Fitting In| 69

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Mr and Mrs Jeon walk upstairs to get the two boys for dinner.

"Look at this" Mr Jeon tuts. "He shut his door. What a brat"

Mrs Jeon laughs at her husband.

"Cut the child some slack" she says with a knowing gaze. "He's nearly an adult, allow him to have his fun"

Mrs Jeon knocks on the door before opening. The sight Infront of her makes her heart soften even further.

"Hunny look at this"

Mr Jeon comes in, and just like his wife, he softens at the sight.

There in the bed lies Jungkook and Taehyung fast asleep. Taehyung's face squishes up against Jungkook's bare torso and the elders arms wrap snugly around the blonde in a protective manner.

When Jungkook's shirt came off is unknown, but Taehyung likes the feeling of his skin being pressed against Jungkook's.

"Who wants the job of waking them up?" Mrs Jeon asks in a whisper.

"No thanks"

"Me neither......rock paper scissors?"

"Fine. You're on"

They both do rock paper scissors, drawing a few times, until ultimately Mr Jeon looses.

"Ugh you always win" he huffs.

"Its because I'm good at it"

"You can't be good at rock paper scissors, it's a game of luck" Mr Jeon argues back.

"And yet I win every time. Funny isn't it"

Mr Jeon frowns and huffs. The action reminds the not so asleep Taehyung of how Jungkook behaves.

"Mr and Mrs Jeon I don't mind waking up Jungkook" Taehyung whispers out to them.

The married couple flinch in shock.

"Gosh sorry my love, we didn't realize you were awake" Mrs Jeon says.

"I wasn't" Taehyung tells her.

"Were we really that loud as to wake you up?" Mr Jeon questions.

Taehyung smiles softly.

"I'm a light sleeper"

'i have to be in order to avoid my father beating me in the middle of the night. I learnt that the hard way'

Taehyung shakes Jungkook slightly a few times.

"Kookie, time to wake up" Taehyung says.

Mr Jeon chuckles at Taehyung's feeble attempts in waking up his son, trying to avoid staring at the scars, bruises and sticking out bones that are beyond obvious on Taehyung's chest.

"What you will learn about my son is that he's a very deep sleeper" Mr Jeon says with a laugh.

"Taehyung why don't you come with me" Mrs Jeon says with a warm smile. "This is going to be loud, and our Kookie told us that you don't like loud noises"

Taehyung looks at her appreciatively and shoves on his hoodie before padding across the room to her. She takes him downstairs into the dining room.

"Would you mind helping me lay the table?" She asks politely. "Its normally kooks job but well he's too busy sleeping, as you know"

"Ofcourse ma'am"

Taehyung and her lay the table together putting out knives and forks and plates.

"What would you like to drink Taehyung?" She asks.

"Just some water please"

"Are you sure that's all you want? Jungkook did tell me that you weren't fussy but I thought you might like something more exciting"

"Waters fine thank you. Sorry I'm not particularly exciting"

"No no nonsense. I just didn't want to limit you to anything"

"Thank you"

Taehyung turns around hearing footsteps coming down the stairs. Immediately he identifies them as belonging to Jungkook.

"You have very keen hearing" Mrs Jeon says to Taehyung as he looks back towards her.

"Yeah it's something I've learnt to acquire" Taehyung tells her.

"Why's that?"

Taehyung doesn't quite know how to answer. He's already told her way too much.

'No wonder she's such a good lawyer she really can get people to talk'

"Just never can be too safe" Taehyung says with a laugh before looking over at a sleepy Jungkook.

"Why did you go?" He whines, pouting like a baby.

"Sorry Kookie. I needed to help your mum lay the table"

"Mum, why would you get a guest to lay the table?" Jungkook asks her. "Its rude"

Mrs Jeon whacks her son round the head. She doesn't use force but it's a telling off.

"Because my son was too busy sleeping to help me do it. Plus Taehyung's part of the family now" she says pulling Taehyung towards her in a side hug.

"Really?" Taehyung asks hopefully.

"Really" she tells him. "I like you and I can tell you're perfect for my Kookie monster"

"Mum!" Jungkook whines. "That's embarrassing" he face palms.

Taehyung giggles. That nickname is so cute. He loves it.

Part of him feels sad that he won't ever have this with his parents, especially now that his mum has died, but the rest of him feels greatful to see Jungkook's parents love their son so much.

"Could you tell me where the bathroom is please" Taehyung whispers to Mrs Jeon.

She seems to pick up on his sadness and gives him a warm smile before telling him where to go.

Taehyung goes into the bathroom and a few tears drip down from his eyes.

'why can't I be loved like this? Why does everyone who should love me hate me?'

Taehyung leaves the bathroom after grouping himself together a little. He can't stop the burning pain in his chest and in his heart.

Despite the rest of the evening being good fun and Taehyung really appreciating the Jeon's having him round, he can't help but feel sad.

Sad that he won't ever have anything like this and won't ever have anyone love him as much as Jungkook's parents love him.

He tries desperately to shake off the feeling of sadness, but it never quite goes. Maybe he's a little jealous. Jealous of the love Jungkook gets. Envious of it even.

But his hearts too pure, and he wouldn't ever be able to say or do anything about it. So for the rest of the dinner, he sits there with his polite, signature fake smile on his face knowing that he doesn't fit in.

And he never will do.

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