Hurt| 49

229 13 4

Jin holds Taehyung in his arms, close to his chest.

Even though it's heavily raining, neither Taehyung, nor Jin, care.

He just holds the younger, smaller boy in his arms. Jin can feel his bones sticking out and jabbing into his side, but he ignores the discomfort, knowing that Taehyung's had to endure far worse in his life and is still enduring far more than any boy should.

Taehyung sniffles and removes his head from Jin's chest.

"I should go back" he croaks. "I left my friend out in the rain"

Jin sighs.

"You're in no fit state to go back"

"I need to"

"Fine" Jin gives in. "Then let me help you"

Jin helps Taehyung to his feet, noticing how light he is. His legs are shaky and he's walking is slow.

"Taehyung you can't go and get them" Jin tells him. "Let me take you to my car and then I'll go and get them"

Taehyung goes to disagree but finds himself not having the energy. So he just nods.

"She's called Areum. Very pretty. Dark hair, pale skin. Around 5'6"

Jin nods and carries Taehyung towards his car on his back.

"Hey I can walk" Taehyung lies.

In actual fact his legs are so shaky and his body is so weak from hardly eating and crying so much, that he is completely unable to walk on his own.

Jin ignores Taehyung's statement and soon puts him down and helps him sit in his car.

"There's a blanket in the back there somewhere if you get cold" Jin tells him.

"Thank you hyung"

Jin shuts Taehyung's door for him and goes off to try and find Areum.

But it's to no avail. She's no longer there. Neither are Jimin, Yoongi, Namjoon or Hoseok.

Jin walks back on his own after looking for a good 20 minutes. He just doesn't know where she is.

"Taehyung I'm sorry. I couldn't find her" Jin says worriedly as he gets into the car.

Taehyung, despite being slightly worried, smiles up at Jin.

"I'm sure she's okay. Jimin probably took her back with him. He wouldn't ever let a women stand alone in the rain"

'even if he did see me kiss her'

Jin drives Taehyung back to his home, and allows Taehyung to have a hot shower and change into sweatpants and a massive oversized hoodie.

Well in actual fact the hoodie is meant to be tighter than that, but it completely swamps Taehyung.

He ties the string of the joggers as tightly as possible, but they still end up slipping down a little.

Jin and Taehyung sit down next to eachother on the sofa, sharing a warm, fluffy blanket.

"Jin you're too kind to me" Taehyung tells him.

"Don't be silly Tae. Of course I'm not too kind to you" Jin says with a gentle laugh. "I just don't think that you have had enough people in your life do something for you"

Taehyung shrugs.

"Beggers can't be choosers"

"You're no better Taehyung"

"But yet I still don't get to be a chooser"

"Taehyung you can make your own choices, write your own story, take your own path"

Taehyung snorts.

"That's so bloody inspirational. Where did you read all that?"

Jin chuckles and ruffles Taehyung's hair.

"Shut up cheeky"

Taehyung giggles.

Deep inside Taehyung has to remind himself that he's not being told to shut up in a mean way. He has to remind himself to take a joke.

"So Taehyung" Jin says in all seriousness. "What happened today? Why were you crying"

Hesitating for a few minutes, Taehyung ends up spilling his day to Jin, telling him all that happened, spearing no details.

"...And so I think Jungkook saw me kiss her. But I didn't want that to happen because I'm in love with him. Jin he's the one for me, I can feel it. And I'm so fucking scared"

"Scared of what?"

"That he likes me back"

"Why would that scare you?"

"Because if I let him get close to me, then he can hurt me. Feelings are evil. They let you get attached only to rip out your heart and throw that love back in your face. Love never lasts. It's only there to taunt you"

"Have you ever been in love?"

Taehyung shrugs.

"I don't know" he admits.

"Then how can you tell that it's going to hurt you?"

Taehyung sighs and admits something he never thought he would.

"Because my parents were in love. And now my mom is dead and my dad is a drug addict and an alcoholic..."

Taehyung looks Jin dead in the eyes.

"He used to abuse her"

"Has he ever hurt you?"

"No" Taehyung lies, but the word feels bitter on his tongue.

He can't retain eye contact with Jin. Lying to him doesn't feel right, despite him lying everyday to everybody else.

Jin has just been too kind to him.

Way too kind.

But Jin knows. He knows that Taehyung lied. He knows that his father hurts him too. But what he doesn't know, is what to do about it.

He doesn't even know where Taehyung lives. Even though he could figure it out, as he knows where Taehyung goes to school at and could call social services on his father, he doesn't know who his father is involved in and whether helping Taehyung further will have a negative impact.

So Jin just does what he does best; comforts him.

And he helps Taehyung come up with a plan to talk to Areum.

"What about Jungkook?" Taehyung asks in a child like innocence.

"What do you want to do about him?"

Taehyung shrugs.

"Well is he worth fighting for? Is he worth letting in?"

Once again Taehyung shrugs.

"I don't know. I just know that it would hurt if he left"

"Well if you're in love with him, then fight for him"

Either way Taehyung could get hurt, but the only certain way to get hurt, is pushing him away.

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