Namjoon| 6

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Despite the fact that Taehyung put away his vape, the tall male with the dimples hasn't left yet.

Taehyung eyes him suspiciously.

He looks like he's almost 6 foot tall but that might just be because he has a sturdy structure. He has obvious muscles but isn't going around flexing them or anything like that.

He gives off a humble aroura which is like a breath of fresh air.

Despite his powerful looks, you can see the intellect dripping off of him through the glasses that are perched on the bridge of his nose.

If he wasn't so tall and mature looking, it would be obvious that he would be a prime bullying target. But there's something about him that makes you not want to lay a finger on him.

Maybe it's because the dimples are manipulating. Or maybe it's because he seems like a genuinely lovely person.

Whatever the reason for it, this handsome male screams safety and comfort.

When Taehyung notices he's been looking at the male for quite some time, he presses a scowl on his face.

Seeing a male looking so kind as this guy does is rare and Taehyung doesn't know how to react. Instead his cocky self comes out and he's an absolute douche bag.

"What the fuck are you still doing here?" Taehyung spits.

The guy only chuckles humorlessly.

"I don't trust that you're not going to vape again"

Taehyung rolls his eyes obnoxiously.

"I don't need you baby sitting me. I already did as you asked what more do you want from me?" Taehyung snaps angrily.

"Just get into school. I'm class president and it's my job to get people to follow the rules. Considering that you're new, I suggest you follow my rules" his once light and airy tone turns dark and dangerous.

It causes Taehyung to gulp in fear. He's just standing there, waiting to be hit for talking out of line.

"Sorry" Taehyung mumbles.

The guys face turns into a grin once again, flashing his dimples on display.

"that's ok. Do you know where you're going?" he asks.

Taehyung shakes his head whilst looking at the floor awkwardly. His hands clutch onto his bag straps tightly causing his knuckles to turn white. He's petrified.

Petrified of all the looks he will get.

Petrified of not being tall enough.

Petrified of being bullied.

Petrified of standing out.

Petrified of his secrets being spilt.

Petrified of not being good enough!

"I'll take you to your class. I'm Namjoon by the way" Namjoon says whilst cutting off Taehyung's train of thoughts.

"thanks Namjoon. I'm Taehyung" he mumbles back.

Namjoon has been class president since he started school but never before has he met an arrogant kid who all of a sudden is beyond nice. He wonders if the kid is bipolar.

Normally he wouldn't have an issue with asking him as he's known for being blunt, but it's the kids first day and that's a rather personal question if it turns out he actually is. And he's not willing to take the risk just yet.

"you're rather short. Why's that?" Namjoon says as it's the first thing he can think of.

Mentally he scolds himself for being so random and rude.

"I can see that. And you're pretty tall, Why's that?" Taehyung retorts irritably.

"it's just because of my genes"

"for me it's 100% genes and 100% none of your business" he spits.

"oh. Sorry" Namjoon sighs dejectedly.

They walk through the grounds of the school silently as Namjoon takes him towards the reception area.

'he hates me now'

'I'm such a let down'


'fuck up'

'look what I did'


'why am I still alive'

'waste of space'

"I'm sorry for being so rude" Taehyung says shyly.

He looks up at Namjoon, revealing his embarrassingly red cheeks. It makes Namjoon want to coo at how cute the youngster is.

Part of his just wants to pinch his cherry cheeks.

"it's alright. I know it must be scary moving schools, especially so far into the year, but you will do just fine. Behind that rude persona is a charming guy. Don't be afraid to show that side of you sometimes. I can see you have this barrier put up"

Taehyung nods along guiltily to everything that he says. He's not wrong and that's the sad part.

But his parents haven't ever shown him how to show his vulnerable side and he's not exactly the most approachable guy so he hasn't ever had a friend to teach him the way either.

"you're a really nice guy Namjoon hyung. I'm sorry for being such an asshole to you. I'll try to be a little nicer from now on"

Namjoon gives him a toothy grin.

"that's alright. Just don't push everyone away from you. You can always talk to me if you need a friend"

Taehyung's heart warms at the idea of his very first friend. He wouldn't ever tell Namjoon that.

Although the older male has got some clue.

"You're really smart and mature Namjoon hyung. Thank you" Taehyung praises.

"that's alright Taehyung. I don't have an IQ of 148 for nothing"

His high IQ makes Taehyung gasp. He knew this man was smart but damn. He has one hell of a sexy brain.

"besides, you just need a nudge in the right direction" he finishes off his words.

He knocks his elbow against Taehyung's own one. It causes the younger male to flinch harshly, adding to Namjoon's theories that he doesn't have many friends.

But he doesn't realise that the situation is far more sinister.

"well!" Namjoon exclaims. "talking about right directions, through this door is the reception area. They will tell you where to go. Bye Taehyung"

"thank you Namjoon hyung, bye"

All this time they were walking around the outside of the school resulting in Taehyung not get gawped at.

But behind this door is the future of high school for Kim Taehyung.

And no longer will he go unnoticed!

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