Destroyed| 42

275 12 25

By the time Taehyung gets home, he's sweating. The sun projects such a strong heat that Taehyung swears he's going to melt.

He had to make a call before he went home to an old mate from Daegu.

Considering that the half term is coming up, she said that she was going to come down to Seoul to see him.

Taehyung can't wait.

Truth be told he used to have a little crush on her. I mean she is beautiful. And her personality is even more stunning.

She has long ebony hair that reaches her waist which she wears in a loose bun on top of her head. Her skin has an ivory undertone that tends to sparkle in the sunlight.

Her smile is so beautiful that even the coldest of hearts are melted by it. And her eyes glimmer with joy at the simplest things in life.

She's beautiful.

She's perfect!

Despite being a couple years older than Taehyung, they have always been really close friends

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Despite being a couple years older than Taehyung, they have always been really close friends.

She moved to Tokyo once finishing school so Taehyung hasn't seen her in a while.

Areum is her name. It means beautiful in Korean so she certainly fits the name.

Taehyung's thoughts are clouded by her and Jungkook as he walks through the door of his house.

'i can't be gay' Taehyung tries to convince himself. 'the only guy I've ever been even slightly into is Tom Holland. And who can blame me, he's hot'

But then his face pales.

"Oh no" he whispers.

His father is standing Infront of him, leather belt in hand. In his other hand he holds a sharp bread knife.

The sharp ridges refractor off light from their cheep, yellow tinted lightbulbs that if you listen carefully buzz restlessly, as if a bee has been trapped in them.

Taehyung's petrified.

Beyond petrified.

He goes to grab the dirty silver handle of the door that has inconveniently closed behind him, never taking his eyes off of his father's movements or the deathly weapons he has in his hands.

His hand reaches the handle and he pushes down on it serveral times. It jangles but never opens.

'what the fuck?' Taehyung curses.

He quickly spins around, trying desperately to open the door. His nails claw at the wooden structure as he pants.

It isn't opening.

He next tries to unlock it, but it's to no avail.

He's trapped.

Wooden splinters bury themselves under his nails and cut his golden skin. It hurts but it's worth it if he's able to get out.

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