Guarded| 9

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The unknown male leads Taehyung down a dark corridor.

The lights flicker on and off, clearly from low maintenance and an even lower budget. The walls here are a mix of purple and black but the orange hue from the light makes them look distorted. Like the monsters you're warned about, when you're little, that live under your bed.

If Taehyung ever imagined he was going to be murdered, here would be the place.

'I hope he doesn't kill me'

'fuck what have I gotten myself into'

"my noodle arms are no match for those muscles"

A snort of laughter from the guy above snaps Taehyung from out of his thoughts.

"try to keep your thoughts to yourself" the guy holding says whilst laughing.

Taehyung hadn't realised he had said that last comment out loud. But his bright red face does.

He feels vibrations against his chest that bounce off from the male that's holding him in his arms. The feeling is foreign and Taehyung's fearful that he will grow to like the sensation. Or will grow attached to the said male.

He squirms in his arms, trying to be set free. It causes rumbles of laughter to ripple from the guys mouth.

"you're cute" he says in his masculine voice.

His tone isn't too deep and dangerous but isn't high pitched and squealy either. Let's just say he is no chipmunk nor a koala.

"t-thanks" Taehyung curses at himself for stuttering but its been so long since he's heard that, that he doesn't quite know how to react.

"it sounds weird hearing a guy with such a deep voice stutter" the guy says with a chuckle. "I wouldn't mind hearing it more often"

Often Taehyung forgets just how deep his voice actually is. He's not used to speaking very much so sometimes he makes himself flinch with the way that he speaks.

The guy leads Taehyung over to an equally deserted staircase. He sits the smaller male down and crouches down to his sitting height. He ends up sitting on the heels of his feet with his palms on Taehyung's knees to keep balanced.

"how you feeling?" he asks.

Taehyung looks up from the floor and almost gasps at the male in front of him. He has jet black hair, as dark as the night and inquisitive onxy orbs that entice you.

To say this man wasn't attractive would be a lie. He's smoking hot.

His hair hangs in a wavy mop against his spot free forehead giving him a masculinity about him. A small scar is revealed on one of his cheeks and it takes everything inside of Taehyung to not touch his carefully sculpted face.

Below one lip is a mole that breaks up the symmetrical perfection on his flawless face.

If God created humans, then it means that he created this beautiful specimen. And Taehyung would go to church any day to see this man.

All the words in the dictionary seem like an understatement to describe this guy.

The males face is contorted into worry and seriousness but Taehyung doesn't want to slip back into reality. Checking out this handsome guy feels like far more fun.

His musky cologne wafts up Taehyung's nose making him feel as though he's finally found a home in this guy that he's known for less than an hour.

All the pieces of the Jigsaw seem to fit together now and Taehyung's heart feels somewhat less empty.

But he has to face reality sooner or later and it better be sooner as he has been staring at the guy for far too long, shamelessly checking him out.

"W-what was your question" Taehyung croaks out, his throat feeling dry all of a sudden.

The guy chuckles revealing bunny like teeth through his thin pink lips. It adds a child like innocence about him that detracts away from his dominant aroura.

It adds a shield of comfort about him and makes him a little less scary. It adds humanity in his unrealistic structure and face.

Taehyung likes this.

But there's no way of knowing if this guy is even gay. Equally there's nothing wrong with a bit of eye candy, so Taehyung will take whatever he can get.

"I asked how you're feeling" he repeats with a cheeky grin on his face. Part of Taehyung wants to remove that shit eating grin from his mouth as its doing his massive ego no good.

But he has no reason to be rude currently.

"I'm alright. I'm sorry about what happened earlier. Thank you for catching me" Taehyung mumbles shyly.

"do they happen often? Your panic attacks?" the male asks.

"no offense but I don't know you and that's none of your concern"

The male clicks his tongue and rolls his eyes like a little whiny baby.

"but I'm your hero and I'm worried about your welfare. I have the right to ask"

"no you don't!" Taehyung snaps. "And your not my hero, you just happened to catch me. Besides, I don't even know your name"



"that's my name. Now it's your turn"

"Taehyung" he says and sticks out his hand for a handshake.

Jungkook chuckles revealing his adorable bunny smile and does what Taehyung asks by shaking his hand.

"now we know eachother better. Do these panic attacks happen often?" Jungkook asks once again.

"Why do you care?"

"because I want to be prepared if it happens again or if there's anything I can do to help you"

"I don't need pity or your support. I do just fine on my own" Taehyung says with an angry scoff.

Jungkook only rolls his eyes.

"Stop being so stubborn and let me help you, look after you"

"I don't need looking after!" Taehyung exclaims in anger. "we don't know eachother and that's the way things shall stay"

Jungkook let's out a dejected sigh.

"stop being so guarded. I'm just trying to help"

Briskly Taehyung stands up.

"I don't need your help!"


A/n: I've been inspired for this chapter by the song savage love (video is up at the top). Hope you're enjoying the book.

Weightless| Vkook 💜حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن