Similar Interests| 62

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Jungkook drags his feet into the class. He's shattered.

He yawns and covers his mouth as he does so. Taehyung watches as he walks like a zombie until he's standing next to him. Then he drops his backpack down onto the floor and flops heavily into his seat.

"Long night?" Taehyung asks.

"Something like that"

Taehyung chuckles.

"Go to sleep, I'll wake you up if the teacher looks over and when next class starts"

"Are you sure?" Jungkook asks uncertainly.

Even though he looks like he can barely keep his eyes open as it is. He's lucky if he doesn't pass out.

"Ofcourse. You've covered for me many times when I've gone to sleep in class"

Jungkook goes to agree but no words come out.

He yawns once again and a tear rolls down his cheek. Taehyung wipes it off of Jungkook's cheek and folds his hoodie up on the table so that Jungkook can use it as a pillow.

Jungkook doesn't even object, he's not even sure if he's remembered to thank Taehyung. He's just so shattered.

It takes no longer than a few minutes for Jungkook to fall into a deep sleep.

Taehyung looks down over Jungkook's face with a warm smile.

'he's cute' Taehyung ogles.

Taehyung fights the urge to stroke his finger across Jungkook's cheek, as he thinks it would look creepy. But he really wants to touch Jungkook's cute face.

He just wants that skin on skin contact.

But he will just have to wait for that. The kiss yesterday helped, although it's left him craving for more.

Luckily Jungkook's able to get some sleep for the hour. Taehyung only wakes him up to get to his next lesson which they're conveniently sat together in at the back of the class.

"What's got you so tired?" Taehyung asks with a laugh.

Jungkook looks a little more awake now.

"I was reading the books you recommend to me"

"The dark moon one?"

"Yes! And the other three books as well"

"Seriously?!" Taehyung's taken aback. He really wasn't expecting Jungkook to read them. Now he's nervous that he's hyped up the books too much.

But he really does love them.

"Yeah. And you didn't tell me they were that good! Oh my god Lindsey, that dumb blonde bitch. It was so obvious that her and rafe were meant to be together and Brittany and Conner were in love but she stole conner from her"

"Hey that's not fair!" Taehyung interjects. "They were already together and they had always expected to be in love forever. Plus they had been best friends forever"

"Yeah but she knew she didn't love Conner and Brittany did but she still chose Conner which forced Brittany to go through the change on her own"

"True. But it must have been difficult"

"Should have thought about her friend" Jungkook says with a defiant huff.

"I agree" Taehyung admits. "But Kayla and Lucas are the cutest"

"Oh don't even get me started on Lucas and Kayla!" Jungkook says with excited eyes. "They're the best couple there"

Taehyung and Jungkook fan boy to eachother about their favourite characters and about the books. They both have a good laugh about it and Taehyung's heart warms at the sight.

'he really cares' Taehyung thinks fondly. 'he didn't need to read them for me but he did. I love this man'

Taehyung knows deep down that he shouldn't let Jungkook close to him, but seeing him sleepy after staying up all night to read Taehyung's favourite books for him really means a lot to him.

So much so that he can't help but let Jungkook near him. He can't deny the love he feels for him.

Taehyung looks round the room to make sure nobody's looking before quickly kissing Jungkook on the cheek.

"Thank you Kookie" Taehyung says. His eyes holding all the unsaid words that he doesn't know how to say.

Jungkook smiles back at Taehyung who's blushing furiously.

'he's cute when he's shy' Jungkook thinks to himself.

Both of their stomaches swarm with butterflies and skins feel hot from the gaze of the other person.

Taehyung sees Jungkook's eyes drawn to his plump pink lips, he feels them tingle under his fierce gaze.

Both of them are desperate to kiss the other, but they know that it would be inappropriate to do so in class. Especially as they're so homophobic in this school.

"I guess we have similar interests then" Jungkook says, once adverting his gaze from Taehyung before he does something that could get them in trouble.

"I guess so. Favourite song?" Taehyung asks.

"Superstition Stevie Wonder" Jungkook responds. "It's such a classic"

"Good choice"

"What's yours?"

"No diggity. I love RnB. Especially that song. It's such a vibe"

"Oh I love that song. It's great!"

They both chuckle at how similar they are and how they like the same things. It's nice to know that despite the differences between them, they're united through books and music"

They chat about silly little things, asking about favourite months and days of the week, laughing when they both hate Mondays like Garfield.

They wonder why they don't normally just chat like this. It's refreshing.

But eventually the lesson has to come to an end.

Jungkook pulls Taehyung along by his wrist, slightly concerned that he can get his hand so far round his wrist.

They get to the bathroom and Jungkook checks the coast is clear before locking a stall behind them both.

"I wanted to get some time alone with you" he explains. "Sorry I should've hmmp-"

Taehyung shuts him up with a kiss. It's a strong kiss, which Jungkook soon quickly takes control of.

He pins Taehyung up against the door, he's gentle but strong as well. It makes Taehyung's stomach swim.

Taehyung kisses him stronger, loving how Jungkook takes charge.

"Fuck" Taehyung breaths.

Jungkook moves towards Taehyung's neck with open mouth kisses, they leave no mark but make Taehyung's heart do flips.

They want eachother.

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