Gangdo| 52

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Taehyung goes back inside to the boys. He sees Jimin holding an ice pack up to Yoongi's cheeks and Hoseok watching them two with worry.

"Hey Yoongi how are you doing?" Taehyung asks.

The latter nods and puts a thumbs up, not wanting to move his jaw as it hurts so bad.

"I'm so so sorry with what happened with her. She should never have hit you. She was never like that before. I sent her packing though"

"Taehyung, it's not your fault" Jin says warmly, touching Taehyung's arm slightly. "You can't blame yourself for someone else's mistakes"

Taehyung bites his lip, stopping himself from saying something he'll regret.

"Taehyungieee" Jimin rings, letting Hoseok take over putting ice on his boyfriends jaw. "Can you call Jungkook and let him know what happened, we were supposed to be going round to his"

"Umm.... Jimin I'm sorry I just don't think that's a good idea as of right now"

"And why not?" Jimin asks playing the innocent card

Taehyung sighs.

"Jimin we all know why. I said I wasn't going to do anything about getting Jungkook back"

"But this isn't about you" Jimin lies.

Everyone knows it's an attempt to get Taehyung and Jungkook to fix what happened and to start dating, but Taehyung's having none of it.

"Jimin stop!" Taehyung snaps loudly.

His outburst draws the attention of the other boys.

"Just stop it" he whispers.

"What's going on?" Namjoon asks, trying to fix the situation.

"I-um..... never mind" Taehyung mutters. "I'm going up to bed"

He looks over at Yoongi.

"I hope you feel better soon and your jaw is okay" Yoongi gives him a soft smile and then Taehyung looks at each one of the males before resting his eyes on Jimin. "You guys can all let yourselves out when you're ready. You don't need to tell me when you go"

Taehyung then hurriedly rushes upstairs and shuts the door of his room, begging that none of the others break his rule and come upstairs or start looking round his house.

He sinks down behind the door of his wall and allows the first few tears to drop out of his eyes. He watches as they splash down onto his grey joggers creating damp little circles in their path.

A few more tears leak from his eyes and before he knows it, they're dripping from his eyes quicker and quicker.

He has to choke back the sobs and strangle his cries. Taehyung's fingers wrap around his throat, suffocating himself to relieve the pain.

But it's not enough.

It hurts too bad.

'One- I've got feelings for a boy - which my father would kill me about if he found out.
Two- I fucked it up and kissed my best friend- who's female and I'm not even straight
Three- I've pushed him away- because I can't let anyone get close to me or I'll get hurt
Four- I love him- and I'm not even allowed to'

Taehyung thinks over the situation, grimacing at the pressure of his fingers on this throat.

Finally he has to release them, knowing that he can't carry on any longer. He can feel the bruises forming already and how his skin is becoming an angry red colour.

But it's not enough.

It doesn't hurt enough. It doesn't take away his emotional pain enough.

So he ups the level of pain.

Searching through his cabinet drawer, he manages to hear the clink of what he's looking for. He pulls out a small, purple butterfly box.

Lifting up the lid, he finds a family photo. It's the only one they have. It has him, his older brother and sister, his parents and his old dog before she died.

It's the only happy memory he has of his family and it quite possibly is the only one they ever had.

They were all down on the beach, Taehyung had dropped his Mr whippy so his sister allowed him to have the flake of hers.

He remembers smiling so hard that his cheeks hurt. It was the best day of his life. He remembers the seagull that came and stole his brothers chips.

"What should we name him?" Jaehun asks little Taehyung.

"Gangdo" Taehyung responds (which means robber in Korean)

"Good choice bear"

Jaehun ruffles Taehyung's silver blonde locks. It makes him giggle.

"I love you baby bear, never forget that"

Taehyung looks up at his brother with his box smile and makes grabby hands at him. His brother compiles with Taehyung and picks him up.

"I love you too" he says.

Jaehun laughs at Taehyung's cute little voice and kisses him on the cheek.

Tears drip down Taehyung's cheek and merge with the blood that pours from his wrist.

Yes, blood.

Behind that image are a stash of his sharpest blades. The blades that can do the most damage to his skin. The ones that are they for when Taehyung's ready to end it.

Whilst recalling the memories, he cut deep into his honey skin, deeper than he'd realized.

He looks at the perfectly aligned cuts on his wrist that spill dark red blood. Once the blood leaves the trench he has made, different hues of crimson and Scarlett stain his skin.

"Fuck" Taehyung mutters under his breath.

He hears a small slam of the front door downstairs which eases his stress a little bit.

He grabs a box of tissues from across the room and sits on his bed to try and clean the cuts. But the blood doesn't stop of even ease up.

It just continues to spill out of Taehyung's wrist until his vision becomes a little blurry and black spots dance Infront of him.

He wraps a bandage around his wrist, but instantly the blood soaks straight through his attempts to stop it.

"What should I do?" Taehyung wonders.

He recons he needs stitches.

A knock on the bedroom door adds to Taehyung's problems.

'who's upstairs?' Taehyung wonders worriedly. 'nobody is allowed up here'

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