Panic Attack| 8

398 21 0

Going back along the corridor he came down, Taehyung quickly realises he has no idea where in the school he's meant to go.

On the top of the timetable he has been given is his name in full and underneath it has the list of rules to abide by.

1) never arrive late to class
2) no fighting
3) get good grades
4) don't get in the way

He thinks they sound pretty fair although he feels as though the last rule could have been phrased better.

On his time table it tells him he has maths first. Then korean literature followed by English studies, science, business and psychology.

Once he gets to the stairs, he looks for some sort of clue as to where he's going. But it's to no avail. Apparently the only signposted area is the receptions office.

And she wasn't very friendly in there.

Now he's back in with the crowd of bustling students who are all staring at him as if he's an alien.

One noticeable thing about him is the fact that he's the only student so far who hasn't got black hair. His vibrant golden locks make him stand out from the crowd like some celebrity.

Some people crave attention and thrive in it, others hate attention and drown in it.

And Taehyung's well and truly drowning!

He turns around to look for someone to help him, but all he notices is a ring of students round him, like they would do if there was a fight.

Suddenly he feels even more conscious of his own existence than before. Its an uncomfortable feeling and the anxiety crawls up his body like a spider.

A cold swear forms on his brow as he looks through his hazy eyes at the students who are suddenly blurring together and merging as one.

He spins around again and opens his mouth only to shut it again like a fish out of water. He feels drunk off of oxygen despite being thoroughly sober.

His eyes start glossing over with a film of tears as his lungs gasp for air.

'no no no! Not now! Why do I have to have a panic attack now?'

All their words sound so much louder as they gossip but yet they all merge into one.

He feels as if he's on drugs and the effects are tormenting him. Laughing at him. Punishing him. Manipulating him. Controlling him; like a puppet on a string.

His lungs burn at him, screaming for more oxygen but yet no matter how much he splutters and gasps for breath, he's left stranded.

All their faces are highlighted, revealing their laughing looks and their mocking stares. It overwhelms Taehyung.

'breath!'   He scolds himself, but he isn't Harry Potter where he can just use a spell to force himself to breath.

He's stuck in reality where each gasp he takes is like glass shredding his throat and blood pooling in his lungs. Right now he's vulnerable. And he detests showing his weak side.

His nails drug into the skin on his wrist just below the bone. He creates half moon shaped crevices of red.

The fragile crystal snow is pierced with warm red droplets of blood. They slide down his smooth skin silently like a predator hunts its prey, getting ready to strike.

The bead of blood effortlessly drops to the floor, its so small that prying eyes can't see the self inflicted harm right under their noses.

His head feels like led but as light as a feather at the same time. He's disorientated. Pins and needles scurry up his body, right up his fingertips.

His knees wobble and start to buckle as his body suddenly becomes weightless. He can feel himself falling forward as if he's going in slow motion.

But before his body can completely hit the floor, an arm wraps around his waste protectively. It knocks the air out of his lungs but it also knocks sense into him.

His palms slap the floor and gently he uses them to push himself back up. His knees are shaky and he can almost feel the blood circulating down his body.

When he moves his eyes up from the floor, he notices random people looking over at him or stopping their conversations. Only now is he centre of attention, where as before hardly anyone was looking at him.

Now all eyes are on him.

Now he feels stupid.

'fucking failure' He abuses himself mentally.

Tears prickle at his eyes but he holds them back. He takes a deep swallow to attempt to remove the lump in his throat that's suffocating him.

All of a sudden he remembers the arm that's still wrapped around his waste. It makes the blood rise up into his cheeks causing him to look pretty red. He can feel tingles rushing through his body like adrenaline.

He can feel sturdy muscles supporting his weight, preventing him from collapsing again. He knows this is a males arm and when he looks down he sees exactly what he imagined.

The arm has slight hair on it, but not enough to make him look like a spider. His skin is creamy but not pasty white. His arms are smooth and comforting.

Taehyung would never admit it, but he wishes to stay in these arms forever.

He turns around in the guys arms to look at him. But before he can even catch a look at him face, he's pushed flush into his musclur chest and he starts walking without saying a word.

Taehyung doesn't even get to see who's dragging him away from the crowd of students or get to know his name, but he couldn't be more thankful.

'how will I ever live this down?'

'I'm already a freak'

'an alien'

'I should just leave whilst I can'

When Taehyung tries to get out of the males arms, he's not allowed to leave.

But he is kept shielded from the eyes of others.

From embarrassment.

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