Don't Leave Me| 23

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All he seems to be doing recently is running away.

Running away from his feelings and problems.

But when he gets home he has nowhere left to run.

You can run, but you can't hide. Eventually they will catch up and you will be caught.

So you might as well hand yourself in before you get hurt. As running away has more consequences than giving up.

Taehyung's done with running and hiding, even though he just ran away from Jimin and Hoseok.

Maybe if he just hands himself to his father, he will have mercy on him.

Probably not.

But hiding at school and running away from his father every morning in hopes not to get a beating isn't getting him anywhere.

He's just delaying the inevitable.

Now times up.

There's no time left for delaying, only torture.

He walks down the dark and dingy streets, trudging through dirty alleyways and jumping over the trash that spills out of the dumpsters.

He swerves round the corner and walks to the crumbling house on the corner of the block, slightly secluded from the other houses.

As if the house knows nobody else wants to hear his screams of pain.

Everyday his father beats him, sometimes it's only a few hits, other times they are there for an hour or so.

It's surprising that Taehyung's still alive.

Not necessarily a good thing, but it's still surprising.

He unlocks the front door and is met with an eerie silence.

It reminds him of a horror film where the protagonist walks into the haunted house and the audience are screaming at them not to continue on further.

Taehyung's the sort of person who would scream at the TV, telling them to go back.

But here he is, advancing forwards into this hell hole.

There are no surprises like in a horror film. He knows what he's walking into. And he knows from past experience that it won't be pleasant!

"M-mum, dad I'm home" Taehyung voices out in fear.

He knows that if he doesn't state his arrival, he will be hit a few times.

However, he's greeted with silence.

Absolutely nothing.

Not a single voice can be heard, which is strange.

Taehyung takes his chance and races up stairs, maybe today he will be let off.

'typical, the one time I actually want to be hit nobody's home. Life is taking the piss I swear'

Taehyung decides to go into his mother's room to actually do something with his time.

It's rare for her to leave the house so he wonders where she is.

Maybe it's because he came home from school almost 2 hours early and she was out shopping.

As if.

She can hardly move. She's practically disabled.

Her room is separate from her husband's as she doesn't want to have to watch him cheating on her every night with women half his age.

He also doesn't want to have to be around his anorexic wife.

He's always reminding her that he didn't sign up for having a disabled wife when they married. He tells her this evey time they fight, and he often says "if you're going to be anorexic, at least do it right. You look like a pig"

He says the same to Taehyung too.

Taehyung walks into her room, but stops dead in his tracks when he sees the sight.

There lays his mother, surrounded in her own blood.

As he advances into the room, he sees the blood pulsing from her slit wrists as she downs pills.

Sleeping pills.

And Taehyung's spare Cetirizine Hydrochloride tablets that say strictly one a day!

Taehyung quickly snaps back into his senses and dashes to her side, knocking the pills from her hand.

"Mum!" Taehyung exclaims.

But she just starts laughing.

"You can't stop me" she says as blood pools in her mouth and drips down her chin.

Taehyung grabs a box of tissues and starts trying to cover up the deep slits in her wrists.

"Mum hang on, we will get you to a hospital" he says.

He grabs his phone from the back pocket in his jeans but curses when he notices his battery died.

"No no no no!" He rambles in worry as he frantically searches for another phone and for towels.

His mind goes blank and he can't remember where the towels are.

"WHERE ARE THEY?" Taehyung screams to himself in worry.

Fat, angry, sad tears roll down his rosey red cheeks as his chest moves up and down frantically. He can hardly breath.

It's like the worry is weighing down on his chest like a vice. Choking him, suffocating him.

"Mum I can't do it- I cant-" he can't even form proper sentences as he's so overwhelmed with guilt, stress and worry.

She just watches her son fall apart with a small smirk on her face, knowing that her next few words could ruin his life even worse than it already is.

Her next few words could completely destroy Taehyung himself.

So that's why she says them.

That's why she tells him the truth.

"I'm not your mum" she croaks out maliciously. "Your mum didn't want you"

"What? No you're lying. You've got to be lying"

Taehyung holds down on the cuts on her wrists in an attempt to stop the blood.

'its just the blood loss talking'

'she will be ok'

'this is just a dream'

'she's my mum'

But no matter how many times he repeats in his head that she's his mum, he can't seem to fully persuade himself.

Because deep down inside he knows she's speaking the truth.

She smirks up at Taehyung as she starts to choke on her own blood. She coughs violently as her body starts to shut down.

"No mum. Don't leave me. Please. Don't leave me. I need you" Taehyung cries.

But he knows it's too late.

Her body goes still and her eyes turn cloudy.

"MUM!" Taehyung screams.

But she doesn't come back.

She's gone.


A/n: I haven't updated in a while. I've written loads of chapters I just haven't felt in the mood to update but now I have. My boyfriend broke up with me,  he's my first love so I got inspiration to write some hella sad chapters. Let's go. I hope they're good xx

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