really know how to wreak him.

The colours look like the skyline at sunset and his bones work like shadows of art, pulling the whole masterpiece together. Like Ying an Yang.

Sorrow and sadness.

It's scary to think of his body as a piece of art work, but he does. Art has always been a thing of interest for Taehyung. It causes him to see the beauty in the smallest things.

The simpler things.

Like the gentle buzz from the refrigerators in a shop, or the vibrant colours that pop out from everywhere around him in an isle.

The world is magical. And Taehyung is the magic.

Despite being beaten half to death, he can't help but see the best of a bad situation. He hasn't lost the childish ignorance about him yet, he's just learnt how to deal with meaning nothing to everyone.

Looking back toward the shower, Taehyung shivers. Not from the cold of being exposed naked, but from the memories.

The memories that haunt him and leave him with nightmares.


Taehyung had a particularly bad day at school that day.

He was pushed into a locker by the older kids in the morning and then later on the same kids stuck his head down the toilet and attempted to drown him.

Luckily the bell interrupted their session, but Taehyung doesn't feel anything lucky about it.

He's humiliated.

But most of all he feels dirty. It's disgusting having your head down where people take shits.

He walks at a fast pace up the stairs and passes his parents room that's eerily quiet.

Normally his father is sleeping with a random women but today it seems as though he's got other things on his agenda.

But that's a good thing for Taehyung.......right?


As soon as he steps foot into the bathroom, his father's large, chubby hand stops the door from closing.

He yanks it open and slams it behind him, locking it in the process.

"F-father?" Taehyung stutters with nerves.

His father gives him a malicious smirk. Almost as if he's enjoying his sons fear and apprehension.

"Don't let me stop you from showering. Strip" his voice drips dominance.


"I said strip!" He growls.

Taehyung whimpers at the tone of his voice and step backwards to increase the space between them which suddenly feels too small.

"Don't make me repeat myself boy. The consequences will stop you walking for weeks"

Taehyung, being very innocent, has no idea what his father's true intentions are but he assumes it will be nasty and might receive a beating.

Slowly Taehyung strips out of his warm purple sweater. Then he gently takes off his shorts.

His father's lust filled eyes watch his every move.

He gives Taehyung a warning glance as to tell him to remove his boxers too. So Taehyung does as he's told.

He steps into the cold shower that hasn't had the chance to heat up yet.

His father watches as he rinses out his hair and scrubs his body red raw.

Getting out of the shower, he feels dirtier than when he got in.

"That's my good boy"

"I'm a good boy"

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