Mother And Son| 70

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The Jeon's drive Taehyung home after the dinner, despite Taehyung saying that he would walk.

Mr and Mrs Jeon definitely wouldn't let him walk home at such a late time in the evening.

"Mum" Jungkook says as he's upstairs with her grabbing a jacket. "Taehyung's not telling me something, I can sense it"

"And what's that?" She asks as she sits down on the bed next to him.

Jungkook fills her in on Taehyung's shifty behaviour and how he could tell that Taehyung was struggling seeing their family all loving together.

"I notice more than I let on" Jungkook says. "And I know Taehyung and what he's like"

Mrs Jeon smiles at her son.

"You know how me and your father play rock paper scissors and I always win"

"Yeah?" Jungkook doesn't understand the relovence.

"I win because I know him and what he's like. As much as he knows me, he thinks differently to me. Against a stranger it's a 1 in 3 chance of winning. Against my husband I've already won. Do you get what I'm trying to say?"

"No" Jungkook deadpans.

"I'm saying if you know someone and know what they're like, then you know what to do and what decision to make. I don't know Taehyung like you do. That's why you need to make the decision on what to do. Forget about your own emotions. Look at his emotions and then make a decision"

Jungkook nods. He's starting to understand what she's telling him.

"So kook. What do you know"

"Well I think-"

"No. I asked what you know not what you think. It doesn't matter if what you say is wrong. You just need to have enough confidence to make it true"

Jungkook nods.

"Ok I know that Taehyung's father is bad news I think- I know he's abusing him"

"Keep going. What does Taehyung want?"

"He wants me to turn a blind eye to it. I know that he's scared of him. And I know that I can't keep on pretending that I don't see the bruises and scars on his skin. Let alone that massive triangle burn. I know his father's responsible for that. I just know it" Jungkook says adamantly.

"So what're you going to do about it?" Mrs Jeon asks her son.

"Save Taehyung"

"You need proof for that"

"I might have a plan how to get that proof" Jungkook says. "but even if I don't get any proof to put him away, I can't leave Taehyung to be hurt by him any longer. I promised to protect him"

Mrs Jeon gives her son's hand a tight squeeze.

"We're behind you every step of the way. Just Kookie answer me this" she says the last line in a more serious tone. "Do you love him? Do you love Taehyung?"

"Yes. Without a shadow of doubt. I'm in love with that boy"

It feels good to get it off of his chest and to tell his mum.

"I'm glad. He's prefect for you"

"I happen to agree on that one" Jungkook says with a laugh.

"Then let's go help your boyfriend then" she says.

Jungkook stands up determinedly. There's no way in hell he will let any harm come to Taehyung. He refuses to see him in pain any longer.

"But kook" she says in a warning tone.


"Don't risk Taehyung getting free of that man by letting your emotions over power logic. You need to be careful ok? And for God sake don't get hurt either" she tells him.

"Ofcourse not mum. But I've got to do this. Taehyung needs me"

"I know baby. And I'm letting you help him, but I don't want anyone getting hurt. Be sensible"

"Will do"

Jungkook skips down the stairs thinking about all the ways that he plans on helping Taehyung. He can't wait to free his boyfriend from the life of hell.

Little did he know that it wouldn't be that simple.

However, Mrs Jeon knows from experience that nothing is ever that simple. She thinks of ways in which she can support her son and his boyfriend through this.

They need a plan. And fast.

Mrs Jeon has a suspicion that it's all going to kick off this evening, and without a plan, Taehyung won't ever truly be free from his past and his demons.

She saw the scars on his wrists and the way his bones stick out like scaffolding on a building. She knows that it's not just Taehyung's father who's a danger: Taehyung is too.

He's a danger to himself. And he needs some serious help before it's too late.

And she fears that Taehyung's beyond saving as sad as it sounds. She knows that his mind would've been corrupted throughout the years of pain. She's got no idea how much he's had to endure throughout the years, but she knows that it would've taken a toll on him.

There's only so much that one can take.

That's why it needs to be solved tonight. Now.

'im sorry Taehyung' she thinks as she looks out of the window at the night sky 'kookie wanted to do something sooner, something earlier to help him but I said not to, that he needed proper evidence. And now it might be too late. Hold on Taehyung, please don't give up just yet'

She feels guilty.

Guilty that she's left it this long before helping him.

But deep down she knows that it was for the best.

"MUM!" Jungkook shouts up the stairs. "ARE YOU COMING?"

"YAH DONT SHOUT AT ME" she shouts back down the stairs.

'what a disrespectful child' she thinks with a shake of her head.

But she did need to get away from her thoughts. So it's a good job that he shouted up to her.

Picking up her bag, she rushes downstairs to see Taehyung cuddled up to Jungkook's side. She can tell he's scared.

"Alright guys let's go" she says, anxious for what's about to happen.

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