I'm Gay| 48

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Just as the others go to walk away, they see Taehyung push her away.

Next they watch as he bursts into tears and crouches down on the floor, with his knees tucked into his chest, and just sobs.

Jimin's about to go down there, but Yoongi holds him back and shakes his head. His boyfriend gets the signal and stays where he was, heart breaking at the sight of Taehyung crying so furiously.

"Why?" Taehyung shouts at the sky. "Why can't I love you?"

Areum feels sick. She thought he had feelings for her. She thought he still loved her. She longed for him to love her the way she loves him.

But he doesn't.

She had felt so sure, so confident that he was in love with her still. And when he pulled her in to kiss her further, she really thought that this was going to work, that they were going to get together.

"Taehyung I-"

"NO!" Taehyung shouts, interrupting her. "YOU JUST DON'T GET IT"

She starts crying, not understanding why Taehyung's so upset, not understanding why he doesn't have feelings for her.

Areum knows it might be narsaaissic to say, but she knows she's pretty and nice and funny. And she knows she's a catch with the guys considering that so many have asked her out. She knows Taehyung used to have feelings for her.

But what she didn't know was that he no longer feels the same.

Back then she was in love with him, she was besotted by him. But being a few years older than him, she couldn't date him. It would've been a case. So she kept her love to herself, never letting Taehyung know of her feelings.

Until now.

"Taehyung I'm in love with you" she cries. "I always have been. It has always been you. I used to watch you from across the hall, you were always the one who stood out. Your ethereal looks always caught my attention and your cute but shy personality was honestly the most adorable thing I've her seen"

She crouches down to his level and cups his hot cheek in her equally as hot hand.

"Taehyung I know you love me" she whispers to him.

Taehyung's breathing is laboured and is broken up with hiccups that hurt his throat and chest. He feels like there's a monster living in his body that wants to escape, but in the process it's killing Taehyung.

He pushes her away and stands up on wobbly legs. His vision goes blurry and black dots swim in it. For a few seconds he has to hang his head and close his eyes, which to Areum, makes her think that he's really upset with what he's about to say.

Once the sensation passes, he slowly looks across at her.

"I'm sorry" he whispers

His aqua eyes sparkling with tears and many emotions that he doesn't know how to speak.

"But I'm not in love with you. I'm in love with Jungkook. A boy. And I can't be"

Her heart is shattered.

"FUCK!" Taehyung shouts out in anger. "I can't be gay. He will kill me"

"Who will?" Areum asks, despite her heart hurting so bad.

But Taehyung shakes his head.

"I'm fucked" he breaths.

She goes to grab his arm but he dodges her.

"I'm sorry" he repeats over and over again, backing away from her. "But Areum I'm gay"

He spins on his heel, but ends up spotting Jimin. Then he notices his boyfriends and Namjoon.

"SHIT!" He exclaims, knowing that he's completely messed this one up.

"Hey Taehyung wait!" Jimin cries.

But the younger is off like a shot in the other direction. Jimin goes to follow but Namjoon tells him to give Taehyung some space.

Tears cascade one after another down Taehyung's burning red cheeks. A little bit of snot even hangs from his nose, but now isn't the time to care about looking good or not.

He rubs his cold nose with his hoodie sleeve and tries to dry his eyes. But it's to no avail. More and more tears just leave his eyes.

Due to obscuring his vision with his sleeve, Taehyung doesn't notice the root from the tree sticking out on the pathway.

The root entwines with his ankle, snapping at it like a hungry shark, causing him to plummet down onto the cold hard pavement.

Is chin is first to take impact, his skin is easily split open, like a knife into butter. Blood stains the pavement from his fall, but he barely feels a thing.

Next to take impact are his fragile palms, which split open like his chin has. And then the rest of his body follows suit.

Taehyung cries on the dirty pavement as the first drops of rain splatter down all around him, as if they're mocking him for the way he fell, mimicking his movements again and again and again.

The rain quickly gets heavier.

'why does it hurt so much?' Taehyung wonders.

But he's not talking about his bleeding chin or hands that cry at him in pain. No. He's taking about his heart. It just hurts so bad.

He didn't want to hurt her, or Jungkook. But he knows he hurt her and feels as though he's hurt Jungkook too.

'I can't let people get close to me. This is a good thing that I've hurt them'

"Taehyung?" A voice calls out in the rain.

Taehyung lifts his head to look towards the figure that rushes towards him in the poring rain.

"Jin hyung?"

Jin drops down to his knees and pulls him into his chest tightly.

"It's ok Tae bear. I'm here for you"

Taehyung sobs into Jin's chest. He's so greatful that he's here. He's so glad that he's not alone.

Which makes him realise something.

"I don't want to be alone anymore" Taehyung cries to Jin. "It hurts so bad. I don't want to hurt anymore"

"It's ok Taehyung, I'm here. You're not alone!"


A/n: 10 years ago today I was adopted. Lmao fun fact bout me I guess haha

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