Don't Touch Me| 27

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Taehyung uses all his strength to sit up. Despite not being the strongest person in the room, his determination makes up for the muscles that he lacks.

"Look Taehyung I think maybe you should go to hospital. I only brought you here as I live next to where you fainted and it was dangerous for you to stay there" Jin explains.

"I'm fine" Taehyung growls out.

Jin looks at the young innocent boy through pity filled eyes.

'who hurt him?' Jin wonders.

He wouldn't dare ask that out loud as it would risk all the trust that he's built up with the boy. Despite not having very much trust from Taehyung, Jin knows he's lucky that the young boy hasn't run away yet.

Although it's not as though he's in any fit state to run away just yet.

"Taehyung do you want anything to eat or drink?" Jin asks.

"No thanks" Taehyung responds as though he's practiced that phrase many many times.

"You need something" Jin tries reasoning.

He watches as Taehyung weights up his options, trying not to fall for the temptation.

He gives Jin side eyes before sighing.

"Can I have some water please" he asked defeatedly.

"Of course" Jin says with a smile.

He would offer for him to eat too, but he knows that would just be pushing his luck.

'baby steps' he reminds himself. 'baby steps'

Jin walks out of the room, leaving the door open behind himself.

This gives Taehyung a chance to look at what lies beyond the pristine white door.

Out in the hallway lies the softest looking carpet with small silver flecks of sparkles in it. There are pastel coloured paintings that frame the pink tinted walls and a mirror is positioned at the end of the hallway.

A matching silver chandelier hangs gracefully from the ceiling casting a sepia toned glow from it.

Taehyung feels very out of place here. Unworthy of staying in a place so beautiful.

He looks down at his feet and sees his scruffy converse that has dried mud coating the ends of them. It makes him sigh.

'ill never be worthy of something as nice as this. I'm set up to fail. To be a screw up'

He looks down at the hoodie that has been placed on him. Clearly it's Jin's as it's very oversized on Taehyung.

Even the basic cream coloured hoodie seems far too grand for Taehyung.

So pushing past the pain, he grabs the hem of it and pulls it up and over his head to revel his ruined top underneath.

"All I'll ever be is a fuck up" Taehyung mumbles to himself. "I'll never be good enough"

He wonders what it's like to live in such a grand place.

'would life be better? Knowing I'm not just a piece of trash on the sidewalk? Knowing that I mean something to someone?' Taehyung wonders to himself. 'or would it be just as bad? Having to live up to other people's standards? Never able to make a mistake?'

Whilst he's thinking about how different life could've been for him, he's also on high alert; cautious of every noise he hears.

So when Jin walks into the room, Taehyung's already looking in his direction. Jin can practically feel the anxiety that radiates off of him.

"Don't you ever relax?" Jin asks with an awkward laugh.

Taehyung remains silent.

"I guess not" Jin mutters under his breath.

He walks towards Taehyung at a normal place for a tall lanky guy like himself, but doesn't move any closer when he sees Taehyung's shoulders move upwards in an attempt to make himself smaller than he already is.

"Heyyyyy" Jin says it in a way as if he's talking to a scared child or animal. "I'm not going to hurt you. It's ok" he coos.

Taehyung cautiously looks at him, his eyes convey all the emotions that he's been bottling up deep inside himself.

Taehyung looks between Jin and the water bottle that he holds in his hand.

Jin takes this as a hint and slowly lifts up as arm and moves it closer to Taehyung. He's scared that even the slightest of movements is going to scare him.

Taehyung moves his shaky hand towards the bottle, never once breaking eye contact with Jin.

Once he gets the bottle and Jin let's go of it, he quickly retracts his arm.

It reminds Jin of a child that's scared of leaving their feet outside of the duvet incase a monster will grab them and gobble them up.

Taehyung unscrews the cap and poors the water into his mouth. As he drinks, Jin watches his Adams apple bob up and down.

Taehyung manages to drink about half the bottle of water before putting it down.

'water speeds up your motablolism' Taehyung reminds himself. 'it will help you lose weight. It will help you become beautiful'

His heart drops slightly at the reminder that he's not there yet.

That he's not beautiful.

"I need to go" Taehyung tells Jin as he shoots up and stands up way too quickly.

Blood rushes to his head causing him to feel a little faint. He can hear it pumping in his ears which throws him off balance.

His legs give way underneath him like jelly and he's left tumbling to the ground.

But before he can hit it and cause himself another ugly bruise, Jin catches him.

Once the spinning sensation reduces, Taehyung shoves Jin away. Fear radiates in his sparkling eyes as he falls on his ass on Jin's comfortable carpet.

"DON'T TOUCH ME!" Taehyung cries out in fear.

His heart pumps quickly and his chest rises and falls really quickly. His eyes are open wide like a startled animal.

Like a deer in headlights.

Jin makes sure to quickly step back, startled by his outburst.

"What happened to you?" Jin asks with a gentle sigh.

But Taehyung refuses to answer.

"Who hurt you?"

"Nobody! Leave me alone!" He shouts in fear.

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