But I Still Want You| 54

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Taehyung wakes up to his vision being blurry. He blinks away the light that blinds his eyes and coughs away the nausea he's feeling.

"Taehyung?" He hears Jungkook's sleepy voice whisper.

Taehyung hums in response.

"I've sorted out your wrist and bandaged it up. Luckily it's not bleeding anymore but you need to rest it and not do anything to rip your stitches out or break the string"

Taehyung nods.

"Tae can I ask you something?"

The said boy considers being sassy and saying 'you already have' but decides against it. Jungkook has helped him more then he deserves so he decides to be nice.

Although, Taehyung knows what question he will ask.

"Go on" he still says.

"Why did you do it? Why did you harm again?"

Taehyung only shrugs, not wanting to share the real reason.

"Please Tae" Jungkook begs as tears well up in his eyes.

'i know you may love her, but I love you Taehyung' Jungkook thinks to himself. 'why did you do it? Why did you hurt yourself so bad? Why does it hurt me even more?'

Taehyung once again shakes his head.

"Why are you still here Jungkook?" Taehyung asks him, unable to make eye contact. "It's late, you should've gone"

Jungkook's heart pangs in pain.

'Because I love you'

"Because I wanted to make sure that you're ok"

Taehyung rolls his eyes a little annoyed. It makes Jungkook's heart shatter just that little bit more.

"You can clearly see that I'm okay Jungkook. So why are you still here?" He spits.

Taehyung doesn't want to be so rude. He wants to crumble up in Jungkook's embrace and just cry into his arms, spill his guts to him. Tell him everything, let Jungkook be his hero and save him from this so called life he's having to live.

But that's why he has to be rude.

He has no choice.

Jungkook is already to close to him. And from past experience, everyone who gets close to him either leaves or gets hurt or hurts him.

His mother, his father, his siblings, Yoongi even Areum.

Every nameless face he's known have slammed the door on him, thrown him out into the cold. Have beaten him. Have abused him.

He's learnt to be all alone in this world, not to let anyone get close to him. So he builds up these walls. These barriers. It keeps the bad out, but it also keeps the good out.

It's a battle, does he let the good and the bad in; Or does he isolate himself from it all?

He chooses the latter as it's easier. It's easier to push people away than to accept help.

But what he doesn't realise that is by forcing out the good and the bad, he's trapped something worse inside his walls; his father.

And he's so brainwashed that he can't see it.

"Taehyung I'm here because I care about you" Jungkook says in disbelief.

"And who asked you to do that?" Taehyung snaps, forcing his angry tears to hide. "I'm not some fucking charity case or some lost cause. I don't need you Jungkook. I don't need any of you guys. I don't need anyone!"


"Leave!" Taehyung demands of him.

"Seriously?" Jungkook decides to snap back. "Taehyung a few hours ago I decided to do something I'm completely uncomfortable in doing and I saved your life and this is how you chose to say thank you?"

"I told you I could've done it myself!"


Taehyung whimpers and cowers in fear. He hasn't ever been good with shouting or loud noises.

His hands protectively cover his head as tears begin spilling from his eyes. And his body curls up into a ball. Heavy sobs leave Taehyung's lips as he struggles to draw in breath from his position.

"Oh shit sorry Taehyung" Jungkook curses. "Fuck I didn't mean to- I mean- I"

Jungkook can't figure out what to say or how to phrase his words. Taehyung's got him stumped.

Taehyung breathes in and out heavily, sometimes spluttering from a choked up sob. He's a wreck.

Jungkook tries to touch Taehyung but instantly the blonde younger male flinches heavily.

"Taehyung I'm sorry"

But he can't seem to get the latter to calm down.

Jungkook crouches down to eye level with Taehyung and forces the latter to look him in the eyes.

Taehyung's cheeks are a rosey red colour and his blue eyes are puffy and slightly swollen.

It's not an attractive look, however Jungkook still thinks Taehyung looks beautiful.

He's lost in his ethereal looks for a few moments until he has to snap out of it.

"Taehyung you need to put your hand on my heart, you're having a panic attack"

Taehyung makes no moves to put his hand anywhere near Jungkook.

The elder basically feels his heart snap in two.

'maybe it's not such a good idea for him to out his hand on my heart, it's unsteady enough as it is. Yes that's right. Taehyung can tell that' Jungkook tries to sugar coat it for himself.

The reality is too painful.

"Let me help you"

Taehyung looks him dead in the eyes.

"You've......done........ enough" Taehyung pants out.

Tears rolls down from Jungkook's eyes, and Taehyung has to look away from him as the sight hurts too badly.

"JIN!" Jungkook shouts unnecessarily loudly down the stairs.

The eldest of the group doesn't even wait a second before sprinting up the stairs, tripping over broken bottles that litter the top few steps.

Jungkook fills Jin in on what happened with Taehyung and waits for the elder to scold him, however he just makes a b-line towards Taehyung to try help him.

'but I still want you' Taehyung thinks to himself once Jungkooks left.

Dejectedly Jungkook walks downstairs to the boys.

"Come on" he says downheartedly. "We should go"

"What about Taehyung?" Jimin asks.

"Jin's there"

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