Bad Habits| 65

206 14 8

Taehyung's own screams echo in his own ears as he looks down upon the burnt shape in his skin.

Its a triangle.

Nothing fancy, but the immense pain he had to go through is immeasurable. The pain had knocked him out.

But now here he is, sitting on the floor in the bathroom during his lesson, unwrapping the bandage that hides it and looking down apon it. It lies in-between his elbow and wrist on his forearm.

The memories of his own screams last night, as his father pinned him down on the floor and held his wrist up to be able to apply the burning hot metal stick with the triangle shape on the end on his arm, sends shivers down his spine.

He's scarred.

Physically and mentally.

He noticed his skin that's starting to blister and groans. This is going to be beyond painful to deal with.

Using all the energy that he's got in him, Taehyung uses the wall of the stall he's in and the toilet seat to haul himself back up onto his feat.

He leaves the stall and then looks at himself in the mirror. He's wearing makeup to hide the bruises, but the greeny yellow colour still manages to be seen slightly on his cheek.

Jungkook had asked about the makeup, but Taehyung only told him that it was to hide the spots that are starting to show on his face.

Jungkook had assured him that he would like him, even if he did have spots on his face, but Taehyung still seemed off.

Even now in class, Jungkook can't help but think about Taehyung and his change in behaviour. He's scared that Taehyung might not like him anymore. However it's far more sinister. And part of Jungkook knows it.

Taehyung walks into class very late, everyone looks over at him as he walks meekly into class.

The lights are off and there's a movie playing on the board. It doesn't look very exciting, although Taehyung feels rather vulnerable walking in Infront of a bunch of people.

"Sorry I'm late sir" he mumbles, bowing his head.

"Why were you late Taehyung?"

"I-i.... sorry sir"

"You didn't answer my question" his teacher snaps. "Several of your teachers have marked you late to their lessons today Taehyung. I'm disappointed in you"

"Sorry sir"

"Just get to your seat" he tells him. "I can't bare to look at you anymore" he mutters.

Taehyung nods and scurries to his seat in the back corner of the class which happens to be next to Jungkook. 

"Hey baby you alright?" Jungkook asks.

Taehyung nods his head quickly and looks away from people feeling a few tears roll down his cheeks.

Luckily the lights are off otherwise the students in class might see him crying.

Jungkook places his hand on Taehyung's knee. It makes the smaller male flinch.

Jungkook draws back with a confused expression. Its been a while since Taehyung has flinched from him. It makes him scared that Taehyung's reverting back to old ways. His bad habits.

"Hey Tae what's wrong?"

Taehyung turns round to face Jungkook. A few tears trickle down his cheeks. He hates feeling so vulnerable all the time. Even just walking into class and being called a disappointment has got him feeling vulnerable.

"Baby" Jungkook coos, his facial expressions softening a little.

He strokes away the tears on Taehyung's face, frowning when Taehyung flinches a little again.

But then something catches his eye. Something far worse than his tears.

A bruise.

He thought he saw one earlier on his face, but where his tears have washed away his makeup, he can see one as clear day day even with the lack of lighting in the room.

"Taehyung what happened here?" Jungkook questions.


"Did someone hit you?"

"N-no. No way. I opened a cupboard door onto my face. You know how clumsy I am" Taehyung tries to shrug it off.

"No you didn't" Jungkook doesn't buy Taehyung's bullshit.

Taehyung frowns at Jungkook.

"Stop being so serious Kookie" Taehyung says trying to lighten up the situation. He places his hand on Jungkook's knee. "It was just an accident"

"Taehyung someone can't accidentally hit you"

"Nobody hit me! I told you what happened" Taehyung hisses.

"Do you ever stop lying?" Jungkook growls angrily. "All you ever do is lie. Doesn't it get tiring?"

"That's harsh Jungkook" Taehyung says dejectedly.

"But I'm not wrong. I don't think I've ever heard you say anything truthful before. I mean do you even like me?"

"How dare you!"

Taehyung stands up angrily. Everyone's eyes turn towards the source of noise which happens to be Taehyung.

But this time he doesn't shy away from the eyes.

"What?" Taehyung snaps looking at everyone in the class. "What're you looking at?"

"Taehyung!" Yoongi says standing up. "It's ok maybe we should go outside and take a moment to calm down?"

"I'll go out on my own. I don't need you or anyone else for that matter" Taehyung then looks angrily towards Jungkook. "And for the record I was telling the truth when I told you that. I can deal with you calling me a liar, but don't ever question my integrity or feelings!"

Then Taehyung walks abruptly out of class, not sparing anyone another glance.

He's now back to being a lone wolf. Maybe that's just the way he's destined to be.


Taehyung walks home slowly, the pain in his body is too strong to move any faster, however, the pain in his heart is even stronger.

Once he gets home, he steps over broken beer bottles and empty cans before passing his passed out father. He manages to seek into his room.

And as soon as he makes it inside his room, the tears just won't stop flowing.

He falls down onto his pile of blankets that he calls a bed and cries his eyes out, trying to be as quiet as possible.

It hurts so bad.


A/n: got a Halloween party tonight. Updating before people get here ✌️
Got this concept idea from squid games lmao. Love that show
Hope you're enjoying the story

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