Mask| 7

399 21 1

Taehyung walks inside the facility of the school. Blinding colours of white in all shades greets his dark orbs. For him it's as if he's stepped straight into heaven.

But it's still hell.

Curious eyes follow Taehyung's every step as many students start gossiping about him.

"woah he's cute"

"he's so short"

"I wonder if he's gay"

"doesn't look like he has any muscles"

The comments are all mixed, some are positive whilst others are negative. He hates all of this attention and just wants to curl up in a ball and die.

But he has to continue on forwards.

The gleaming lights in the hallway mask up the patchy paint job and the crumbling interior.

Overall its a pretty nice school at first glance, but when you look closer, the finer details are rough and uncalculated.

Like the trophy cabinet, at first glance it looks rather posh, but when you look closer you can see the way it tilts forwards and shakes slightly when a rush of students pass through. Clearly it's a health and safety hazard.

Taehyung walks up the stairs, following the sign that reads 'reception' in big bold letters.

When he manages to reach the first floor, he takes a good look at this extravagant school.

As far as the eye can see, there are massive windows that bring in spherical dappled light from the sparkling sun.

The windows being back awful memories for Taehyung when he was back in Daegu being beaten to pulp, but he choses to ignore them.

'now is not the time for a panic attack or an episode' Taehyung reminds himself sternly.

'afraid of a window? Fucking whimp'

He starts walking down the well polished corridor. It confuses him as to why there aren't any students down here, but he assumes this is because it's only the reception and no lessons are down here.

It would make sense.

The warm glow from the sun lights up his caramel complexion, kissing his skin and embracing his cold body in a blanket of warmth.

His eye lashes flutter a few times in an attempt to adjust to the light. It tickles his rosey cheeks making them glow a little stronger.

He nibbles in anxiousness on his lower lip causing it to look a dark red colour, as if he had worn lip stick of some sort.

Every step that he takes makes a small stomp underneath his heels. This is caused by him been flat footed. Yet despite having a brisk pace, there's some elegance in the way that he steps.

If anyone had been watching they would have believed they had seen an angel on earth, he's that breathtaking.

They might not have noticed his nails digging into his wrists due to his anxiety. Or the slight tremble throughout his body.

They might have been too overwhelmed in his beauty to see how terrified he actually is. See Kim Taehyung is brilliant at putting up a front, but when he doesn't think that he's being watched, he instantly shows his vulnerable side.

But what he doesn't know is that he is being watched. The person is gawping when they see his familiar features wondering why he isn't in Daegu.

See the person that is watching can't help but want to avoid him at all costs. He knows that the angel infront of him will become Satan himself once he gets a glimpse of his face.

And he would rather hide from him than have to confront the reality of their past.

He's the only person that would notice the true emotions of the boy, despite him wearing a mask of lies saying "I'm ok"

He can just imagine the flush spreading across Taehyung's sun kissed cheeks from feeling his anxiety picking up.

Part of him misses Taehyung, maybe all of him does, but he doesn't miss him in the way that he used to.

He misses him in the way of feeling guilty.

This mysterious man saw Taehyung at his lows, he heard Taehyung's inner demons and his pessimistic thoughts. He knows the real Taehyung that he keeps locked inside.

Although he might not know the reasons as to why Taehyung has all these inner demons, he's the only person that knows he's got them.

He's the only person that knows Taehyung isn't perfect.

But Taehyung also knows alot about him. All the times where he wanted to kill himself and the times where waking up in the morning was futile.

Everyday they met up at the same coffee shop at 11:30pm for a drink and a chat.

There were just two rules they had to follow:

   1) don't ask what caused the problem
2) don't try to fix the others problem

And they always stuck to it. They never knew what caused their problems and they never told the other person what to do.

They simply listened.

Over their cup of black coffee's (both without sugar) they just spoke about everything and anything. Never empathising or giving pity. They just spoke.

And now here they are, in the same school both running from their pasts. Here they are, as if fate has struck, one boy broken on the outside and the other boy broken on the inside.

Taking one last glimpse before Taehyung walks around the corner, he slowly walks away himself; trying to forget he ever saw the younger male.

As for Taehyung, he feels this foreign feeling deep inside. As if something is going to go horribly wrong.

And his anxiety is causing him to be paranoid deep inside.

Before he knows it, he's standing at the office door. He knocks twice before hearing a small 'come in' and opens the door.

"Kim Taehyung?" the elder lady asks.

She holds a lit cigarette inbetween her two fingers. The smoke curls into the air, burning Taehyung's lungs from the smell.


She hands him a slip of paper and pushes him out of the door with an obnoxious slam.

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