You're Like Me| 37

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"achoo" Taehyung sneezes.

The noise breaks up the awkward silence that the two boys have created.

Jungkook quickly rolls down Taehyung's sleeve, knowing that the smaller boy is self conscious and wouldn't want anyone else seeing. Taehyung goes to take back his wrist out of embarrassment, but Jungkook stops him.

"Let me put a plaster on the cuts" Jungkook says sweetly. "They're still bleeding"

Jungkook takes the plaster that he has conveniently in his pocket and puts it across Taehyung's wrist where the crescent shaped cuts are.

Taehyung appreciates that Jungkook doesn't scold him for the cuts and doesn't make a big deal about them.

"You're not alone Taehyung" Jungkook says seriously, looking straight into Taehyung's deep blue eyes.

Jungkook's onxy orbs convey all the unsaid words that he wants to share. Taehyung feels as though he knows every thought running through the latters head. He feels cared for, which is an emotion he's not used to.

"I don't know what you're going through, and I don't know if there's anything I can do to help, but Taehyung you're not alone" Jungkook reassures him.

'i am' Taehyung thinks sadly, all the cuts on his thighs and wrists burn in pain. 'and I always will be'

"I'm here for you. Taehyung, we've all got a dark past and I don't know if what caused you to do this is still in your life, but I've got you. And I hope one day you'll be able to confide in me about it"

"I doubt that'll happen" Taehyung mutters.

"Well I hope it does"

"You wouldn't understand"

"We've all got scars" Jungkook says sadly. "Some are visible, others aren't. But I'm no stranger to selfharm" Jungkook whispers the last part.

Taehyung's eyes widen. His doe eyes sparkle in the light of the classroom causing jungkook's heart to skip a few beats.

'he looks so beautiful' Jungkook thinks whilst he stares at Taehyung.

What shocks Taehyung even more is when Jungkook rolls up his sleeve to reveal old scars.

The scars line his wrists in an orderly fashion as if they're prosthetics or something. They feel surreal to Taehyung although that might be to do with the fact that he wishes they weren't real as Jungkook's someone he cares about deeply, even though he refuses to admit it.

The scars are like lumps on his tanned skin that protrude dangerously. However, without looking, you wouldn't even notice them being there.

Even Taehyung hadn't noticed them before and it's not even as though Jungkook tries to hide them.

He isn't ashamed of them. They're part of his story and Jungkook knows they're a part of him.

He doesn't necessarily embrace them, but he doesn't feel the need to hide them away. It's not as though they're a monster, they're a part of his life. His history.

"You're like me" Taehyung whispers, eyes sparkling.

Jungkook rolls down his sleeve again.

"I might not know your pain or what you're going through, and I doubt I'll ever be able to fully understand your story, but nobody is as happy or as 'perfect' as they seem. I've gone through my trauma and I've made my own choices and now I'm here to help you with yours. Taehyung you don't need to do this" Jungkook says sweetly.

"I deserve it"

"Nobody deserves to feel that way. To feel so alone, so helpless, so unwanted. Especially not you Taehyung. You're so beautiful and amazing and kind and sweet and compassionate. You hide behind the persona of rudeness and hatred as you're fragile and scared-"

"Broken" Taehyung interrupts, with a face cherry red from the compliments.

"Not broken. Just a little damaged. But I can help with that"

"You're going to fix me?"

"You're already perfect so there's nothing to fix cutie"

Taehyung flushes an even darker shade of red from the pet name.

Despite not wanting to admit it, Taehyung loves a good pet name and being called cute is right at the top of that list. Especially when hearing it from jungkook's mouth. It sounds so attractive hearing it roll off of his tongue.

"But if I was perfect then I wouldn't be like this" Taehyung says with a sigh.

"The best people get hurt as they've got to sort out the strong from the weak, the brave from the cowardly" Jungkook explains.

Tears fill up in Taehyung's bright eyes.

"What if I'm not strong enough or brave enough?"

"You're the strongest and bravest person I know. And it's ok not to be strong all of the time. I'll catch you when you fall pumpkin" Jungkook says sweetly.

Taehyung bottom lip starts to wobble so he looks away to keep himself composed.

"I care about you Taehyung"

That's enough for Taehyung to break. Small tears roll down his face as he looks to the floor through blurry eyes in an attempt to hold them back.

"Come here" Jungkook says as he opens up his arms wide for Taehyung to go into.

He hesitates slightly, but knowing that he's crying and the whole class could be able to see it, he shuffles in his seat into jungkook's warm embrace.

He's cared in warm masculine arms that are muscular but also gentle and warm. Taehyung feels at home in his embrace. He feels love and admiration from Jungkook and feels the same towards him.

'im catching feelings' Taehyung thinks to himself, however, he feels no fear.

Jungkook rubs circles on Taehyung's back, making him secretly smile into jungkook's chest. Tingles spread like wildfire throughout their bodies.

Neither of them want the moment to end.

Gently Jungkook pulls back and reluctantly Taehyung does as well, which causes a warm smile play on jungkook's lips.

He swipes his finger across Taehyung's cheek, removing any trace of him crying. Then, he gently kisses him on the cheek.

He's not sure what possesses him to do so, but when Taehyung flushes red and hugs him tighter, he knows it was the right thing to do.

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