Trust| 13

310 18 0

Taehyung ran as fast as his legs would take him. He just freaked out.

All the food and the calories blanketed him in a film of disgust. He couldn't just sit there and allow the fatty smells to suck on him like leeches. He wouldn't stand for it.

Ignoring the calls from a worried Jimin and a confused Hoseok, Taehyung just powers on, keeping well away from all other people, as if he might absorb the calories that they have been eating if he touches them.

He sprint's down the bland white hallway, sliding around the corners and avoids other people like the plague.

Having no idea where he's going, Taehyung's feet manage to take him towards the exit of the school by the school field.

Luckily he won't have to be around many people here.

Leaning against a tree to catch his breath, he's out of eye sight for most people. It gives him a sense of safety.

He wonders if anyone noticed how insecure he was feeling when he was sat at the table. His hand up his jumper, touching at his ribs, making sure they are still poking out dangerously.

Or if they are noticing him now, his long slender fingers wrapped around his bony wrist, caging it in with bones for bars.

He wonders if anyone has noticed his obvious eye bags and exhausted moments.

Or how he hasn't even been sprinting for a full minute and he's already huffing and puffing.

His cheeks are bright red and sweat threatens to spill down his brow. He could hardly run in a straight line and those who were looking at him, were seriously concerned about the fragile boy.

Jimin and Hoseok manage to catch up with Taehyung when he's outside. Considering that Taehyung's not a particularly fast runner from starving himself for so long and that both Jimin and Hoseok are on track team, the task isn't too difficult.

Jimin places his hand gently on Taehyung's shoulder, but retracts it quickly when the slightly shorter male flinches.

Taehyung spins around to face the two males with his hands shielding his head, afraid he's going to be hit.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry" Taehyung repeats over and over again, like a song that's on repeat.

"Calm down" Hoseok tells him gently.

"I-i didn't mean to. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. Please don't hate me. Please don't hurt me" Taehyung cries.

"Hey we wouldn't ever hurt you" Jimin reassures him.

"It's ok. You're ok" Hoseok soothes him.

"I'm ok?" Taehyung says, almost as if it's a question.

"You're ok" Jimin confirms.

Warily, Taehyung slowly removes his hands from over his head.

Making eye contact with Hoseok first, his eyes gloss over with tears in humiliation.

"Gosh I'm so sorry" Taehyung says though the voice cracks, then he makes eye contact with Jimin. "So sorry" he repeats.

He shakes his head and yanks at his golden blond curly hair.

"Shit! I'm such a fuck up. I-i-i I'm going to be the laughing stock of the school. Heck, I'm going to get you guys bullied for being friends with me"

"That's not going to happen" Hoseok tells him.

"I'm so sorry Hoseok and Jimin. I'm so so sorry. I-i didn't mean to. I'm sorry" He keeps on repeating again as if he's traumatized.

"Hey it's ok" Jimin says in a soothing tone. "Nobody's going to judge you here. You're safe with us"

He's about to move forward to hug the youngest male, but Taehyung moves backwards not trusting that he's going to be safe in his arms.

He also knows that he will burst into tears if he's hugged and his father will beat him even further.

'Pull yourself together now' Taehyung tells himself.

'im such a freak'

'everyone is going to laugh at me'

'i can't even be around food without freaking out'

'what a let down'

'no wonder father beats me up'

"Stop that!" Hoseok scolds.

Taehyung tilts his head to the side in confusion. He's unsure what he's doing wrong and wonders if he's going to be hit for it.

The last thought makes him tense up. He doesn't want to be hit.

"Stop worrying so much. I can practically see the pessimistic thoughts that are going through your head. Don't stress out so much"

"Yeah what Hobi said. Taehyung just remember that there's nothing to be upset or worried about. I'm going to be honest, I heard about your panic attack earlier from Jungkook as he was worried about you. I get that being around so many people might scare you but you're safe with us" Jimin tells him sweetly.

"Yeah we are good people" Hoseok says, slinging his arm around his boyfriend.

Taehyung nods slowly at them. He understands that he might just have to take a leap of faith and trust them so that's what he's going to do.

Despite having major trust issues, he's going to trust Hoseok and Jimin. Maybe not 100% but this is progress.

"I-i trust you guys. But don't break it" Taehyung tells them hesitantly but firmly.

"Yes sir!" Jimin says with a salute.

Hoseok throws his bag down onto the grass and flops down next to it. Taehyung flinches at the action but luckily it goes unnoticed.

"Come on guys. Don't leave me hanging. We've got lunch to eat" Hoseok says.

Jimin giggles and plops down next to his boyfriend, knocking their knees together in the process leaving little to no space inbetween them.

Taehyung takes the more gentle approach and slowly sits down. He's scared that if he moves too quickly he's going to throw up from the exercise.

He ended up leaving his smoothie in the lunch hall when he left so he hasn't got anything.

Not as if that's a bad thing.

"Guys, let's meet here for lunch everyday" Jimin proposes.

"Yeah we should"

"You guys don't need to do that for me"

"We want to!"

Taehyung blushes.

"Thank you"

Weightless| Vkook 💜حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن