Mrs Jeon| 58

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Mrs Jeon sits down next to Taehyung, laying out a briefcase on the table, which Taehyung had failed to notice when she first walked into the room.

"Mrs Jeon you're not required for this. We're not conducting a full interrogation" the female officer tries to argue.

"Hush now" she silences her. "You guys clearly haven't been following the rules, through hurting these innocent children, and Taehyung here has the right to a lawyer being present at any stage. Plus if this wasn't a full investigation, then my client would be free to leave at any point"

"Which he is-"

"Taehyung" she says, turning her attention to the blonde male. "Were you made aware of your rights to leave at any point?"

Taehyung shakes his head.

"Verbal answer please Mr Kim" she tells him. "It's on tape"

"No I wasn't made aware"

"As I thought"

"Mrs Jeon please allow us to continue on with the investigation. It could save the lives of the girls who are being trafficked and raped"

"Allow me and my client to discuss the matter alone please"

The officer reluctantly pauses the tape and leaves the room.

"Thank you so much Mrs Jeon. I really appreciate this"

"Nonsense" she says with a smile that's identical to the bunny one Jungkook has. "Ggukie told me everything that happened. It's awful that they treated you like this. I'm going to get you out of here in 10 minutes top and get you some justice"

"Thanks Mrs Jeon"

She smiles at him warmly. She's rather fond of the cute blonde boy. And she can also see why Jungkook is aswell.

Them two are close, and Jungkook has told her about Taehyung and how he feels about him. He's also told her about the mixed signals he's been getting from him (without going into too much detail).

She just doesn't know about the selfharm.

"Taehyung, if I'm going to get you out of here soon, I'm going to need to know everything she meant by the trafficking and everything that's going on. Ggukie never told me about this"

Taehyung tells her everything to do with his mother's death, how she was anorexic and how she killed herself. He tells her about his father blaming him for it, not believing that she killed herself. She's told about his father cheating and being a builder. And she knows about him being an alcoholic.

She just hasn't a clue about Taehyung's own eating disorders or selfharming. And he doesn't tell her about how abusive his father is.

He knows it would be easier for his father to be blamed for the trafficking as it would prevent him from abusing his son, but Taehyung knows that if the case fell through, or he was caught out for lying, he'd be dead within the hour.

Once they've got their story straight, and Mrs Jeon knows all that's necessary, they call in the officer again.

"I want to make an official complaint. My client wasn't read his legal requirements of his rights, which means he's having to be released without further charge. And he was abused along with another young boy. They were both physically attacked. For this, my client demands compensation"

The officer Infront doesn't know what to say.

"That could be thousands of pounds. That's more than what the company can afford"

"Then I have another offer for you" Mrs Jeon proposes. "You sack the two policemen who did this"

"B-but they're some of our best cops" she stutters.

"It's either them or the money. And are they really worth thousands of pounds in compensation? Especially after what they've done?"

She's left speechless.

"Now I'll come check upon that to make sure they're gone within the week. And I presume my client is free to go?"

The female officer cannot force Taehyung to stay, so she's obliged to let him go.

"I'm sorry what happened to you Taehyung" she says sweetly. "But we just wanted to help"

With that, Taehyung's released.

Him and Mrs Jeon stand in the car park for a few minutes before Jungkook is released aswell with his father walking besides him.

He's a tall man with grey hair and a beard which is losing its raven colour.

His eyes are dark like an abyss, however, deep within them you see a burning ember of warmth and compassion.

There are lines on his face from smiling throughout his years, and his posture drips with intellect and power.

He wears a simple checkered shirt and black trousers with fancy looking shoes that probably cost more than Taehyung earns in a year.

He's a well off man who's clearly a family guy at heart.

Jungkook rushes over to Taehyung, pulling him into his arms.

"I'm so glad you're ok" Jungkook whispers.

Taehyung hugs Jungkook tighter, feeling the need to be as close to him as possible.

"I'm glad you're ok too. You shouldn't have jumped in like that though. You got yourself arrested"

Taehyung pulls back from the hug a little bit to look over the bruise that's formed on Jungkook's cheek and jaw.

He gently brushes his finger along it, making Jungkook's skin tingle with anticipation.

"And you got hit too"

"It was worth it for you"

Taehyung looks Jungkook in the eyes before drawing him back in for another hug.

This hugs shorter, and it's there as a thank you.

Then he turns to Mr and Mrs Jeon. He sticks close to Jungkook's side, feeling his anxiety picking up. But then he remembers he's not allowed to feel shy or scared, not after what they've just done for him.

"Words cannot explain how thankful I am for your help" Taehyung says to them both.

"Any time" Mr Jeon says, rubbing his arm.

Mrs Jeon gives him a fond smile.

"Let's drop you home. Today has been a chaotic day"

"Thank you so much"

Taehyung hasn't ever had anyone look out for him before or fight for him.

So it means alot.

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