Waking Up| 45

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Jungkook brushes Taehyung's fluffy hair out of his beautiful face.

He notices dark bruises and cuts that litter his skin. But he also notices white scars that line his features. It makes his brows crease.

"How long have they been there for?" He mutters under his breath.

But it's clear to him that they're very old and must have been there for well over a year, if not longer. It makes him worried. Extremely worried.

He strokes Taehyung's plump pink cheek, and watches as the smaller male starts to stir.

Jungkook feels guilty for waking him but he hasn't much of a choice. He has been out for a while.

As Taehyung wakes up, his eyes adjust to the harsh lighting above him. And as the memories start to flood back and he becomes more aware of his surroundings, he realises he's no longer in the parking lot on Jungkook's lap, but in the medical office on an uncomfortable bed.

But comparing this to his pile of blankets and roll mat (which is an attempt to remove the pain of the wooden floorboards that he has to lie on), he would take this anyday.

"Hey Taehyung, how are you feeling?" Jungkook asks sweetly.

Taehyung goes to say something but nothing more than a meer squeak is released from his lips.

It makes him flush bright red.

"Don't worry Tae, here have some water it should help"

Taehyung shakily sits up, with the help of Jungkook, and sips from the plastic cup.

His lips feel dry and cracked, and his body sore.

"J-kook" Taehyung croaks out.

"Don't speak" Jungkook tells him. "Just rest"

Taehyung nods his head but feels unable to get any more rest. He feels a little restless. A little uncomfortable.

His curious eyes wander around the room, scanning it like a barcode.

He looks at the little cracks in the wall that have been desperately covered by white paint in an attempt to hide the damage.

Little flakes of plaster peel and rain down everytime a noise is heard from the room above. It looks similar to snow, Taehyung notes. But never as dainty or as beautiful.

It's as if it's an imposter and Taehyung's having to do spot the difference.

Filing cabinets line the bottom half of the wall and floating glass cupboards are above. They hold various files and medicines, some specific to certain students, others there just in case someone needs them.

Taehyung's eyes move across to the sink in the room and the blue paper towels and ice packs that coat the disorganized marble sides.

Something about the room gives him a bathroom atmosphere but other parts remind him of a kitchen or a really run down hospital.

The room just feels very discombobulated. Very miscellaneous.

Taehyung's eyes then dart to a red 24hour clock that hangs on the far side of the room next to a model of the human skeleton.

The time reads 2:55.

It makes his eyes widen. His pupils expand until almost all of the blue in his eyes has disappeared.

Jungkook, who was secretly watching Taehyung analyze the room, sees his expression morph into one of shock. It makes him chuckle.

"Yes Tae you have been here for a while"

Taehyung looks back across at him with his normal puppy dog eyes. He was fully unaware of Jungkook's loving gaze at him the whole time.

Taehyung sighs and points, with a shaky finger, across at a prices of paper on the disarrayed side and at another pen that seems to be missing a lid.

Jungkook gathers what Taehyung's signalling towards and grabs him what he asked for.

Slowly Taehyung writes what he wants to say with his left hand. Him being ampidexterous impresses Jungkook.

His handwriting is so neat and certain letters are written almost as spirals. It impresses Jungkook further.

I'm sorry that I slept for so long. School is nearly over. I should head home. Thank you for all your help, Jimin too. I'll see you tomorrow :)

The simile face makes Jungkook chuckle.

'cute' he thinks towards Taehyung's childish drawing.

"Taehyung you don't need to go anywhere, I'll drive you home"

Once again Taehyung's eyes widen. He's quick to shake his head. Too quick...

'hes hiding something' Jungkook thinks 'i can feel it. And it's definitely something to do with home'

"Tae really it's not a bother"

But once again Taehyung frantically shakes his head. His wild eyes searching desperately for an escape.

Taehyung swings his legs quickly off of the bed and attempts to stand up.

Jungkook holds his hand on Taehyung's waist, gently guiding him towards the bed.

However Taehyung pushes his hand away again, really not wanting him to take him home.

"Ok ok" Jungkook says loudly but not enough to make Taehyung flinch. "You win. I won't take you home. But at least let me drop you off near your house. Or if not me then Jimin"

Taehyung uses the piece of paper to write.

Fine then. Jimin can

It makes Jungkook's heart drop. His faces falters into a frown for a few seconds but then he remembers it's not his place to be sad. It's Taehyung's choice and his wishes.

But he wishes Taehyung had chosen him.

It hurts.

"I'll go get Jimin then" Jungkook says, rather downheartedly.

He swiftly leaves the room, leaving Taehyung alone.

The younger male does feel bad about sending Jungkook away and asking for Jimin, but he doesn't want anyone else knowing where he lives.

And considering that Jimin already knows, there's no point in involving Jungkook.

Is there?

If he felt better he would've run away by now, but Taehyung doesn't have the strength.

Jimin takes Taehyung home and helps him to the front door. The drive was a little awkward but Taehyung's greatful.

Jimin can tell.

"I can help you in"Jimin offers.

But Taehyung shakes his head. Despite his dad not being there, the house is still disgusting.

It's HELL for Taehyung.

Weightless| Vkook 💜Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora