I like you| 63

178 10 2

Taehyung starts taking control of the kiss, he pins Jungkook up against the door with a bang. It knocks the breath out of Jungkook's lungs.

"Damn" Jungkook mutters. "It's nice seeing you take control"

Taehyung smirks.

"I prefer it when you're in control"

Jungkook then spins Taehyung against the door with an even louder bang. And gently pecks his lips. His hand wraps round Taehyung's throat choking him enough to be pleasurable.

Taehyung releases a small fairly quiet moan.

"It's good that I like taking control then" Jungkook says with a wink.

Taehyung pulls Jungkook in for a deep kiss. It's passionate and hot. It makes both of their stomachs swarm with butterflies.

Jungkook slowly draws back, teasing Taehyung with his lips slightly. Their foreheads rest against eachother whilst their eyes are still closed.

"I want you to be mine, Taehyung" Jungkook breathes.


"I like you Tae. I want you to be my boyfriend"

Taehyung pulls away from Jungkook and his aqua eyes stare at Jungkook's jet black ones with a startled look.

"J-jungkook i-"

Jungkook's thumb strokes Taehyung's cheek gently. It tickles slightly but he leans into the comforting feeling of warmth.

"It's okay Taehyung. I get it if you're not ready. I just needed you to know how much I like you"

Taehyung can't help himself.

"I like you too Jungkook" Taehyung whispers before the words that he's spilled can even be registered in his brain.

He can't keep his subconscious wishes and desires at bay any longer.

He closes his eyes, debating his options.

He likes Jungkook.
He likes him a lot.

And Jungkook likes Taehyung.
He even might love him.

"Fuck it" Taehyung says abruptly. "Fuck all the rules I have in place to stop myself from getting hurt. Fuck everything. Fuck it all. I like you Jungkook. I really like you. So please don't break my heart"

Jungkook's whole world lights up.

He's been waiting for this moment for a very long time. Sure, he wasn't expecting it to be in a bathroom stall, but love doesn't wait for the right moment.

"Will you be my boyfriend then?" Jungkook asks with a hopeful smile on his face.

Taehyung grins.

Suddenly he doesn't feel quite so alone in this world anymore. Suddenly he no longer feels so afraid.


Jungkook's eyes sparkle with joy. He picks up Taehyung's skinny frame in his arms in a bear hug and squeezes him as he spins him round.

"Are you serious?" Jungkook asks, not even trying to hide the joy in his voice.

Taehyung giggles. The sound causes butterflies to flutter in Jungkook's stomach.

"Calm down Kookie" Taehyung says with a laugh.

He pulls away slightly from the hug Jungkook had trapped him in and rubs his thumb along Jungkook's cheek and then jawline.

Finally Taehyung looks Jungkook in the eyes.

"I-i like you Kookie" he stutters, now feeling nervous from the intense loving gaze Jungkook looks down upon him with.

"I like you too" Jungkook reassures him confidently.

He cups Taehyung's cheeks, chuckling a little as they squish in his hands.

'Cute' Jungkook thinks to himself, feeling happier than ever.

And Taehyung reciprocates these feelings. Never before has he felt so complete.

'hes the missing jigsaw piece to my puzzle' Taehyung thinks to himself, knowing just how cheesy it would sound if he said it aloud.

But he means it. He knows Jungkook is the one for him. And desperately he hopes it lasts forever.

'ever since the day I first layed eyes on Taehyung, struggling through that massive sea of people, I knew I had to protect him. And look where we are now. He's finally my boyfriend'

Jungkook and Taehyung stay in the bathroom stall talking for a few more minutes before they decide to leave and head back to class.

Neither of them can hide the massive grins on their faces. Nor do they want to.

This is it. This is euphoria!

Taehyung sits down in his seat next to Jimin. His eyes follow Jungkook's figure as he walks to the back of the class and sits next to Hoseok.

"Hellooo? Earth to Taehyung" Jimin says overlly loudly, waving his hand Infront of Taehyung's eyes.

The latter blinks a few times and then looks across at Jimin with a confused gaze.

"Someone seems to have caught your attention" Jimin teases, wiggling his eyebrows mischievously.

Taehyung's face blushes bright red.

"So what if he has?" Taehyung asks notulantly.

"So you're not denying it then?"

"Shut up chim!" Taehyung jokes.

"So when are you going to ask him?" Jimin presses on.

"Ask him what?"

"Out on a date? To be your boyfriend?"

Taehyung smugly smirks to himself.

"I won't need to ask him to be my boyfriend"

"And why not? You two would be perfect for eachother. The loving looks you guys share is enough to melt even the coldest of souls" Jimin swoons. "I mean look at you Tae. You're no longer this ice cold rude boy who shuts everyone out"

Taehyung doesn't say anything. He knows he used to be like that but hearing that hurts a little bit. He doesn't want to ever have been perceived as cold or mean, but that's the price you pay to keep people away from you: to avoid attachment.

As if sensing Taehyung's mood change, Jungkook sends Taehyung a text telling him to turn around.

Taehyung does so with a confused expression and sees Jungkook sending him a finger heart and mouthing
'are you okay?'

It makes Taehyung smile warmly.

He nods and Jungkook and grins. Then he sends him back a finger heart before turning back around to see Jimin with an excited look on his face.

"You guys are already together!" Jimin pieces together, squealing like a fanboy.

Taehyung flushes scarlet red and nods.

"Yeah. Me and kook are together now"

"Yes! Finally! You need to fill me in on the details immediately"

Taehyung giggles and agrees.

Jungkook is his soulmate afterall.

Weightless| Vkook 💜حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن