Lunch| 12

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Taehyung goes through the rest of his lessons introducing himself, although in his other classes he's not asked to do a Q&A.

All day Jimin seems a little off, not as bubbily as he was in the morning. He can hardly look Taehyung in the eye anymore.

It's as though someone has burst his metaphorical bubble.

But who did it?

'I haven't even lasted a whole day and already someone hates me. I guess I really am just a fuck up' Taehyung thinks angrily to himself.

When he gets annoyed, unimportant things in his life start to become important. He notices far more than he should, giving him off a paranoid vibe.

So after lesson, which he has with Hoseok again, he's offered to join lunch with Hoseok and Jimin. Not wanting to be rude, he agrees although it is rather reluctant.

"Baby why are you so sad? Jiminie talk to me bubs" Hoseok whines, wanting some affection from the younger male.

Jimin instantly freezes and looks towards the shocked Taehyung with fearful eyes. Hoseok watches this interaction and gulps down the feeling of guilt. He doesn't say a word, fearing he already said too much.

"You guys are dating?" Taehyung asks in surprise.

"Y-yeah" a nervous Jimin stutters.

"Cute. I'm surprised I didn't notice before" Taehyung says with a shrug although he's squealing inside as his ship already sailed before he even knew they were his ship.

"You're..... You're not mad?" Jimin questions hesitantly.

Taehyung cocks his head to the side and gives Jimin a questioning glance. He doesn't ever remember coming across as homophobic.

If anything he's the most open minded person out there.

"No why would I be? I am too" Taehyung responds, not really thinking through his words.

But once he does, he covers his mouth with his hands. His eyes widen the size of golf balls and his cheeks heat up a blood red colour.

"I thought you told the class that you were straight"

"no. I just told them I wasn't gay, which is true. I'm bi. Although mostly gay"

Jimin and Hoseok both chorus out an understanding 'ooooh' at the same time.

"we're soulmates" Jimin exclaims as he links arms with Taehyung, taking no notice of how he flinches uncomfortably at the touch and his words. But when he sees Hoseok's dominant glare he adds on the end "platonic of course"

Hoseok let's out a sigh of relief that he's not being replaced, and Taehyung slithers his arm from Jimin's clutches.

Skin ship is a little too advanced for just knowing eachother for a day.

All of a sudden Jimin takes out a Kit Kat bar. Taehyung grimaces at every bite he takes or shares with Hoseok.

'104 calories' Taehyung shudders.

"Do you want some?" Jimin asks, holding out the other half of the stick of chocolate.

Quickly Taehyung shakes his head.

"N-no thank you"

Jimin shrugs but carries on eating contently.

Then they all start walking together down the hallway, Hoseok and Jimin are hand in hand leaving Taehyung standing awkwardly next to them third wheeling.

"what would you say if we told you we were in a three way relationship? You know, theoretically of course" Hoseok asks from out of the blue.

Jimin gently slaps Hoseok's chest as a signal to tell him that he went too far.

"the I would tell you that's a lot of dick and respect to whoever bottoms as that shits gotta hurt. Theoretically of course" Taehyung says with a shrug, repeating Hoseok's last sentence to tease the boys.

Jimin's face heats up massively and Taehyung gives him a knowing smirk.

There's obviously nothing theoretical about this conversation at all.

"So when am I going to meet this 'theoretical' third boyfriend?" Taehyung asks jokily.

"He will probably be at lunch. He loves to sleep alot" Hoseok says excitedly.

"yeah. Sometimes I think he loves sleeping more than us" Jimin giggles.

Taehyung freezes at the word lunch. He forgot he would have to enduldge himself in the delights of eating.


He doesn't understand how people can eat so many calories. Most people eat over 2000 calories a day. Taehyung's lucky if he gets that in a week.

When they make it into the food hall, all the aromas hit Taehyung's food deprived stomach making him wince in pain.

'I can't eat. I'm fat and mother would kill me. I'm a good boy. I don't eat' Taehyung reminds himself sternly.

They all sit at a bench and take out their lunch boxes.

Taehyung has learnt from experience how to fool people into thinking that he eats alot.

Originally he sliced up his food into alot of pieces and that worked for a while, but then it started to get suspicious.

Then he printed out a photo of cucumber sticks and placed it into the container where his cucumber went, it was pretty believable considering it made it look as if he had alot there when you don't look too hard.

He's used big containers before, and little containers. Alot of containers or simply just the one.

But now that he's here in this school where nobody has even noticed his peculiar slim, bony fingers or the way his cheekbones are the barriers that frame his face from the crevices.

So for now he can get away with just drinking a vegetable and fruit smoothie.

He takes out the drink and pierces the foil part with his plastic straw.

"What flavor smoothie have you got?" Jimin asks through a mouthful of seaweed crisps.

Taehyung grimaces at the greasy smell that wavers from all around the food hall.

"It's a carrot and apple smoothie" Taehyung eventually answers.

Jimin scrunches up his nose but doesn't say anything else. He can't think of anything that tastes worse than that.

Taehyung feels overwhelmed by the new, disgusting, calorie filled smells that swarm like bees.

He can't take much more of it.

Without a word, Taehyung gets up and runs.


A/n: I just got a new phone which is cool but it's so hard to write on. The auto correct is pissing me off but apart from that it's the best phone I've ever had and I love it so much.
Hope you're enjoying the story.

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