Goodbye| 51

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Everyone leaves Taehyung's house late that night after all chatting and bonding together.

Areum decides to sleep at Jimin's house again as she decides that it'll help her get over Taehyung and it'll be less awkward.

"So what are you plotting?" Jin asks Jimin.

The two boys have gotten along better now that they've found out that they have similar interests and they're both as sassy as eachother.

"What do you mean?" Jimin responds trying to act innocent.

"You're so totally scheming how to get Taehyung and Jungkook together" Namjoon joins in.

"And we all want in on it" Yoongi finishes.

"Wow" Jimin says in a monotonous voice, clearly unimpressed. "It's as if you guys rehearsed this"

Which in actual fact they did. Jimin caught Namjoon rehearsing his line Infront of the mirror downstairs in Taehyung's house.

Taehyung had forbidden them to go upstairs due to the fact that all his blades are in his bathroom cupboard, his bed is barely a bad and the blood stains are worse upstairs.

Plus he's unable to fix the mess upstairs, but downstairs was just about fixable.

Even when Areum stayed, them two would sleep in the living room. Her on the sofa, him on the floor as per usual.

"So maybe we did" Hoseok coughs. "But we really want to get Taehyung and Jungkook together"

"Alright alright" Jimin waves his hand. "You guys can help, but it's very complicated"

"Nothings ever simple" Yoongi mutters. "I just want sleep"

But everyone knows Yoongi wants Taehyung to be happy. He really cares about the younger male.

"Let's do this then!"

Jimin tells them all his plan that he's made. They're all shocked at how detailed it is considering that he came up with it in only a few minutes time.

"Are you sure it's going to work?" Jin asks, not wanting to mess up Taehyung's life as the boy has been through way too much already.

"It's got to. Taehyung and Jungkook are made for eachother" Hoseok exclaims.

"Exactly. They're soulmates. Well Taehyung's my soulmate actually but it's just platonic" Jimin says with a shrug.

Yoongi rolls his eyes.

"He deserves to be happy more than anyone else. He's really had it shit and won't even tell anyone about it"

Everyone hums in agreement.

Until Areum coughs awkwardly. It's obvious that it's a fake cough and she has something to say.

"Umm....I'm sorry I know this messes up your plan Jimin, but I can't be a part of it" Areum says.

"What? Why not?"

"Because I'm still in love with Taehyung. Just because he loves Jungkook doesn't mean that I'm going to be able to move on so quickly. It might be selfish but I've been in love with him for at least 5 years. So I'm sorry but I'm out"

Areum doesn't even wait for a response, she just walks away.

"My flight leaves tomorrow morning" she shouts over her shoulder. "I'll stay in a hotel tonight"

Yoongi jogs to catch up with her.

"Please Areum, we need you for this to work. Please I'm begging you" he says which is a strange thing to hear from Yoongi.

He never begs anyone.

"I'm sorry-"

"No!" Yoongi snaps. "You don't get it, he really needs Jungkook and for you to help him. Jin recons Taehyung's father might be hurting him, and I don't want to believe that as it would mean that I left behind a guy that needed me more than life itself. But maybe it is true. I don't know. What I do know is that I've seen too many bruises and scars on his skin for him to be okay and that the only person who can get through to him and help him, is the perso he loves, Jungkook"

Areum looks at him dumbstruck.

"I'm sorry. I can't help you" she whispers.

"Then no wonder Taehyung doesn't like you back" Yoongi growls, venom laced in his words.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

Areum angrily steps closer to Yoongi, looking up at him in a contesting way, as if daring him to continue.

But Yoongi isn't the type to back down. Especially when the situation involves someone he cares about.

"It means" he says before stepping even closer to her. "That he deserves someone better than you as you're too self absorbed to help him"

"How dare you!"

"It's true though. This is more than just about who loves who, it's about saving a boy we all care about. But clearly you don't care about him enough"

That's it.

Areum punches Yoongi really hard round the face. Really hard!

Yoongi stumbles backwards, tripping over a glass bottle that lies on the curb next to a load of rubbish bags. He sends the bottle tumbling over the edge of the curb which ultimately shatters it.

He grimaces in pain and holds his burning jaw. He can already feel the bruise forming.

Alerted by the sound of smashing, Jimin and the boys rush over, but so does Taehyung. He heard the noise from his room and rushed outside to see what the commotion was about.

There he moves to stand Infront of the rest of the group to see Areum cradling her painful fist and Yoongi standing Infront with tears in his eyes and a hand on his ever more painful burning cheek.

"What the fuck?!" Taehyung exclaims.

He puts the two together and realises what's happened. He doesn't want to believe that one of his best friend's has been violent when she's never acted like this before.

"What happened?" Taehyung asks.

"A misunderstanding" Yoongi spits.

"Bullshit" Taehyung snaps, shooting his lie down. "What really happened?"

But neither respond.

Taehyung commands the other boys to go inside and grab Yoongi an ice pack so that he's left alone outside with Areum.

"I'm sorry i-"

"Leave" Taehyung tells her.


"Nobody hurts someone I care about. Nobody hurts Yoongi-"

"I didn't mean to-"

"LEAVE!" he shouts angrily. "And never come back Areum. Goodbye!"

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