Vape| 5

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Quickly Taehyung peddles down the road. He chose flight over fight this time. He's just done fighting.

Whenever he fights its like he gets nowhere. He's just stuck there in his bubble of anxiety but nobody's there to pop it and set him free. He's caged just like the monster in his stomach that screams at him to be fed.

Once he's a few roads away, he pulls over to yank open his rucksack and pull out his black puma hoodie.

He got it from his ex boyfriend. Well actually it still is his ex boyfriends hoodie, but Taehyung decided to keep it. And considering the way that they ended things, it's a good thing too.

The hoodie always has looked better on himself anyway

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The hoodie always has looked better on himself anyway. It gives a masculinity about him. It makes him feel as though he can shrink away. Hide.

His ex boyfriend broke up with him almost 11 months ago. He just left. Without a word or a note he was gone. Everyday for a whole month Taehyung called and text him to ask if he was ok. He was having sleepless nights staying up and worry about him.

But what bothered him the most was the little 'seen' at the bottom of his messages.

After a while of non stop spamming and calling, he eventually did get a text back. And all he said was 'leave me alone, we're over'.

No apology. No excuse. No explanation. No nothing.

He was gone. And he couldn't care less.

All their late night calls, cuddles, kisses and love struck stares were all meaning less. They all went.

All the promises that little kids would make were broken. Taehyung was left heartbroken and alone. And he didn't even get told the reason why.

Considering he's so insecure, this took a major blow to his self esteem. He lost alot of weight at the time and it probably is the reason as to why he's so short.

Since then Taehyung has been looking for a distraction. A distraction for all of his problems. Feeling constantly hungry and filling the empty void in his heart.

That's where the vape comes in. Just like a cigarette it forces you to feel full. But unlike the cigarette, you don't get a bad smell lingering around you constantly.

Apart from the fact that Taehyung's poor, he's managed to get ahold of one and every month he goes into his local vape store for more viles.

But in Daegu he is no more. He doesn't have the same shop where the employees all think he's of a legal age. Here in Seoul he probably won't get away with the lies considering he's so short and looks like a 10 year old.

But he will try and find a shop later on after school. He can't be too long, however, as his father hits him once for every 5 minutes that he's late. The bruises and pain he's not ready to quite deal with yet.

Despite being trapped in a day dream, Taehyung finds himself outside of the prestigious school Big Hit High school.

He remembers searching up the school when he went to the library in Daegu. Apparently it's a very good school but the rules aren't very strict. It means that Taehyung will be able to get away with a few naughty things, like bunking off a lesson or two.....Or a day!

When he gets beaten up by his father alot, sometimes he just needs an hour or so to rest up his aching limbs so at least he will be able to do this here.

The only problem he could face is bullying, or over popularity. Both of them are deadly.

Taehyung hates attention and would rather sink back into the background, but in both if those situations, you're the highlighted person. No breaks. Always watched.

And there would be no way Taehyung would be able to cover the bruises if that happens. He would be caught out and might have to move schools to hide himself.

Nobody in the whole world knows his secret about his abusive family and mental heath issues, and he intends to keep it that way!

Ridding himself from his thoughts, Taehyung climbs off of his bike and locks it up against the bike rack.

Once he's done with that, he moves over to the great big iron gate that leads him into the school. His sweaty palms stick against the cotton of his puma jacket as his stomach swims with nausea.

'i can't do it'

'I can't do it'

'I can't do it'

'I can't-'

"AH!" Taehyung screams as he's knocked to the floor by a boy a little older than him on a skate board.

"Watch where you're going faggot!" the boy retorts as he starts skating away again.

Tears we'll up in his dark orbs but he's quick to blink them back. He doesn't want to cry in front of anyone, especially on his first day. He hasn't cried in years and intends for it to stay like that.

'men don't cry' Taehyung reminds himself of his father's words. 'and I'm a man'

But suddenly his anxiety peaks as he looks around t the many curious eyes watching him. He finds himself rushing back out of the gates and around the corner, yanking out his vape.

He presses down on the button and inhails the sickly sweet cherry flavour. Despite the nice taste, Taehyung isn't taking in any calories and that's the most important thing to him.

He puffs out a sweet smelling cloud of air and breaths in the comforting smell.

All he can afford is taking a single drag, its the only way that the vile lasts a full month and not just a few days like it would for normal people.

"Hey new kid!" A guy with dimples calls "You're not allowed to vape here!"

Taehyung internally scoffs but does as he's told and puts his vape away like a good boy.

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