Not The Same| 46

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The next few weeks go by rather quickly for Taehyung.

His injuries heal quite quickly, and he's finally able to speak again. It's helped that his father has been away for a while.

However, he's found himself replacing the pain from his father through the sliver blade that's hidden in his bathroom. He just doesn't know how to live without some sort of pain.

It's what sustains him.

Despite it sounding rather sad, it helps keep the negative voices at bay. And anything to keep the voices away is good for Taehyung.

Finally the half term holidays are here. He's so glad to be able to just chill out.

Plus he got a call and Areum is coming today. She's driving down to Seoul from Busan as she was visiting family there.

Taehyung can't sit still. He's too excited.

And as soon as the doorbell rings, Taehyung's shooting up from his seat and is opening the door.

"Taehyunggggggggg my loveeeeeeeee" she screeches.

Before he can say a word, he's wrapped up in her arms in a hug.

"Areum" he whispers.

He's not sure what's come over him, but the tears start leaving his eyes. His face buries into her neck as he starts sobbing.

She holds him tightly and allows him to cry in her embrace.

Maybe it's the nostalgia of her perfume that gets to him, or maybe he's just needed to cry for a long time. Whatever it is, he just cries.


Bawls his eyes out.

"Baby it's ok" she whispers sweetly. "I'm here now"

She strokes his hair, calming him down. It makes him blush a little and smile.

However he doesn't feel the overwhelming butterflies he used to feel around her. Although they shouldn't be called butterflies as his stomach doesn't flutter, only feel sick as if he'd been on a rollercoaster.

The way he feels around Jungkook.

Just thinking about him makes him blush bright red.

'awe cute he's blushing around me again' Areum thinks. 'i was hoping he would still act like this around me even after all this time'

Truth be told, they both had feeling for eachother in the past and she still likes him now. However, she fails to realise that he's blushing over a bunny boy and not her this time.

She pinches his rosy cheeks.

"You okay baby?" She asks.

He nods.

"Yeah. Thanks Areum. Sorry about that"

She shakes her head

"Don't worry about it. I'm always here for you Tae. I'm just glad I can finally be with you again"

It makes him feel a little awkward. He doesn't know what to say.

Truth be told, her calling him baby feels a little awkward. Although she's done it for years, now it doesn't feel the same. Now he's older and at a legal age where they could date, he no longer wants to be called that.

But then he shakes off the thought.

'come on Taehyung. A super hot, beautiful, funny girl is calling you baby. And that girl is who you used to have a crush on. Pull yourself together and start enjoying it'

He smiles at her.

"I'm glad you're here" he admits honestly.

He really is glad she's here. Just he's not in love with her like he was before.

She's just a best friend now. And right now Taehyung really needs her.

"I'm glad I'm here too" she smiles.

Taehyung sits her down in the living room and grabs her a can of strawberry flavoured Fanta. He knows it's her favourite.

'im surprised he remembered' she thinks sweetly to herself.

Luckily he cleaned the house before she came and considering that his father still isn't back home, he hasn't had to deal with the lingering cigarette smell or the smell of drugs, alcohol and sex.

Part of Taehyung is worried about his father however the other part hopes he's dead.

But at the end of the day, it's his father. And he can't help but pray for his safety, no matter how much he doesn't deserve it.

But that's the difference between Taehyung and his father; Taehyung's a good person.

There are a couple stains on the carpet from Taehyung's blood and a few more stains on the wooden flooring, but Taehyung's done his best to cover them up with fake plants and paint splashes to mask the more sinister stains.

"So" Taehyung begins. "Why do you want to do today?"

"I don't mind. Show me round Seoul. I'm not very familiar with the area"

Taehyung grins.

"Okay. I'll take you to my favourite places. This is going to be fun"

She pinches his cheek.

"Indeed it will" she smiles.

"Yah" Taehyung cries.

He pushes away her hand and rubs his glowing red cheek. He's only joking with her, however she did pinch right on an old bruise that hasn't quite healed yet so it does hurt a little.

Areum just giggles a little.

"Were you always this cute?" She teases quietly.

"Hey!" Taehyung cries once again. "I'm not cute. I'm a man"

Once again she laughs.

"Yeah yeah" she dismisses him.

Areum lies down on the sofa, feet just hanging over the edge of the end, with her head on Taehyung's lap.

Her hair flows down off of his legs and hangs around his ankles.

"Can we go in a bit?" She asks in an almost whisper. "I just want to stay here right now"

Taehyung gulps nervously and nods.

"Y-yeah" he stutters, not quite sure if there's any other response he can give.

Her pale cheeks flush a bright pink shade.


Taehyung notices her looking a little cold, so he grabs his hoodie that lays on the back of the sofa and uses it as a blanket for her.

The only blankets they have are in Taehyung's room, acting as a bed, and he doesn't want to bother to go get one.

He watches as Areum snuggles into his body.

However, something doesn't feel right.

'She's not Jungkook'


A/n: I think I might put Jin back into the story. It just feels a little empty without him. It isn't a BTS story without Jin.

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