Clothes| 28

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Both boys are left startled with wide eyes and speeding hearts.

"I've got to go" Taehyung repeats as he stands up once again and brushes off the imaginary dust from his ass.

"Looking like that?" Jin scoffs. "You won't make it half way down the street before someone reports you for murder"

"I've walked this far with only a few looks here and there. Besides what makes you so sure that I'm not a murderer? A criminal?"

"Look at you" Jin says with an amused tone in his voice. "You're hardly murderer material. You can't even stand on your own feet for more than a few seconds so I'm hardly afraid of you"

This makes Taehyung pout a little bit. He knew that he was weak, but he didn't realize he looked so defenceless.

"You're like an angry kitten" Jin goes on to say. "You think you're big, bad and scary, but actually you're just amusing and cute"

"Am not!"

"Are too" Jin says with a little giggle. "Now let me go and get you something to change into. My part of town is rather posh and you're looking like the complete shambles. Clearly you haven't come from my city to get here"

"Charming" Taehyung says sarcastically whilst rolling his eyes.

"You haven't exactly been the most polite guest either. Two can play that game Taehyung, I'm merely just playing to your rules"

With that, once again, Jin walks out of the room leaving Taehyung to stand there awkwardly like a melon.

"Come on, I need to know your size" Jin calls from another room.

Taehyung debates whether to remove his shoes or not, but decides that Jin's carpets becoming muddy simply isn't his problem.

'two can play it that game' Taehyung mocks mentally.

Whilst he's having a tantrum in his brain, he walks through the exquisite house, making sure to look at anything that could pose as a threat.

He follows where he heard Jin's voice coming from.

Taking a sharp turn left, he sees another hallway. All the doors are shut other than one, which is where Jin stands with a big grin on his face.

This threatens Taehyung a little bit as he would like to know all the dangers that could be behind these doors but he decides he could always run back to the room he was in before.

He saw a window in there that he could quite easily jump out of and not break any bones.

Good job they're only on the ground floor!

"There you are. Come on. I think something of my little sister's might fit you" Jin usher's him along.

Taehyung scrunches up his nose. He doesn't want to dress like a girl.

"How old is your sister?" Taehyung questions.

"12. But you're so skinny that you would probably fit into one of her belts"

It makes Taehyung roll his eyes.

'im not skinny' he thinks to himself despite getting told that he is countless times.

They both walk into the room together. Taehyung's jaw drops at the sunset colours that sparkle around the room. He though such a classy place wouldn't be capable of such vibrant colours.

Jin chuckles when he looks back at Taehyung's expression. It makes the younger male flush bright red.

"Ok I'll give you some of my clothes and then you can use her belt" Jin looks at Taehyung up and down. "On second thoughts maybe you might need something smaller"

He throws what he previously had in his hands into a pile on the floor and scavenges for something more suitable.

"Ah ha. Found it!" Jin exclaims.

He holds up the clothes to Taehyung's body but frowns slightly.

"Still a little big but it'll do" he mutters.

He hands Taehyung the clothes and walks out of the room.

"Lemme know when you're done" Jin says before leaving.

Taehyung's left standing awkwardly in the middle of the room. He shakes it off and closes the door before he starts to strip Infront of the mirror.

He hadn't realised quite how much blood he had on himself. He does look bad.

Noticing an ensuite door open, Taehyung walks into that room and turns on the faucet.

He splashes his hands and face with water, removing the blood that has dried on his skin off.

He looks at his gaunt face in the mirror and notices the unusual panda eyes that look back at him.

He looks soulless.


This is something that Taehyung isn't used to. He's used to keeping himself together, never revealing any signs of not being ok.

But here he is in a stranger's home, looking anything but ok.

Here he is looking vulnerable.

And that's not a look that he likes on himself!

Taehyung grabs a hand towel and uses it to dry his wet hands and face. He also rinsed his hair under the tap as it had clumps of mud in it so he dries that too.

Afterwards he walks back into the room which he was in before.

Looking into the floor to ceiling mirror, he notices his permently shrinking stomach looking like a bowl you would eat cereal out of.

"Look how fat I am" Taehyung mutters angrily to himself.

He pinches at the skin that hangs around his stomach and pulls at it angrily. He yanks at the tiny bits of fat until they are red raw.

"So ugly" he tells himself. "Never beautiful"

Then he looks at his own reflection dead in the eyes.

"Go kill yourself why don't you" he whispers into the air.

Slightly offended by his own words, Taehyung refuses to look into the mirror, to remind himself just how ugly he is.

He refuses to look at he ugly blanket of bruises that litter his milkey white body or the scars that sliver through his skin.

Instead he just puts on Jin's clothes like an obedient child: like a robot.

And when he's changed, he doesn't even bother looking back in the mirror.

And when he's changed, he doesn't even bother looking back in the mirror

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A/n: guys this is how he would have looked. I didn't want to describe It so here's the photo. Hopefully it shows up for you :)

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