Jin hyung| 26

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Soft lashes flutter open awakening from unconsciousness. Eyes squint as they adjust to an expensive bright light that illuminate the room.

Taehyung groans out in discomfort, wincing once or twice at the searing pain that ripples through his brain like a tide of electricity.

It takes him a few seconds to adjust to the change of light, but when he does, he notices an off white ceiling tinted with a silver sparkly paint.

At first he wonders if he's in hospital, but the ceiling screams money to him. And money is something that no hospital has enough of.

His eyes dart from all the sparkles that litter his vision like little stars to the grey lamp shade that hangs sophisticatedly from the ceiling. It has little cut outs of butterflies and flowers which add to the already calming vibe Taehyung gets from the room.

It's only then does Taehyung realise he's in no familiar territory.

Memories of the past 24 hours creep back into his brain making his face heat up from all the thinking it's having to do.

"Crap" Taehyung mutters. "Have I been kidnapped?"

Despite what you assume would be a panicked tone, Taehyung's actually pretty calm, as though he's almost pleased with the outcome.

A calming chuckle is heard from the corner of the room, it makes Taehyung attempt to sit up and look to the source of the voice, although he's unable to do so.

A sharp pain slivers up his spine, zapping along his body making him cry out in pain.

He looks down at his body to try and find the source of his pain, but sees himself in a much warmer and nicer hoodie that's way too expensive for his budget.

"Gosh are you ok?" The voice from earlier asks as they rush to Taehyung's side.

By now Taehyung should be freaking out, but he just can't seem to find the energy within himself.

He turns his head to the side but grimaces in pain. His neck is really sore, probably due to wiplash from blacking out.

"Are you seriously that unthreatened by me that you haven't even tied up my hands to stop me from escaping?" Taehyung says, completely ignoring the other person's question.

The other person steps into Taehyung's line of sight making Taehyung almost gasp.

A good looking male with a tall lanky frame stands Infront of him. He has cotton pink hair that looks as fluffy as a cloud, arranged into an organised chaos upon his head.

Taehyung would call the style a birds nest, but this guy seems too pristine for that.

"I haven't kidnapped you" he says flashing Taehyung a pearly white grin. "I'm just making sure you're ok"

The male Infront of him walks a little closer but haults when he sees Taehyung's anxiety filled eyes dart around the area, desperately looking for a way out.

"Hey. You're safe here" the male says.

"W-who are you?" Taehyung mentally scolds himself for stuttering.

"I'm Mr world wide handsome. And no I'm not giving out autographs as your friends might get jealous"

When he sees Taehyung's unamused face, the male scratches his neck awkwardly.

"I'm Jin" he says for real this time. "What about you?"

"Why should I tell you my name?" Taehyung asks haughtily. "You're probably going to kill me anyway"

Jin scrunches up his eyebrows into a confused look.

"I'm not going to kill you. You're the one who almost died on the pavement. A little thank you wouldn't go amiss"

"Thank you for not murdering me yet" Taehyung scoffs sarcastically.

"You're welcome" Jin says whilst rolling his eyes. "Kids these days" he mutters to himself.

Taehyung analyses the room, searching for any sign of danger. He scans it like a barcode, leaving not a single square inch of the room unseen.

Finally, when he can't see any danger, he lowers his guard ever so slightly. He looks at Jin up and down suspiciously but decides that he looks too nice to pose as any threat.

"Ever had a pet before?" Taehyung asks him.

Jin goes to question him, but when he sees the deadly serious look on Taehyung's face, he decides that it's not his place to ask.

"Yes I have had a pet before"

"What pet and how many?"

"Baby ducks, I had 4 of them" Jin responds.

"For how long did you have them and what did you do when they were no longer ducklings?"

"I had them for 2 months and 3 weeks but they became too big for me to handle so I set them free in a nearby lake"

Taehyung watches Jin's eyes the whole time he speaks, making sure to catch any lies that he might tell.

Considering that Taehyung lies everyday, and has become rather good at it, he's pretty good at spotting a liar.

Jin isn't lying.

He's being honest.

"Fine. I'm Taehyung"

Jin blinks a few times as his mind tries to process this information.

'he is strange' Jin thinks, 'he asks me about ducks and then trusts me enough to tell me his name'

"You're strange" Jin voices.

He really has no filter. But why would you need one when you're as fabulous as he is?

He is world wide handsome after all!

"I could say the same about you..."

"You're skinny"

Taehyung's eyes sharpen.

"I could say the same about you" the almost growls back.

"Are you hungry? I can make you something to eat" Jin offers politely.

"No" Taehyung says bluntly. "I need to get home now"

He goes to sit up but once again finds himself crying out in pain.

Jin rushes to his side and grabs his arm.

"Do you want-"

"No!" Taehyung interrupts rudely, flinching at the mild contact.

Jin immediately backs off and watches as the poor boy struggles to sit up, biting back all emotions. Trying to fake being ok.

'maybe I should've taken him to hospital'

Taehyung powers on past the pain independently.

As per usual.

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