He's back| 64

193 9 13

Taehyung and Jungkook walk home together hand in hand.

Its been two weeks since they started dating and things couldn't have gone better.

"Do you want to come round mine again tonight and watch a movie?" Jungkook asks.

Taehyung nods with a warm smile on his face.

"I just need to go home first and get my sweatpants"

That's not the only reason why he wants to go home. His father still hasn't come back home, and the suspense that one day he could come back home whilst Taehyung is out is killing him. If he's caught breaking his father's rules, that'll be the end of him.

Jungkook whines and steps Infront of Taehyung, swinging their hands back and forth.

"Baby please can we go straight to mine" Jungkook whines. "I've told you before that you can wear my hoodie and joggers"

Taehyung smiles, feeling a little sad that it isn't that simple.

"I know Kookie and I appreciate it, I really do. But you know that your joggers are too big for me. Plus my house is just a few minutes down the road"

Jungkook huffs.

"Fine" he sighs. "But at least let me come with you. The nights are getting darker and I don't want you walking there alone"

Taehyung playfully rolls his eyes and pecks Jungkook on the cheek.

"Babe I'll be fine" he says. "Just put on a movie and I'll be over in no time"

Jungkook debates with himself for a few moments before slowly letting go of Taehyung's hands, immediately feeling lonely without his touch.

"Fine" he gives in, not wanting to be clingy. "But you better be here soon okay?"

Taehyung pecks Jungkook on the lips.

"I'll be there before you know it"

But Jungkook and Taehyung both know that Taehyung's house is more than a few minutes away. Its going to take Taehyung between 30 minutes and 1 hour to get to Jungkook's again.

Jungkook always offers Taehyung a lift but the latter always says no.

'ive got to burn off the fat' Taehyung thinks. 'jungkook is making me eat too much now that he's my boyfriend. Plus what if my dad comes home? I can't have Jungkook finding out about my secret'

Taehyung takes the long walk home, listening to his music as he goes.

Once he gets home, his heart stops.

His biggest fears have all come true. His inevitable fate has hunted him down and now there's no escape.

He's back.

His father is home.

Taehyung takes a few steps backwards. He can't do this. He can't face him. After all this time he really hoped he would be safe. He prayed that he wouldn't ever come back.

Taehyung sees a light through the window turn on. Its confirmed now. His father is definitely home. And he heavily doubts he will be in a good mood.

Before Taehyung goes inside, he messages Jungkook telling him that he won't be able to go round as he forgot that he was going to help his neighbour with some work.

Then Taehyung faces his fears. He opens the front door.

"F-father?" Taehyung calls out.

His father comes out from around the corner with a glass bottle of beer in his hand. Clearly he's already pissed.

"You're late home" he spits viciously.

"S-sorry father. H-how was your t-trip?"

His father punches him across the cheek, knocking Taehyung's weak body to the floor.

"You little shit" he growls. "How dare you bring that up"


"Ugh. Just looking at you makes me feel sick. You remind me too much of your pathetic mother"

Tears drip from Taehyung's eyes. He knew this was coming. He knew his father would come and he knew his father would hate him.

But it still hurts.

Just because he expected it and knew it would happen doesn't stop it from hurting.

He always prepares himself to be beaten, to have shit spat at him and to be told how worthless he is: but no preparation could lead up to this. Even though he's had to deal with it for years, there's no way he could ever get used to it.

His heart is just too pure for it.

His father continues to beat him. To kick and punch him. To throw his glass bottle at the wall next to Taehyung's head, making the smaller male flinch.

The reason for it? Taehyung's not quite sure. Maybe there isn't a reason. Its not like he needs one. Taehyung makes him angry just by existing.

And that's a hard pill to swallow.

His father picks him up by the throat and pins him up against the wall. Taehyung coughs and splutters. Stars and shapes dance in his vision as he looks hazily at his father.

"I hate you" Taehyung spits in a croaky voice, no longer wanting to take his father's pain. No longer able to endure it.

He cries. He sobs. He weaps.

"I HATE YOU!" Taehyung screams. "WHY DO YOU HURT ME? WHAT DID I DO?"

Taehyung hysterically cries, feeling a searing hot pain on his neck. The lump in his throat doesn't help him breath.

He's panicking. He's mourning. He's desperate.

Desperate to get away. Desperate not to be here anymore.

"HOW DARE YOU SPEAK TO ME LIKE THAT!" his father voice booms.

What little confidence Taehyung had to speak up to his father is squashed.

He's thrown to the floor and what little breath he had stored up in his lungs is kicked straight out of him, leaving a beyond painful bruise.

Taehyung claws at the walls feeling plaster under his nails. His breathing is laboured and unsteady. He feels like he's dying as he clings at as much oxygen as he can.

His father leaves the room but then comes back with a weird stamp tool. Taehyung can hear the hissing noise coming from it.

Clearly it's hot.

"Stay still for this" his father growls, pinning him down. "It's going to hurt!"

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