Stupid Ex| 41

229 13 13

Taehyung walks quickly out of the class, leaving Namjoon behind.

He completely disregards his last lesson and decides on taking a long route home. He just needs to clear his head. Today has been all too much.

Jimin and Yoongi watch Taehyung leave school, not bothering to disturb him. Hoseok is about to go over, but Yoongi puts a loving hand on his boyfriends chest.

"Baby leave him to it" he whispers gently.

When noticing a few looks from other kids, Yoongi removes his hand and coughs awkwardly. Not many people know of their relationship as not many people would approve.

Dealing with homophobia is one thing but considering that they're in a polyamorous relationship, that's a whole different kettle of fish.

Whole different level of shunning. Abuse.

"Yoongles we can't just leave him to walk out of school" Jimin whines to his boyfriend. "You have no idea what could happen to him"

"He'll be ok" Namjoon says, as he was listening over their shoulders.

"AHHHH!!!" Hoseok screams, utterly petrified by the new person intruding on their conversation.

Both Jimin and Yoongi burst out laughing which encourages Namjoon to do the same. Hoseok really is a scardy cat.

Both Yoongi and Jimin find it rather cute. Although in bed he's anything but cute...

"You scared the shit out of me" Hoseok whines.

"S-sorry dude" Namjoon stutters through his roaring laughter.

"But seriously though" Yoongi says once he calms down, "what's going on with Taehyung?"


"GUYS!" Jungkook shouts down the corridor at his friends. "WHY DID I JUST SEE TAEHYUNG RUNNING OUT OF SCHOOL?"

Everyone rolls their eyes.

"He just decided to go. We were going to follow him but this giant oaf stopped us" Hoseok says.

"And why would you stop them? Actually never mind if I run I can catch up with him" Jungkook says whilst walking quickly.

Namjoon grabs Jungkook's arm, snatching it in towards him.


"Stop" Namjoon commands, using his deep dominant voice.

However, Jungkook is barely affected. Despite being younger than Namjoon, Jungkook can't be dominated. And he doesn't get intimidated easily.

"Namjoon get off of me!" Jungkook yelps.

"Jungkook stop. Taehyung needs some time alone. He's had a stressful day and has a lot to think over"

"Like what?"

"That's not my place to say Jungkook. But what I can tell you is that Taehyung's mind has been changed a fair bit. He just needs some time to process who he is and who he wants to be"

Jungkook takes a deep sigh.

"Fine. I guess I did give him a lot to think about as well"

"What do you mean by that?" Jimin enquires.

Jungkook sighs.

"Don't worry. I don't think Tae would want me to say"

Yoongi glares at Jungkook.

"Whatever concerns Tae concerns us too" he says slightly angrily.

"Well no it doesn't" Jungkook retorts whilst rolling his eyes.

"What's that supposed to mean? Do you think you're better than us Jeon?" Yoongi spits.

"Baby calm d-"

"It means" Jungkook interrupts. "That it doesn't concern you so back the fuck up"

"Okay okay guys calm down" Namjoon tries to put out the situation.

"I know Taehyung a lot better than you do Jeon" Yoongi spits.

"Oh is that so?" Jungkook retorts.

Both males completely ignore Namjoon's attempt to calm them down or when Jimin and Hoseok beg them to stop arguing. They both have a lot of things they're bottling up inside. So now they're taking it out on eachother.

"Yeah it is. I did date him for a long time"

"You're just his stupid ex. If you were anything more to him you wouldn't have left him"

Everyone goes silent.

That was harsh.

"And there you have it" Yoongi spits.

Tears well up in his dark eyes. Jungkook always saw him as a cold, emotionless guy with a bad attitude and an inability to hold his tongue.

But here he is.

Almost falling apart.

'the truth hurts' Yoongi thinks to himself. 'it hurts that Jungkook is right. It hurts so bad'

"That's always a burden I'm going to have to hold, but I didn't want to leave him Jungkook" Yoongi says softly. "It just happened"

"Taehyung may have forgiven you Yoongi, but I can't"

"Jungkook that's harsh" Jimin steps in. "He never hurt you. It's Taehyung's decision if he's upset with him or not. It's not yours"

Jungkook takes a deep breath In and then looks into Jimin's eyes.

"I see what it's done to Taehyung. He always says it's fine and that he understands, but he doesn't. He always comes into school with bruises and cuts so he might be getting into fights to relieve the pain. Honestly I don't know. But what I do know is what I see everyday. And what I see is him barely living, only surviving. He's not himself. And Yoongi might not be fully to blame for that, but it doesn't help him. Taehyung might say that he's forgiven him, but he's hurt. So badly hurt. You can see it in his eyes. There's no life in them. Jimin he's dying inside. And this prick Yoongi has caused it"

"I'm so sorry Jungkook. I really am. But I can't change the past. And you can't force Taehyung to hate me"

"You're right" Jungkook sighs whilst turning back to Yoongi. "But as selfish as it might seem, I can't forgive you for hurting someone as precious as Taehyung"

Nobody quite knows what to say.

"What did you give Taehyung to think about though?" Jimin asks awkwardly, not wanting the previous topic to carry on.

"Please kook. We just want to help him" Hoseok begs.

"Fine" Jungkook snaps.

He locks eyes with Yoongi and gives him a menacing glare.

"I kissed him"


"I guess that explains the questions he asked then" Namjoon mutters to himself.

"And I'm glad I did" Jungkook continues.

"And why's that?"

"Because I've got feelings for him" he admits. "I'm falling him"

Yoongi's stomach drops.

He's being replaced.


A/n: sorry for the late post. I've been redecorating my room all day. I've got that many splinters and bruises it's actually really bad 😂
Have a nice day 💕

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