Punishment| 15

352 19 14

His knees tremble, arms shake and body freezes at the words that slip past his father's drunken lips.

Gently he closes the door behind himself to buy himself time before he gets beaten up by the one person that's supposed to love you unconditionally.

Taehyung steps over the mounds of broken bottles of alcohol, hoping his father will have mercy on him.

"Get into the living room now!" His father snaps angrily.

He's clearly in a really bad mood. Probably one of his sluts bailed on him. That's what normally makes his kicks harder and punches stronger.

Part of him, the selfish part, wishes those young women would go along with his father's demands so that he will be spared.

But ultimately he couldn't ever wish for someone else to take away his pain with their own.

Taehyung goes into the living room like he was instructed. He looks at the flaking wallpaper that's in colours of grey and black and he looks at the cream coloured carpet that's got countless alcohol stains and muddy footprints coating it.

Taehyung wonders if this is were he's going to die, on an old carpet in an even older house where nobody will care that he's dead or will turn up at his funeral.

It's sad.

But that's the funny thing, everything in Taehyung's life is sad.

You can't get a rainbow with out the rain, but Taehyung also needs the sun. And the sun doesn't seem to care for him very much.

Snapping him from out of his daydream, Taehyung's father walks into the room.

"Get on your hand and knees" he snarls.

Everytime that he speaks, small drops of saliva are released from his rotting, yellow teeth.

His eyes are dark and mysterious, but you can read him like a book. He's selfish and uncanny. He's a genuinely horrible man who doesn't even know how to smile properly.

Taehyung does as he's told and slowly moves down onto his hands and knees. Only then does he see what shoes his father is wearing.

Big chunky boots in the colour of black conceal his mould inhabited feet. But what's worse is the steel toe of the boot and the studs that work as more than just decoration.

Whenever he's late home, his father uses these boots on him. He always kicks up into his sons chest and stomach making him count the kicks.

For every 5 minutes that he's late, he gets a kick. But ultimately his father decides how late he is.

Sometimes he might only be 5 minutes late but his father will twist it so that he's 10 minutes late.

He's an evil man.

But I'm sure you know that by now.

"Kim Taehyung, you were supposed to be home by 4:30. It is now 5 and you're home. You're 35 minutes late" he snaps.

'actually I'm only 30 minutes late' Taehyung thinks to himself but he wouldn't ever dare stand up to his father like that.

His father kicks up into his lungs causing all the air to be knocked out. Taehyung wheezes out in pain and starts coughing.

His father yanks up his hair and makes eye contact with his son.

"Start counting bitch" he spits.

Saliva drops down onto Taehyung's face making him grimace deep down inside.

"One" Taehyung croaks out.

His father keeps ahold of hair hair and kicks up again just as rough as before. It causes his son to cry out in pain.


This time his father kicks further down onto his soft little tummy, just below his ribs.

"Three!" Taehyung shouts in pain.

Another kick.


His father kicks him once again causing Taehyung's arms to give out from underneath him and for his face to hit the carpet. His nose starts bleeding at the force.

"GET UP!" His father screams and so Taehyung does as he's told.

"F-five" Taehyung bursts into tears.

After so many years of not crying, Taehyung can't help but burst into tears. The pain is excruciating.

He had hoped for just one day that he wouldn't be hurt but that would always be a long shot.

"SIX" Taehyung screams.

His father kicks him this time in the face making Taehyung spit out blood.

"seven" Taehyung croaks out.

He sighs in relief when his father let's go of his hair but shrieks when he's grabbed by his shoulders and hauled up onto his feet.


He doesn't get to finish his sentence as he's punched harshly on the jaw. Taehyung stumble back a few steps only to be pinned against the wall.

"Dad!" Taehyung cries out in pain.

He's not normally hit for no reason.

"Shut it kid. And don't you dare call me your father. You're dead to me!" Taehyung's father spits.

Fat tears escape Taehyung's eyes and roll down his burning hot cheeks that are painted in hues of purple and black. Blood seeps from an open wound on his cheek, right next to the cut he got at school.

His father pulls him by the hair and slams his face into the wall making Taehyung see double for a few seconds.

Then he's pulled out into the hallway and thrown against the edge of the stairs.

The corner of the sharp stairs digs into Taehyung's back making him shout out in pain. He can feel the blood escaping from his body.

Taehyung watches as his father takes a swig from his bottle of alcohol. He walks away from his heavily wounded son and into the kitchen.

Just as Taehyung thinks the torture is over, his father comes back into the hallway with his now empty glass bottle and throws it down on his son.

Glass shatters everywhere, digging into Taehyung's smooth skin. Leaving scars and memories of his bad life.

Taehyung watches through heavy lidded eyes as his father crouches down to his level.

"I hate you" his father spits.

Then he takes one final blow to the face before blacking out!

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