Recovery| 35

291 10 3

Small birds chirp in the trees, singing songs of a new day to eachother.

It wakes Taehyung up from his uncomfortable sleep. His neck feels out of place, as do all the bones in his body.

He's sure he must have cracked a rib or two. If not more. His whole body cries at him in pain and a few times a yelp of pain slips past his cracked lips.

Gently he sits up despite the agonizing pain, he holds his aching stomach as he does so.

'this hurts so fucking bad' Taehyung thinks to himself whilst biting back tears.

Once he's in a seated position, he rolls onto his very bruised knees and uses the brick wall to help himself stand up. It cuts his palms but the pain is nothing in comparison to the pain that spreads like wildfire throughout his body.

Tears threaten to leave Taehyung's eyes, but he just blinks them back. He doesn't want to cry. Not again. Not anymore.

His thighs wobble under his weight as he forces himself to stand. Despite being so light, his body feels so heavy and his legs feel so weak.

His vision is so blurry that everything seems to morph into one. The noise from the birds blend into a noiseless chatter in the background as his senses all merge into one.

He feels as though he's on a rollar coaster but he's not allowed to get off. His head feels light and heavy. He's not sure which is right and which is wrong.

Everything is muddled.

All he can hear is his own strained breath leaving his sore, dry throat. It doesn't feel like he's in his own body. It's as if he's looking out the eyes of another person and yet he's the one in control.

He screws his eyes shut to try and rid of this feeling but it only makes him loose his balance.

Taehyung's knees come clattering down to the floor as he throws up nothing but stomach acid into the bush next to him. He's left gagging as his body tries to throw up the empty hunger in his stomach.

It feels like hell.

But eventually he's able to pull himself together. He crawls back over to the wall and puts his bloody palms back on it to try and heave himself to his feet. The pain is excruciating and he thought by now that he'd be used to it.

Clearly not.

But soon he is on his feet and he's able to stay on them. He's very tired, however, he knows that he needs to start getting ready for school and that won't be easy to do.

Slowly he inches forward, each step more Shaky than the last.

Cries spill from his cherry lips as his body screams in agony.

"I can't do this" Taehyung cries out loud. "It hurts so bad"

Soft sobs racket in his chest. He thought that he wouldn't cry, he told himself he wouldn't cry anymore.

But here he is. Sobbing like a baby.

Quickly Taehyung dries his eyes and makes a promise to himself.

'i won't cry again' Taehyung tells himself. 'i refuse to cry because of my father ever again'

And the one thing Taehyung never breaks is a true promise. He's never broken a promise before and doesn't plan on breaking one any time soon.

Quietly, Taehyung opens the door to get inside, breathing a sigh of relief that his father didn't lock the door.

If he had of locked the door, that wouldn't have been good. Taehyung would've just given up and frozen to death. Not that he hasn't already frozen to death.

He silently closes the door behind him and tiptoes up the stairs and locks himself in the bathroom.

Taehyung strips out of his soaking wet clothes, hearing them slop against the laminated floor.

Looking at himself in the mirror, Taehyung's blood coated, skinny, shivering body yells out all the abuse he's had to endure.

Scars litter his body, some made by himself, most made by his father. His whole body is covered in some sort of injury.

'im so ugly' Taehyung thinks to himself ' And when did I start to look so skinny?'

No longer under the spell of his mother's abuse, Taehyung can finally see what he truly looks like. He can see what's left of his body; which is very minimal.

However, despite seeing his overly skinny body for what it truly is and seeing his bones sticking out, he can't bring himself to have food.

Just the thought makes him gag a little.

He steps into the burning hot shower to try and bring back sensation to his freezing cold body and to remove the sickening feeling burning in his stomach. As he's so underweight, he feels the cold a lot more than most other 'normal' people.

The water washes away the dirt from lying outside all night and the dried blood that has plastered to his body.

However, the shower can't wash away his bruises or scars, nor can it wash away his mental trauma. The shower can only wash away what lies on the surface of his skin.

Taehyung takes his marshmallow scented body wash and applies it to his body, hissing in pain as it gets into his cuts.

He finishes up washing his pale skin, that once used to be tanned, and then gets out of the shower and brushes his teeth. Due to having a stash of clothes hidden already in the bathroom, Taehyung's able to change in there without having to leave this room and double his chances of disturbing his father.

It's nothing fancy, but it's the best that he's got. And as he's so cold all of the time, it's a shame that he doesn't have a hoodie with him, but that's life.

To be fair, he only has one hoodie in his wardrobe and only 4 shirts and trousers.

To be fair, he only has one hoodie in his wardrobe and only 4 shirts and trousers

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Gently, Taehyung leaves his home to get to school.

A/n: anyone want any smut In the story? Idk I might include some if people want it. Lemme know

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