Police| 56

194 13 1

The half term comes and goes quickly. Some of the boys knock on Taehyung's door each day, however the youngest never opens his door.

Not even to Jin.

The said male was able to calm Taehyung down that night, and he thanked him, however Taehyung just needed his own space. To be able to be sad alone.

The first few days of school go alright. Taehyung avoids the other males when possible and they learn to stop knocking on his door, begging for him to open it.

They learn to give Taehyung some space.

The people who are taking it the hardest are Jungkook, Yoongi and Jimin.

Yoongi, because he feels guilty for leaving Taehyung back in Daegu and for what happened with Areum.

Jungkook, for scaring Taehyung and because he loves him but can't do anything about it.

And Jimin, because Taehyung's his platonic soulmate but he's unable to do anything to help him.

But Taehyung doesn't want help, so he isn't getting any.

A knock on the door drags Taehyung out of his thoughts. He quite often day dreams in class to keep his mind positive as reality is just too dismal.

Two fully uniformed police officers stand at the door, dripping with authority.

They look over the sea of students, scanning each one, until the female officer locks eyes with Taehyung.

'fuck' Taehyung thinks.

"Kim Taehyung could you come with us please"

Everyone stares at Taehyung and the class erupts into an echo of 'oooohs' it makes Taehyung feel small and insecure.

Jungkook, who's sitting next to Taehyung, gives the males leg a squeeze. It makes Taehyung calm down and give Jungkook a small smile.

Then he stands up and awkwardly walks across from the back of the room to the front.

They escort him out of the room into a small conference room that the school has provided for them.

The male gestures for Taehyung to sit in the chair which is situated in the middle of the room. Taehyung does as he's told, feeling really small when neither of the officers sit down and only lean against a spare table with their arms crossed.

He feels intimidated. Which is what he knows they're trying to make him feel.

"So Taehyung" she begins. "We've brought you in here to talk about your mother"

Taehyung's heart drops.

"We did go round to your house" the male cop joins in. "But nobody was home"

"Y-yes" Taehyung stammers, mentally cursing himself for stuttering. "My father's away on business"

"What job does he have?" She asks.

"He's a builder"

"Are you sure about that?" She asks.


The male cop now joins in. Taehyung doesn't like the feeling of being ganged up on. It reminds him of how his mother and father both used to abuse him in different ways. He thought he'd escaped from that, clearly not.

"Taehyung we believe your father runs a club and is trafficking girls into this country to pay men to rape them"

Taehyung snorts.

It makes both of the police officers frown and look at him, waiting for an explanation.

Taehyung rolls his eyes with a little smirk on his face, no longer feeling as intimidated.

"You really think my father could do that?" He asks with a scoff.

"Yes we do Taehyung"

'my father's more likely to be one of the rapist's, he isn't some leader in the operation' Taehyung thinks, knowing that he can't tell the police this. 'this is just stupid'

"Well you're wrong"

"I don't think we are Taehyung" she argues back.

"You think or you know? Because if this is only speculation then you're clearly not doing your job very well"

"Excuse me? Taehyung your father is involved in something very dodgy"

Taehyung rolls his eyes.

"My father isn't. I can tell you that. And if he was you wouldn't be here dragging a highschool student out of his lesson trying to get him to spill dirt on his father"

She grimaces and looks away from Taehyung, trying to control her anger.

'he's a tough one to crack'

"Taehyung we're going to need you to contact your father. He isn't responding to our calls" the male policeman says.

"Absolutely not"

"And whys that?"

"He's not going to respond to me" Taehyung says with a fake laugh to hide his hurt. "I'm the last person on earth"

"At least try Taehyung" she snaps.


"Taehyung" the man says in a stern warning tone. "We're not asking for much"

"You're asking me to call my father" Taehyung says. "he would kill me if I called him. Especially if it was because the police are wanting to talk to him"

"Don't be dramatic Taehyung. He wouldn't kill you"

Taehyung snorts.

'he would. That's the scary thing'

"Taehyung we can arrest you for not cooperating" he threatens.

"On what grounds?" Taehyung fires back. "That I won't call my father for you guys. Do you even have a warrant?"

Neither of them respond.

"Exactly. That's what I thought. And you guys would have a warrant for my property if you guys had any grounds for your investigation. But you don't. So I suggest you drop this whole thing as you've got the wrong guy"

"Taehyung, can you stop being so difficult" he snaps this time.

"What's this even got to do with my mother?" Taehyung argues.

Both colleagues look at eachother for confirmation before she coughs and begins.

"We think your mother was a prostitute who your father deprived and starved for not obeying the rules and we recon he raped her too before finally killing her off"

Taehyung looks at them as if they're crazy.

"Bullshit" he spits. "My mother had an eating disorder. She died from selfharm and overdosing herself"

"That's what your father wants-"

"Stop!" Taehyung snaps. "I watched her die Infront of me. I saw her die. And I won't call my father as he thinks I killed her"

Taehyung leaves the room, slamming the door behind him.

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