Time| 14

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Later on that day, the last bell of school rang.

A flurry of kids raced out in their social groups, bounding around together and talking at the tops of their lungs.

Even Jimin left the school with his boyfriend, although he was unsure where his other boyfriend was.

But then there's Taehyung. He sits down alone in the empty classroom, dreading going back home.

His thighs already hurt from the cycle to school and he couldn't hate the journey any more than he already does.

And it's not as though he's got anything good in store for him when he goes home. He's lucky if he only gets a few hits and verbal slurs.

He's worried about his mother and how angry she will be with him for having a few sips of his smoothie. But that might actually get her up and out of bed.

Yes he's annoyed that he consumed the calories, but if that's what it takes for her to finally do a basic human task, then anything is worth it for her.

Besides, he can just stay up all night doing fitness stuff. Well that's if his father isn't fucking another useless slut like usual. There's no way his PG ears want to hear that.

He shudders from the thought.


When the teacher enters the classroom, he finally realises he's been sitting in the classroom for over an hour procrastinating.

"Taehyung?" He asks, as if he's already forgotten the new students name.

"Yes sir?" Taehyung tries to answer confidently but it comes out more meek and shy than anything else.

"What are you still doing here? It's already 4:30 school ended an hour ago"

"Sorry sir, I lost track of time. I shall be on my way now" he mumbles.

He slings his backpack over one shoulder and quickly walks out if the room. His cheeks are bright red from embarrassment.

'note to self. Don't lose track of time again'

Taehyung's so deep in his thoughts that he doesn't even notice the voice calling out to him, asking for him to slow down.

But as soon as a large hand is placed on his shoulder, Taehyung screams. He tries to turn around but ends up tripping on his undone shoe lace and landing face first on the schools laminate floor.

The friction ends up grazing his face, leaving a dark red cut on his cheek.

"Ah fuck. That hurt" Taehyung mutters.

'another note to self, make sure my shoelaces are done up'

"Sorry. I didn't mean to scare you" a familiar warm voice says. "I would've caught you again but I moved away when you screamed"

Taehyung is hauled to his feet by no other than a sweaty Jungkook. His normally curly black hair is pulled up into a man bun on top of his head, revealing his sweaty forehead.

Small whisps of hair that don't fit up into his bun, are glued to the sides of his face showing off his deadly sharp jawline.

His dark orbs are filled with concern and warmth, as though you're outside in the dark sitting next to a fire causing you to feel all toasty and warm inside.

As though you've drunk a tall glass of hot chocolate.

Galaxies swim in his dark eyes making Taehyung wonder if he has stars in his own eyes. Or maybe his starts have burnt out.

The stars are a symbol of youth and promises. A child like ignorance to the world however Jungkook has a trusting mature vibe dripping off of him like the sweat that's gently rolling down his face.

Taehyung could admire Jungkook all day, but he's done that for long enough now.

Long enough that even Jungkook is aware of his staring and it's making him smirk and his ego boost.

"Sorry to break it to you, but you need to stop staring now. We need to get going home or we're going to be locked in the school" Jungkook says with a smug smirk.

Taehyung's cheeks flush a dark red and he hides his face in his hands.

He whimpers in pain when his fingers bush his bruising cheek. This pain isn't anything unusual and is normally worse, but he's actually allowing his vulnerable side to show around Jungkook.

Maybe he trusts him, or maybe it just keeps up the act of being a normal kid, not abused or hurt.

Either way, Jungkook sees the youngers pain and a feeling of guilt settles down inside.

"Sorry" Jungkook mumbles. "I didn't mean to hurt you"

"That's fine. I best be going home now. See you later" Taehyung says cheerily.

Jungkook smiles sweetly and waves him off. He watches as the short male walks down the side walk on his way home.

He feels all warm inside when he's around Taehyung, as if all the missing pieces finally come together.

He feels complete.

However he has only known him for a day so he might just see a best friends qualities in him. He just wants to explore this emotion, as this emotion is exhilarating.

He walks home with a big goofy smile on his face for the whole world to see. He's just so happy and the only explanation for that is the blond haired new kid.

It's got him feeling things he's never felt before. And he's well and truly addicted to the feeling.

On the other hand, Taehyung walks down the road passing all the nice fancy houses. Often he fantasizes how it might feel living in one of them, having a family that loves and cares for their child.

Having a mother that wants her kid to eat and grow up nice and tall.

Having a father who wants his kid to be happy and is his pride and joy.

But then he gets onto thinking about Jungkook; his good looks and kind heart.

When he unlocks his door, he has a big smile on his face that's quickly wiped away.

"You're home late!"

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