Phone Call| 73

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The next few months consisted of interviews from the police, photographs of Taehyung's body for the scars and bruises, photographs of his house and statements to the press.

He didn't want his identity given to the media, so Mrs Jeon did everything in her power to keep Taehyung's identity a secret. For the most part it worked, but a few people could recognise that it was Taehyung due to them releasing photos of Taehyung's house.

Taehyung ended up recieving help for his eating disorder and for the self harming as he now has therapy every week.

"My mother told me just before she died that I wasn't her real kid. Is this true?" Taehyung had asked the police officer.

"I can try and find that out for you Taehyung"

Taehyung was still waiting to hear from them. The police were planning on interviewing his father on the matter and doing a DNA test.

Mr and Mrs Jeon had invited Taehyung into their home and would even let Taehyung sleep in the same bed as Jungkook.

"We are going to make a deal with you two" Mr Jeon had said. "You boys may share a room together due to you both nearly being 18 and you guys can share a bed"

"Obviously if you need or want your own space at some point for any reason at all, we have another spare bedroom for you Taehyung" Mrs Jeon had interjected.

"But" Mr Jeon had continued on "we don't want anything sexual going on when me or my wife are in the house so please be mindful of that"

"And don't do anything unprotected!" Mrs Jeon had added.


"Just saying. Don't blame me if it all goes wrong for having unprotected sex"


So here he was on a Monday afternoon, returning from school with Jungkook, Jimin, Hoseok, Yoongi, Namjoon and even Jin. Yes, they had all gotten rather close after being so worried about Taehyung's well-being.

"Look at this photo of Taehyung sleeping in the hallways today" Jimin says showing the boys the picture with a laugh. "He really is a sleepy baby"

"Hey!" Taehyung whines, pouting a little

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"Hey!" Taehyung whines, pouting a little. "The antidepressants they've got me on are really strong"

Jungkook chuckles and ruffles his boyfriends hair.

"You can have a nap once we get home baby" Jungkook says with a laugh.


Taehyung and the boys all start laughing, chatting about the strangest of things. Taehyung can't remember a time where he's been this happy before.

It feels amazing.

His therapy is really starting to help. They're making him realise all the good things about himself and the amount of people who care about him. They also have taught him that his father can no longer hurt him as he's in prison.

He's unbelievably greatful to the Jeon family, especially his boyfriend, for everything that they've done for him. It means the world to him that they have saved him.

And soon he gets off the antidepressants. Despite this scaring him, he knows that he's got people behind him every step of the way.

"Baby what're you thinking about?" Jungkook asks, kissing Taehyung on the cheek.

"Just how happy I am" Taehyung whispers back, showing Jungkook his boxy smile.

Recently he's been showing his real smile. His real happy smile. And he's been trying to lie less. Obviously he reverts back to old habits every now and again, but who can blame him? He's been taught to do this his whole life.

Before Jungkook can say another word to Taehyung, Taehyung's phone rings. He looks at the called ID to see that it's an unknown number.

"I'll catch you up" Taehyung says, kissing Jungkook on the cheek.

Jungkook looks warily at Taehyung, but his boyfriend shooing his hand at him to tell him to go away gives him a little bit of piece of mind.

'hes stronger than he looks' Jungkook reminds himself. 'he can look after himself. I don't always need to protect him from everything, otherwise I'm going to make him unhappy'

Jungkook catches up with the others and tells them that Taehyung will meet with them later.

As for Taehyung, he sits on the curb of the road and answers his phone.


"Hi is this Kim Taehyung?"

"Yes, speaking"

"Hello. It's the police
department. We are
calling to discuss your
mother and to discuss

whether she was the
one to give birth to you.
Is now a good time?"


"Ok good. You asked us to
find out if your mother
was the one who gave birth
to you as just before she
committed suicide, she told you
that she wasn't your
real mother. Through
doing a DNA test,
we have found out that infact
she is not blood related to you
and in no means is related
to you at all"

"Oh..... well then who is actually my real mother?"

"The one to give birth to you is
Kim Yoasobi. She was a
Japanese woman. Very
beautiful. Brown hair
and striking blue eyes.
I can see where you got your
good looks from" the
police officer tries to joke.

"You said 'was'....what does that mean?"  Taehyung asks, not in the mood.

"She died several years ago.
She was seen in hospital as
she had a triangle burn on her
arm but a few days later, she
was murdered.
The killer was never found"

Taehyung remains silent.

"She had a triangular burn
on her arm, identical to
the one you possess.
The one that your father
gave you. We have reason
to believe that your
father killed your
birth mother and was
planning on doing the same
to you"

"Oh god"

"I'm so sorry Taehyung"

Taehyung's having a heard time processing the information. He can't believe it even though deep down he knows it to be true.

'im going to be sick'

Taehyung hangs up the phone, and hunches over by a bush and is violently sick.

'i thought life was meant to get easier'

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