Best Friend| 50

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Jin takes Taehyung home the next day. He washed and tied Taehyung's clothes, allowing him to wear the same thing today.

"Thank you for all you've done for me" Taehyung says as they drive round the corner near his house.

"It's okay Taehyung. Anytime"

Jin pulls into the driveway, but both him and Taehyung are surprised to see several people on his doorstep banging at the door.

Taehyung shrivels up into a ball, but Jin puts his hand on Taehyung's knee.

"It's okay don't worry Taehyung" he soothes even though he has no idea who these men are, "come on I'll take you to your door"

Jin climbs out of his car and then helps the frightened Taehyung out.

That's when the heads of the men on his doorstep turn.

"Taehyung!" Jimin coos.

Then he sees Jin and his nose scrunches up.

"And who might this be?" He sasses. "Off with another person are we?"

Taehyung's eyes fill with tears.

"N-no I swear. It isn't- I haven't-"

"Taehyung it's fine, I've got this" Jin says confidently.

He walks up to the obviously shorter male and stands infront of him, exaggerating how far he has to look down at him.

His pose with his hands clasped behind his back and his slightly bent back drip confidence and superiority. It's a power pose.

"Hello. I'm Jin. Clearly I'm you're hyung so I expect some more respect" Jin says clearly. "Right" he says when Jimin doesn't say a word.

Jimin's jaw is dropped though.

"Taehyung deserves better than your judgment and bitterness. He has had to endure so much, even though he won't ever admit to you what's going on. I don't have a clue who you are, nor do I care or wish to know, I just want you to treat Taehyung well with the respect he deserves. He's confused. He needs help"

Jin looks Jimin up and down with his nose turned up.

"And" he continues "he certainly doesn't need you to judge him. Thank you and good day"

Jin walks away from the flabegastered male and towards Taehyung.

"Hey! Wait!" Namjoon calls.

Jin turns around.

"You have my attention" he sasses.

"Umm....Jin....I think you must have misunderstood Jimin here. We aren't judging Taehyung. We're here to help him"

Jin scoffs.

"Well it certainly doesn't look like it"

Taehyung looks up at Jin and sees his cheeks tinted a little red. He wonders if the elder is embarrassed, but then remembers that Jin doesn't do that emotion, he's too confident for that.

'then what emotion is he feeling to make him go all red?' Taehyung wonders.

When he looks across at Namjoon, who's stuttering out words back at Jin, something clicks.

'they like eachother!'

Taehyung smirks a little bit. He thinks about how cute they would be together and how much of a power couple they would be.

"Taehyung?" Namjoon tries to get Taehyung's attention.

It forces him to be sucked back into his own love life which he has managed to mess up.

Sad times.

"Yes? Sorry"

"We were asking you how you want to go get your man back"


"Jungkook!" Yoongi exclaims. "Keep up Tae"

"Oh right. I've messed that one up though" Taehyung says disappointedly.

"No not yet" Areum chimes in.

Jin and Taehyung hadn't even noticed her there. She was standing behind Hoseok and Yoongi who are clearly a lot taller and broader than her.

Taehyung looks at her with guilty eyes.

"Areum I'm so so sorry" he says.

She just holds up her palm in a stop action and flashes him a sad smile.

"It's okay Taehyung. Jimin, Hoseok and Yoongi told me all about how perfect you guys are for eachother"

"Hey!" Taehyung exclaims at the named three. "That's mean. Kick her whilst she's down" he mumbles the last sentence.

She rolls her eyes and shakes her head with a weak smile on her face.

"No it's okay. It helped. Taehyung you deserve to fall in love and to be happy-"

"But so do you!"

"But you've got your guy, I'm not the one for you. There's plenty more people out there for me, where as for you, you've found your one. Don't let him get away like how I let you get away all those years ago"

"But what about my family? And about society? We're surrounded by homophobia"

"Fuck what they all think. All you need to know is that you love Jungkook and that he loves you"

Taehyung takes a few cautious steps towards her.

"I've missed you Areum. I've missed my best friend"

She opens up her arms wide.

"Then get here dummy" she says wth a laugh.

Taehyung giggles and then shuffles into her embrace, hugging her back tightly.

"I'm sorry" he whispers to her in her ear. "I really did used to like you"

"I know you did. But I know you like him more than you'll ever like me" she admits. "Even when talking about him you go all blushy and shy"

His face flushes a deep beetroot colour.

She pulls away just to look at his face, which she already knew would be bright red.

"As much as this interaction is cute" Jimin interrupts. "As Taehyung's most recent best friend, I would like to know what's going on with the JJK17 mission"

"Excuse me? What's the JJK17 thing?"

Jimin rolls his eyes.

"It's sounds better than operation Jungkook"

"It's not an operation" Taehyung says with a roll of his eyes.

He looks across to Jin with a small smile.

"I know you said yo fight for him, but I'm done fighting. I guess I'm just going to have to let fate sort this one out" Taehyung says with a shrug.

But Jimin takes no notice of this.

'fuck fate' Jimin thinks as he schemes ideas of how to get Taehyung and Jungkook together. 'if I have anything to do with it, the two will be kissing by the end of the half term'

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