I Love You| 74

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The police man texts Taehyung a number to his birth mother's husband incase Taehyung ever wants to know what she's like more.

But Taehyung doesn't.

He finds it all too much and would rather just look forwards than being held back in the past.

As soon as Taehyung walked through the door of the Jeon's home, Jungkook could tell that something was wrong.

Taehyung went straight upstairs to brush his teeth to remove the foul taste of stomach acid from on his lips.

"Baby what's wrong?" Jungkook asks, coming into the bathroom and back hugging his boyfriend.

Taehyung smiles at his boyfriend through the mirror and let's his head hang. He feels Jungkook's lips kiss his skin, sucking on an area just above his collar bone, leaving a faint mark.

"Baby what's going on?" Jungkook repeats, haulting his actions and giving Taehyung a firm look in the mirror.

Taehyung considers lying, but then remembers that if he ever wants to break free from his father's control, that he needs to break his toxic cycle first.

So he tells Jungkook. And them too talk about it for a long while.

"You don't need to make any decisions now" Jungkook tells him. "If you ever feel as though you want to get to know he better, you always have his number"

Taehyung nods.

"Thank you babe"

Jungkook pulls Taehyung into his chest and kisses the top of his head before pulling back and looking straight into Taehyung's eyes.

"I was going to wait for a more romantic time to tell you this but I can't keep it in any longer" Jungkook says.

Taehyung looks up at him in confusion Jungkook pecks Taehyung's slightly pouty lips.

"Don't look so worried" Jungkook says with a laugh. "Its a good thing"

Taehyung smiles up at him.

"Then tell me Kookie"

Jungkook takes a deep breath, nervous to put his feeling out there like this. But he knows he needs to tell Taehyung the truth, to help Taehyung open up to him more. To help Taehyung trust him even further.

"I love you" Jungkook tells him. "I love you more than life itself. I love your cute boxy smile and your adorable laugh. I love the way your brows creased when you're confused and the way your tongue sticks out when you're concentrating. I love your cute little dimples and your elephant moles. I love your cute messy hair in the morning and your sleepy face. I love everything about you Taehyung. I just love you so much"

Taehyung's eyes sparkle with an emotion that he doesn't even know what name to give it. His eyes well up with tears and he feels a lump in his throat.

"I love you too Kookie" he says through his tears.

Nobody has ever said that they love him before. Now that he's finally heard it, his life couldn't feel any more complete.

"I love your cute bunny smile that's brighter than the sun. I love your fluffy raven hair-"

"Even when it looks like a coconut?"

"Even when it looks like a coconut" Taehyung confirms with a laugh. "I love your sexy smirks that give me butterflies and the way you hug me as if you never want to let me go. I love how sweet and caring you are and how you never give up on someone even when you know you should. I love you so so much Kookie. Thank you for being my world"

Jungkook feels tears welling up in his own eyes. He knows how difficult it is for Taehyung to be vulnerable like that and to admit his feelings.

He also knows that every word that Taehyung says is true. He knows that Taehyung genuinely loves him back. He knows that Taehyung is his soulmate.

Sure, admitting your love for someone in the bathroom isn't exactly romantic, but for Taehyung, Jungkook couldn't have told him it in a better location.

Their relationship began in the bathroom stall, so it's only fitting that they say their first 'i love yous' in one aswell.

"Taehyung this is forever. You're forever my soulmate, my true love and my partner. I never want to be with another person. I want you to be my first and my last love" Jungkook tells him.

"I want that too Jungkook"

Taehyung uses Jungkook's full name to fully show how much he loves him. To fully convey his emotions towards the taller male.

"I love you" Taehyung says again. "I love you I love you I love you. I never want to stop telling you how much I love you"

"Then don't baby" Jungkook says with a wink.

Taehyung and Jungkook laugh with eachother.

'hes so silly' Taehyung thinks whilst rolling his eyes. 'but I wouldn't have it any other way'

Taehyung looks at his and Jungkook's reflection in the mirror. His fluffy blonde hair finally makes it up past Jungkook's shoulder as due to him finally eating properly, he's found that he's had his first growth spurt. He's now reached 5'10. He's still shorter than Jungkook's muscular frame of 6foot.

Taehyung's also found that his ribs and bones don't stick out quite so far any more. Jungkook's so proud of the progress that his boyfriend has already made and continues to make.

"Look how beautiful my boyfriend is". Jungkook says, taking in Taehyung's beauty.

"Look how handsome my boyfriend is" Taehyung returns.

Jungkook kisses the top of Taehyung's head and rests his chin on top of his head.

"Oi" Taehyung tells him off. "stop making me feel short"

Jungkook chuckles at his boyfriends feisty behaviour and does what he's told.

"I love you" Jungkook says, looking at Taehyung's eyes through the reflection in the mirror.

"I love you too" Taehyung responds.

Jungkook notices a cheeky glimmer in Taehyung's eye.

"Can we go have a nap?" Taehyung asks.

"Our friends are downstairs though"

"Please" Taehyung begs. "I wanna cuddle kookie"

That's all it took for Jungkook to carry Taehyung into their room and throw him onto the bed.

They're in love, there's no doubt about it. And their love wouldn't ever die out. They've got eachother, and that's all they need.

The world isn't perfect, but with the person you love by your side, it really isn't that bad. Taehyung and Jungkook know they can conquer anything, because they love each other.

And they'll continue to be stronger than anything.

~The end~

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